Saturday, November 30, 2019

THE PUBLICS RIGHT TO KNOW Essay Research free essay sample

THE PUBLICS RIGHT TO KNOW Essay, Research Paper The Constitutional duty of the imperativeness is to inform the populace. The First Amendment comes into direct struggle with the rights and duties of media coverage. There is a all right line between personal privateness and the populaces right to cognize. The fundamental law overrides the option of privateness beside the amendment of freedom of address or freedom of the imperativeness. Freedom of the imperativeness is to be guarded as an unalienable right of the people in a free society. Freedom of the imperativeness carries along with it the right to discourse, inquiry and dispute the actions of our authorities and of our public and private establishments. Journalists hold the right to verbalise unpopular sentiments and the privilege to consent with the bulk. In a conjectural state of affairs, a adult male running for president is caught in a bind where media has to make up ones mind if his private life should be published or non. We will write a custom essay sample on THE PUBLICS RIGHT TO KNOW Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Involving media signifiers such as newspapers and telecasting intelligence. When look intoing affairs in an persons private life there is a inquiry of equity. The possibility of invasion of privateness is besides present. If this information is printed, How will it do the individual experience? In most state of affairss the individual? s life being exposed would experience he is being treated below the belt. However, by non describing such information could evade the electors cognition of the presidential campaigner. A journalist is required to describe, it is at that place occupation. When doing deductions about any individual, the facts must be known without a uncertainty. The inutility of hearsay information or a animus tip does no good on the creditability of the intelligence. If there is possible state of affairs developing, it would be a good thought for a journalist to watch and wait for the events to blossom, so gather the necessary facts upon deriving the information. It is unconstitutional to distribute prevarications about an person. Even if false information is printed it could take a considerable sum of clip for an person to recover the populaces favour. A journalist is taking to be ethical before they print an article. Sometimes it may look as though a author is seeking to destruct an person. In most instances this is non true In any instance an probe is done to garner the facts relevant to the state of affairs. Therefore geting at the inquiry of right poetries incorrect. In some sentiment spying about and glancing through Windowss is sensible. Howeve r this is a major misdemeanor of privateness. The morality of most people would non appreciate the thought of a journalist skulking about descrying on every move they make. In any signifier of intelligence media, information must be gathered to make an accurate image of the existent events. Therefore it is sensible to look into the individual in which information is necessary to obtain. It is unfai R to take the probe to the point where the jurisprudence is broken. What is right and incorrect? There are many state of affairss which sit on the line of right and incorrect. The imperativeness holds the duty to inform the people of the intelligence whether it is logical or non. The Government imposes limitations despite the seemingly absolute nature of the First Amendment to the Constitution, which states? Congress shall do no jurisprudence # 8230 ; foreshortening the freedom of address, or of the press. ? Keeping this in head gives any journalist the right to compose, print, or talk about any thing. If any individual were capable to a similar state of affairs the issues would be wholly different. However, this individual is running for president which makes him capable to the changeless force per unit area of the intelligence media. The individual becomes a mark. The first incorrect move he makes will be on the front page of every newspaper and the top narrative of the eventide intelligence. Even if a common individual was involved, alternatively of a presidential campaigner the imperativeness would hold the option to follow up a narrative on the affair. The Society of Professional Journalists must run under a codification of moralss. This codification summed up in a few sentences provinces that the journalists are to keep the responsibility to function the truth. , stated under the Constitutional function to seek the truth is portion of the populace? s right to cognize the truth. ? We believe those duties carry duties that require journalists to execute with intelligence, objectiveness, truth, and equity, ? the codification says. Journalists are free to any involvement other than the public? s right to cognize. There is a difference between broadcast codifications and newspaper codifications. It is a difference between positive and negative autonomies. Journalists hold the duty to do ethical determinations. They must acknowledge the rules about equity, justness, truth, and the American manner. Peoples are allowed to hold and differ about the right thing to make in tense state of affairss, this is where the affair of sentiment sets in. It would be something for all of us to come to the same justifiable decisions. However, in today? s society sentiments range far and broad. I believe that in the high velocity technological age of today journalists work good to supply the populace with the of import facts of the intelligence. The information is prompt and precise foregrounding the most of import facts. If I was a journalists put in this conjectural state of affairs I would force the power of the journalist to the really border. That is why the jurisprudence was written to protect a journalist from the possibility of traveling to far. As for the turn of right poetries incorrect, would sit on the shoulders of the mean sentiment. The Publics Right to Know CURTIS THE DIRTIS Nov. 11 1996 Communication Theory

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Accounting Concept Essays

Accounting Concept Essays Accounting Concept Essay Accounting Concept Essay The accruals concept brings a meaning that every expense should be recognized as they occurred. (Wild, Shaw, Barbara, 2009) For examples, when an expense incurred, we need to record it in the financial report, not when payment is made. While we receive the goods, we need to record the revenues. We need to record the net profit using the formula of net profit is equal to total revenue total cost. So that, we get a more accurate amount of profit for net profit is not equal to total revenue. When non-compliance of historical cost concept, the value of the assets is not objective and not reliable anymore since the evidence of transaction is not shown. Additionally, the market price changes often according to time period and thats why some users will prefer market value as it is more relevant. At current value, it will distort the whole fabric of accounting. It makes accounting information unreliable. If monetary concept is not practiced into the business, the condition as he unit used for measurement of value is not the same; the information in the financial statement couldnt be compared as its not the same of the real value. Certain information such as the value of workers and the types of goods will not be recorded into the financial as they do not a price for it. If going concern concept is not applied, the business is expected to shut down if the business is facing financial crisis. Therefore, this business would have a negative or pessimistic thinking and this would give a bad image to the public and shareholders. The business might have a hence to revive their business in the future but if they do not have a positive or optimistic thinking, their business would have a high chance of facing bankruptcy if they faced a financial crisis. The information in the financial statement cant be compared anymore, when time interval concept is not used. For example, if the financial statement of a company is prepared annually and the next one is closed in half year, then we cant compare these two financial statements because there are many transactions happen during the time interval, the profit calculated will be not name. Due to the reason the information in the financial statement is no longer reliable. Thus, there would be lesser potential share buyers interested in the company due to unreliable information. When non-compliance of business entity concept, the information in the financial statement wont be appropriate because unrelated information of the owner will be recorded in the financial statement. This will affect the profit and loss of the business because the owner personally expenses and revenues will be recorded in the financial statement. For example, the capital will e taken in as a drawing thus counted as a liability to the business when the owner invested ARM 100,000 into the business. If this concept is not used, the investment wont be record as a drawing. If accrual concept is not applied, the information in the financial statement wont be trustworthy anymore. The expenses wont be recorded when expenses incurred. It will be recorded when payment is made while. If revenues and expenses are recorded when payment made, the profit and loss of the business will become not accurate. Four qualitative characteristics that a uncial statement should posses: Understandability While preparing finance statement, the most significant things is the information should be easily understood by the public and able read through it easily. Relevant information need to be organized under a connected group. This is because it enables public to measure and give Judgment to the performance of the business easily with the accurately reliable information. CITATION we 1 17417 (Wood Gangster, 2012)Relevance The information in financial statement should be materialistic, as it stands as an important point to stakeholders to make a decision while using the information from the financial statement. Furthermore, materiality is one of the relevance criteria, as all the information we find out should be linked to evaluate past evaluation. It also enables the public to predict the future performance of the company. CITATION we 17417 (Wood Gangster, 2012)Reliability Reliable information will be useful to users as it doesnt include any wrong material. Faithful representation is one of the criteria of reliability in the accounting balance sheet. The transaction must represent accurately as at the reporting date. Another criterion in

Friday, November 22, 2019

Build and Use a Tree Leaf and Plant Press

Build and Use a Tree Leaf and Plant Press Way back in the dark ages when I was taking tree identification in college, I pressed hundreds of leaves for further study. Even today, you cant beat using a real, preserved leaf to assist you in tree identification. A properly pressed leaf highlights its structure(s) and provides you with a three-dimensional leaf. Collecting the leaf aids you in the initial identification and gives you a self-made field guide for future help. Difficulty: Average Time Required: 2 to 4 hours (including purchasing materials) Heres How Cut a 24 X 24 plywood square in half to make the top and bottom sections of the 12 X 24 press. Place them on top of each other with edges even (c-clamps or bar clamps can be used to keep the wood in position).At each corner of the top and bottom pieces of plywood, measure in 1 1/2 from sides, 2 from top and mark with a pencil. Using drill bit the same size as your bolts, drill a hole through both pieces at each mark.Insert round-headed bolts up through each hole in every corner of both the top and bottom portions of the plywood press. Make sure the hole is small enough to accommodate the bolt but stops at the head. Add a washer and wingnut to each bolt. You now have a press with adjustable tension.Remove winged bolt nuts, washers and the  top portion of the plywood press leaving the bottom portion of the press and four bolts standing upright. It is from this open position that you load the press with any new leaves.Cut two cardboard pieces to fit between the press but not extend be yond the top, bottom or sides of the plywood press and to fit between the bolts. This cardboard is to go between the wood press top and bottom and the pressed material. Collect tabloid sized newspaper. To use: place leaves between double or triple sheets of newspaper, place newspaper between the pieces of cardboard. Close the press by repositioning the top plywood portion over bolts, attach washers, screw on wing nuts and tighten. Tips: Find a leaf on a tree you either know or would like to identify. Collect the leaf or several leaves that most represent an average looking leaf of the tree species. Use an old magazine as a temporary field press.Identify and label each specimen as soon as you collect it as identification is much easier when you can see the entire tree rather than just a few leaves. Remember to take your field guide along.You should not have to pay more than $10 for the material to build this leaf press. You can purchase presses for about $40. What You Need: 2 X 2 sheet of 1/2 plywoodFour 3 round-headed bolts with washers and wing nutsCircular saw, scissors and drillCardboard and newspaper

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Individual project 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Individual project 2 - Essay Example On the other hand, NASDAQ is highly automated in operations. Trading at NASDAQ happens in the invisible trading system. The second major difference is based on the types of stocks that are traded at each exchange. NASDAQ focuses on high growth IT and Telecommunications industry. Most of the Silicon Valley biggies are actively traded on NASDAQ. Even, IT companies from other countries are listing themselves at NASDAQ through the allowable investment routes. At the same time NYSE focuses on the traditional market consisting of auto, electronic and semiconductors, etc. The charges for listing in NYSE are as high as $250,000 while that for NASDAQ is $150,000. NASDAQ is seemed to be a highly volatile market while NYSE is less volatile. This is also known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act may be defined as â€Å"An act passed by U.S. Congress in 2002 to protect investors from the possibility of fraudulent accounting activities by corporations.† (Investopedia, 2012) The SOX was a result of various well known scams in the early 2000 such as Enron, Tyco and WorldCom. The act lays down various rules and guidelines that have to be followed mandatorily by an organization. The act applies to all publicly listed companies and its two main objectives are investor protection and prohibition of misrepresentation of financial data. The administrative authority of the act is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). As per the Act, a business firm should maintain their financial records at least for a period of five years failing which the concerned authority will be subjected to fines and/or imprisonment. This Act also applies to those companies from other countries that are listed in the US stock markets. The act has brought about changes even to the composition of the board of an organization. Post the act, it is mandatory for all public companies to form an audit committee as part of the board of directors. Companies are also not supposed to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Global Economic Outlook and Challenges Faced by Singapore Essay

Global Economic Outlook and Challenges Faced by Singapore - Essay Example This is endorsed by a survey by the McKinsey Group which finds that amid the uncertainty the prospects for investment banking in the emerging markets remain relatively bright (BÃ ¶hme, Chiarella & Lemerle (2008). Southeast Asia however, has been making solid economic progress since the financial crisis of 1977 but Singapore has been going through a lean pitch and much depends upon the economic activity that take place globally in the near future. The OECD countries accounted for 75% of the world GDP less than 5 decades ago which today accounts for less than 55 percent (Santiso, 2008). The US stock market that accounted for 50% of the world market capitalization now accounts for less than thirty five percent and continues to decline. Emerging markets like Brazil, Mexico, Turkey and South Korea have already become OECD members and Brazil is all set to become the global player. It is growing into a global trader reaching into markets like Middle East, Africa and South East Asia. The subprime crisis of the US can provide new oppurtunities for the Asia-pacific region. The Asia-Pacific investors are playing a key role in supporting the developed countries during the current financial turmoil. Berner (2008) of Morgan Stanley however fears that recession will go global and the industrial economies will be flat in 2009. Most emerging economies have been facing a combination of external shocks and tighter monetary policies. Since the exports to the US would be reduced, it would impact the other economies as they would face decline in employment, which would have pressure on the income, consumers and their lenders. Most predictions estimate that the US economy will take a V-turn and not U-turn. The airline industry too is facing the darkest future as multiple airline liquidations will further cripple the economy that depends on affordable and efficient transportation system.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cultural Anthropology Essay Example for Free

Cultural Anthropology Essay I have read and understand the section in the syllabus (page 6) relating to IWU’s Honesty/Cheating Policy. By affixing this statement to the title page of my homework submission, I am certifying that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this paper I understand the possible consequences of the act which could include expulsion from Indiana Wesleyan University. The results of any form of bullying is troubling, the effects on victims and those family members in some cases lead to catastrophic outcomes or a change in which a victim conducts his or her life. In any case, to change the way you live or stop participating in your favorite activities because of who is waiting for you down the street or in school is the best way to fuel and promote the negative behavior of any bully. All bullies feed off of one factor, fear. If they know they control your lifestyle and places fear or shame in your heart then they have accomplishes just what they have been trying to do, control you. What is cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is a new form of aggressions sought out by those individuals looking to embarrass or harm the victim across the World Wide Web by use of social networks, blogs, email, and other devises use for internet reading and sharing. The outcome of this form of bullying is the same as physical bullying, both with their share of outcomes with negative impact. The anthropology process of this study comprised of various groups of young adult grouped by age, gender and sexuality. The number of participants was 20,000 students from the second wave of the Metro West Adolescent Health Survey. This survey is important because it address one of the main areas concerning all parents of victim child suicide. Here are some facts â€Å"15. 8% of students reported cyber bullying, and 25. 9% reported school bullying in the past 12 months. The overlap between cyber bullying and school bullying was substantial: 59. 7% of cyber bullying victims were also school bullying victims, and 36. 3% of school bullying victims was also cyber bullying victims. Non-heterosexually identified youths were far more likely than were heterosexually identified youths†. What is most alarming with these facts are the following. 37. 8% of victims of either cyber or school bully committed self-injury to themselves, 15. 2% had suicide attempts, 30% had thoughts of suicide while 6. 6% suffer an attempt of suicide with medical treatment. It appears that once a child become victim of bullying he/she fails to speak to adults, thus leading to the child feelings of despair that could trigger an emotional psychological breakdown. It becomes increasingly important for parents to play a strong role in their child’s life. We have to become aware of the surroundings that our children choose to associate as hobbies, friends and media networking. Also communication is a strong asset, share with them that it is ok to tell an adult if they are bullied or threaten in any manner. Sexual orientation plays a role in traditional and cyber bullying as well. It statics show that if a child lives a homosexual lifestyle or is bisexual they have a higher risk at becoming victims to both cyber and traditional bullying. The thoughts of suicide also are a bit higher within this lifestyle. Regardless of the ethnicity the numbers are staggering. The authors in this article have several main points that they want to stress, the first of many is to bring about awareness to this world-wide epidemic of bulling that’s taking the lives of our youth. Secondly, to focus on which age groups are mostly the centers of attacks. Thirdly, to find a solution to combat the practices of bullying in our schools and neighborhoods, their intentions are to educate the general public. They wanted to depict differences between cyber bullying and its relationship to school bullying. Understanding the differences between the two could help facilitate and developed a school prevention systems that could aid those that are victimize of this despicable act of behavior. When taking a look at the length of investigative approaches performed by the authors that conduct this study, it obvious to learn of the great effort put forth to gather such information. In the field of anthropology all cultural anthropologists rely on one scientific method for gathering information while studying cultural, fieldwork. Field work is the characteristic of all the anthropological sub disciplines and is a main source for gathering information that deal with different cultures and ethnicities. To have hands on approach and the study of any giving topic the foundationally foot work starts with an investigative approach in all subject matter, ultimately ending with a solid conclusion that is not just opinionated but scientific truth. In conclusion, the authors of the article try to identify a world-wide epidemic that is affecting our children’s social stability and academic performance. By researching the effects of bullying (rather cyber or school-yard) it allows parents to absorb the harsh realities of what their child could endure as an adolescent under extreme pressure. Children of all ages are taking their own lives as a result of being out-casted by peers of the same group, neighborhood, age, sex, and ethnicity. The real question is why? How far does a child have to be push before his/her mind is made up to commit suicide? We as parents need to beware and actively involved with all social activities and friends that our children consider part of their lives.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Teaching Status Report :: Dunn Middle School Education Teaching Essays

Teaching Status Report As the final weeks of my experience at Dunn Middle School quickly approached I began to reflect on my experience as a whole. All of my initial opinions have changed since the first time I walked into Dunn. I feel so much differently about Mr. Kiernan, the students, and the school experience in general. The closer to the end it got, the more sense of accomplishment and relief began to overwhelm me. I was so proud that I, for the past few weeks had been a real teacher. Up until the end I didn’t feel like a real teacher I felt like something else, I can’t explain what, but I began to realize that the students really saw me as their teacher. They respected and liked me just as much as Mr. Kiernan, and the best part, they learned just as much from me as the would have if Mr. Kiernan had been standing up in the front of the room. However, I also found myself feeling very relieved. For as much as enjoyed my experience, I was ready for it to be over. The final weeks of my experience at Dunn were the most eye opening. After talking to Mr. Kiernan over a casual lunch I learned a lot more about him personally and why he does what he does. My opinion on him has changed immensely since the first day. I went from thinking that he was a mean teacher who didn’t really care about the students or what they learned to realizing that he is one of the most caring teachers I have ever met. He loves to teach. That’s the best thing a teacher could do. If you don’t love to teach, then you will not succeed in the field. He cares more about his kids well being then most in that school. He is the baseball coach outside of the classroom and even checks up on the players in the off season. I still may not agree with all of his teaching strategies, but I do think that he is a good teacher. Caring about the well being of the students, I quickly learned, is sometimes more important then what they learn about math inside t he classroom here at Dunn.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Position Paper- Palliative vs Curative Care

According to the World Heath Organisation (WHO, 2011), Palliative care is an approach, which aims to improve quality of life of patients and families who are crippled with life threatening illnesses. Alternatively, curative care is an approach that aims to prolong life through technological advances and medicine. It seems that the best approach to health care, would be to improve the quality of life as well as prolong life, through a combination of both curative and palliative care. The best approach to health care is a combination of both curative and palliative care. Combining the best of life prolonging technological advances whilst maximising quality of life should be the ultimate aim of all medical practitioners. The basic endeavour should be to cure an individual; however, if the quality of life is impacted it may not be an advisable or worthwhile process. This is the reason why there is a necessity for the integration of both. By curing someone of their disease or illness whilst concurrently giving them a high quality of life through palliative treatment, the objective is achieved. This approach is more appropriate than choosing between palliative and curative, due to the blurred boundaries between what represents curative and what represents palliative care. The natural course and the severity of the disease, and a better understanding of symptoms such as pain, cause the blurred boundaries. (Cooney, 2005). The definition between curative and palliative care are considered dichotomous. However, both methods are needed to achieve optimal results. There are many misconceptions that suggest an ‘either-or’ method. This is heightened by Medicare policies and regulations, and equivalent requirements of some health plans and insurance guidelines (Byock, 2000). Many do not understand that there is an option for both, which is the ultimate alternative. Within the health care system where cure should be valued vastly, palliative is perceived as the second best option and is only presented when there are no better options is available. However, the basic principle of palliative care stresses the value of consistent stability of care such as symptom management (Byock, 2000). Curative care is directed towards seeking a cure for an existing disease or medical condition. Through technology and medicine it prolongs life. Paul Jewell’s (2005) article on the sanctity of life states that this notion of the sanctity of life is promoted as an ethical standard, a conduct to professional practice and legislated constraints. His article further suggests that medical practitioners are expected to work in ways that correspond to common social expectations and legal restrictions. Thus, signifying that the main concern should be the wellbeing of the patient. Within the Australian Medical Association’s code of ethics, it is stated that there is a responsibility to preserve life, however, where death is deemed to be pending and where curative or life-prolonging treatment is absent, one must try to certify that death transpires with dignity and relief through palliative care (AMA, Code of Ethics, 2004). It is through the reasons listed above and a basic understanding of human rights that insist that all individuals should aim to be cured. Curative methods such as chemotherapy are expensive procedures. According to Simoens et, al. (2010), the smallest proportion of hospital costs are in the palliative care unit. For some this may be a motivation to choose palliative over curative, however, the value of life is more important than the cost. Palliative care is as essential as curative because there is no point in curing a patient and then leaving them with a poor quality of life. The aim of palliative care is to relive symptoms of ill patients and improve quality of life. Despite the technological advancements in medicine, many illnesses elude cure. Thus it leaves terminally ill patients, and patients with chronic diseases with palliative care being a necessity (Doyle et, al. 20). Therefore palliative is highly important and possibly the only option for the treatment of those individuals. Palliative care specifically cares for those who are terminally ill focusing not on curing them but treating their symptoms, making them comfortable while controlling their pain. It allows the patient to feel in control of their treatment and their quality of life. It also allows individuals and families to understand that dying is a normal stage and an inherent part of life, and to come to terms with the inevitable. Through a developmental approach, this step presents perspective and opportunity for the individual to discover ways of growing and developing towards a â€Å"self-determined sense of completion in personal, interpersonal and spiritual realms of life† (Byock, 2000). During this last stage of life, palliative care of terminally ill patients allows growth and a sense of closure between patients and families, both individually and together (Byock, 2000). These patients are offered not only relief from pain and other symptoms, but also psychological and emotional support from psychologists and counsellors for them and their families (WHO, 2011). For terminally ill patients, palliative care offers quality of life treatments both at the hospital and at home such as nursing, supportive therapy, and physiotherapy, etc. Simoens et, al. 2010). Aged patients generally choose palliative care over curative despite the fact that their illness may be curable. The suffering of their family and friends around them generally influences this decision. The Social Cognitive Theory, illustrates how individual aspects as well as environmental factors and human behaviour apply influence upon each other (National Cancer Institute, 2005). Thus careful decision-making needs to be made with the interest of the aged patient in mind. Palliative care is also highly important for individuals who are not suffering from terminal illnesses, and also for those who have chosen curative methods. It allows them to have a better quality of life throughout the procedure and the recovery period. Without palliative care assisting curative methods, individuals would be unlikely to choose to go through the curative methods knowing there would be a poor quality of life after. In conclusion through a close analysis of both curative and palliative care, the best approach to health care would be an integration of both methods. Each individual circumstance needs to be looked at holistically. Curative methods are essential in pro-longing an individuals life. However, there is sanctity of life, which needs to be valued. By not providing cure of illness or disease one does not recognise the sanctity of their life. Palliative care is just as important as curative. It is important for patients who are not only terminally ill or aged, but those who choose curative methods. By curing a patient, one needs to palliate them by relieving symptoms of possible pain or discomfort. If palliative care is not provided, there would be no point in curing a patient by giving them a poor quality of life. Thus they need to work in conjunction with each other for the most successful results.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Causes of Suicide Among College Students

Suicide means an individual intentionally to adopt various means to end his life. It has been the second leading cause of death among college students (Caruso, n. d. ). The problem is getting serious in developing country such as Hong Kong and the ways to suicide had transformed to a mass suicide attempt on December 21, 2009 (Mak, 2011). These rising issues are telling us that suicide had becoming one of the most crucial matter that need to be resolve before it affect our future leader. So, we will review based on the past research for the alcohol and family relationship factors that contribute to suicide among college students. One of the factors that contribute to suicide among college student is alcohol consuming. Several past researches have been found to support this factor. An early study by Lamis, Ellis, Chumney and Dula (2009) claimed that many college students are experiencing heavy alcohol consumption and alcohol use are correlated with suicidal behaviour. This study is to check different levels of risk for alcohol-related problems and their relation to reasons for living among college students (Lamis et al. , 2009). 287 participants were recruited and divided into three alcohol groups, that are low-risk, moderate-risk and high-risk group (Lamis et al. , 2009). The hypothesis was made that participants in the high-risk group will report fewest reasons for living (Lamis et al. , 2009). RFL self-report measure was used to check how important a reason would be for living on participants. Besides that, AUDIT test also used to identify individuals whose experiencing alcohol-related problems (Lamis et al. , 2009). As the result, the high-risk group had fewer moral objections to dying by suicide compared to the low-risk group (Lamis et al. , 2009). From the experiment, we can see that obsessive alcohol use may lower student moral objections to suicide (Lamis et al. , 2009). Another experiment conducted by Lamis, Malone, Langhinrichsen-Rohling and Ellis (2009) stated that alcohol consuming will increase the risk for engaging in suicidal behaviours. This factor is strengthen when Powell and colleagues (2001), as cited in Lamis et al. 2009) found out that high alcohol drinking quantity will creates a greater likelihood of a serious suicide attempt. 318 participants were recruited and few measuring scale was used to predict the result for this experiment. The result tells that depression is predictor of alcohol use in young adults. Besides that, alcohol use are negatively correlated with body protection and the results suggests that individuals who are potentially involve in high-risk behaviours, such as suicide are usually from the one who have less tendency to protect themselves (Lamis et al. , 2010). Reference

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Distinct, Distinctive, and Distinguished

Distinct, Distinctive, and Distinguished Though they are related, each of these three adjectives- distinct, distinctive, and distinguished- has its own meaning. Definitions The adjective distinct means separate, clearly defined, and easily distinguishable from all others. Distinct also means notable or highly probable. The adjective distinctive means having a quality that makes a person or thing noticeably different from others. The adjective distinguished means impressive, eminent, and/or worthy of respect. (Distinguished is also the past form of the verb distinguish, which means to demonstrate or perceive a difference, to see or hear [something] clearly, or to make [oneself] noteworthy.) Examples The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men who borrow and the men who lend.(Charles Lamb, The Two Races of Men, 1813)It is from the blues that all that may be called American music derives its most distinctive characteristics.(James Weldon Johnson)Dr.  Jger was a distinguished child psychiatrist, a music lover, and, I remember, a dog loverhe had two dachshunds, Sigmund and Sieglinde, whom he was extremely fond of.(Walker Percy,  The Thanatos Syndrome. Farrar, Straus Giroux, 1987) Usage Notes Anything that is distinct is clearly distinguishable from everything else; something distinctive is a quality or characteristic that makes it possible for us to distinguish one thing from another. Distinct speech is clear; distinctive speech is special or unusual. So a pileated woodpecker is a woodpecker distinct from most other woodpeckers, distinguishable from other woodpeckers; its large size is distinctive, helping us distinguish it from most other woodpeckers.(Kenneth G. Wilson, The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. Columbia University Press, 1993) Practice (a) The mirror was positioned so the receptionist could survey the entire waiting room from behind her desk.  It showed a _____-looking woman  in a fawn-colored suit, with long, auburn hair and a timeless gaze.(Davis Bunn, Book of Dreams. Simon Schuster, 2011)(b) Suhye let out her abrupt, _____  laugh. Her laugh was like an enormous, swollen soap bubble bursting. He could identify that laugh of hers with his eyes closed.(Jung Mi Kyung,  My Sons Girlfriend, trans. by Yu Young-Nan.  Ã‚  Columbia University Press, 2013)(c)  His face was lined with weariness and his eyes were red. There were two _____  grooves running down his cheeks from his eyes where his tears had fallen.(Alexander Godin, My Dead Brother Comes to America.  Windsor Quarterly, 1934) Answers to Practice Exercises: Distinct, Distinctive, and Distinguished (a) The mirror was positioned so the receptionist could survey the entire waiting room from behind her desk.  It showed a distinguished-looking woman  in a fawn-colored suit, with long, auburn hair and a timeless gaze.(Davis Bunn,  Book of Dreams. Simon Schuster, 2011)(b) Suhye let out her abrupt, distinctive  laugh. Her laugh was like an enormous, swollen soap bubble bursting. He could identify that laugh of hers with his eyes closed.(Jung Mi Kyung,  My Sons Girlfriend, trans. by Yu Young-Nan.  Ã‚  Columbia University Press, 2013)(c)  His face was lined with weariness and his eyes were red. There were two distinct  grooves running down his cheeks from his eyes where his tears had fallen.(Alexander Godin, My Dead Brother Comes to America.  Windsor Quarterly, 1934)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Amazing Staying Power of the American Secretary

The Amazing Staying Power of the American Secretary The world is a very different place than it was nearly three-quarters of a century ago. From the cars we drive to the way we communicate, the landscape is completely changed. Well, not completely. One thing that remains the same? According to data from the U.S. Census, the most common job for women was secretary in 1950, and remains so today. Many of these jobs include data entry specialist jobs. Lets take a closer look at this phenomenon.A Look at the NumbersAccording to the U.S. Census Datas most recent American Community Survey Equal Employment Opportunity Tabulation, 3.8 million women were employed as secretaries and administrative assistants during the 2006-2010 period. This accounts for a whopping 97 percent of the near four million secretaries currently working the U.S., according the Bureau of Labor Statistics.According to further Census data, cashiers claimed the number two spot for working women with 2.8 million women holding cashier positions around the country, while 2.7 million women elementary school and middle school teachers rounded out the top three.This doesnt mean that the job market hasnt changed for women in other ways, however. The Census data reveals significant increases in women veterinarians, physicians and surgeons, and dentists. In other words, while the times in some ways have stayed the same, they are also in the immortal words of Bob Dylan a-changin.The 21st Century SecretaryIn 1950, the Census defined the category as stenographers, typists or secretaries, Today, the category comprises secretaries and administrative assistants. While the nature of the tasks may have evolved, the overall job description remains the same: to perform routine clerical and administrative tasks.And despite ongoing predictions that secretaries will be made obsolete by technology, the fact remains that they are an essential part of the American economy. In fact, secretary and administrative positions are available in nearly every industry from the fina ncial sector and legal offices to schools, hospitals and the government. Growth is expected to remain consistent with the national average around 12 percent over the next decade or so. A large factor in this growth? The aging out due to retirement of a large portion of the workplace.One of the reasons secretary jobs remain popular is that they dont typically require a college degree, and can be learned on the job over the course of a few weeks or months, depending on the industry. However, as success in the workplace increasingly necessitate the acquisition of technological skills, aspiring secretaries with computer skills in addition to basic office skills will be in greater demand.Secretaries with certain specialized skill sets are also well-positioned for career growth, while others may see less interest in the years ahead. For example, while jobs for medical secretaries are expected to grow by a whopping 36 percent between 2012 and 2022 due to changes in the healthcare system, jobs for legal secretaries are expect to decline due to the rise of paralegals.Another reason secretary and administrative assistant jobs remain popular? Theres plenty of room for growth. While the average median pay is $35,330, it rises as high as $47,500 with top earners making nearly $60,000. Many of these are executive level assistants with advanced training and experience.Looking to join the ranks of secretaries the backbone of many American offices for the past 65 years? If so, basic office, computer, and English grammar schools are required. Many of these skills can be acquired at community colleges and technical schools. Additionally, the International Association of Administrative Professionals Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) certification further demonstrates initiative and competency to potential employers.From The Beverly Hillbillies Miss Hathaway to The Offices Pam Halpert nà ©e Beesley, the American secretary is not only an major part of popular culture, but also of the real world existence of many women and the workplaces which depend on them. Wondering whether a secretary or administrative job is right for you and/or what positions are out there? Visit TheJobNetwork to find a match from hundreds of job sites.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How sucessful has the government and the bank of england been in Essay

How sucessful has the government and the bank of england been in running the british economy over the past 2 years - Essay Example The major Economies of the world are facing a credit crunch and this has also affected the British Economy in more ways than one. Obtaining credit has become one of the most difficult tasks and in addition to this; the cost of mortgages has also adversely affected the major Economies of the world. â€Å"A significant level of short-term debt—unsecured or secured against property, as well as credit cards—is widespread. Over the last ten years the economy under the Labor government has grown in large part because of consumer spending financed by debt. (The Impact, 1 October 2008). According to a report it was found that out of 47.5 million adults in UK, 4.8 million people were found to be spending more than what they earned. It is predicted that in the near future the British Economy is going to be affected by the credit crunch, just like the economy of United States of America. The British economy is facing two major problems as of now namely, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth is really slow and the rising rate of Inflation has taken on a toll on the British Economy. The bank of England is trying everything possible to stimulate the economic growth in the British Economy; the cut in the interest rates proves the same. Currently the British Economy can take a little satisfaction from the fact that the employment rate has risen and there is less unemployment found in Britain than what it used to be earlier. â€Å"â€Å"The employment rate for people of working age was 74.5 per cent for the three months to October 2007, up 0.1 from the previous quarter but unchanged over the year. The number of people in employment for the three months to October 2007 was 29.29 million, up 114,000 over the quarter and up 226,000 over the year. Total hours worked per week were 940.0 million, up 5.1 million over the quarter and up 11.7 million over the year. These figur es for people in employment and hours worked are the highest since comparable records began