Sunday, January 26, 2020

Understanding The Theory Of Translation Cultural Studies Essay

Understanding The Theory Of Translation Cultural Studies Essay Theory of translation is a concept that exists in every section of mankind because of diversity and differences that results from variance in cultural values, religious beliefs language, practices and other fundamentals that defines a specific community or a group of people in relationship with the other. Translation is communication of meaning from one source language to another equivalent target language with the basis of retaining its original meaning and context (Nida, Taber, 2003). Theory of translation is a very critical discourse in any society since time immemorial. The process of translation is crucial for a various purposes, including literature studies, traveling and law enforcements, quality translation services are also important o the business industry. With the advancing technology that makes it easy to communicate and work with people from all over the globe and a growing worldwide consciousness, more and more business organizations are going global. According to Venuti (2004), translation is derived from the Latin trans-and fero which means to carry across and it reaches back to the ancient Greeks after the appearance of written literature (Venuti, 2004). In the west the hallmark of translation began in the 3rd and 1st century when Septuagint, which is a collection of Jewish scriptures were translated into koine Greek in Alexandria and it arose because of the dispersed Jews who had forgotten the tenets of their ancestral language and they preferred the Greek version (translation) of their scripture. This scenario greatly concretes the significance and contribution of translation and the framework of theory of translation. In Asia translation has been a very paramount activity in the spreading of Buddhism which have had a great impact on communities in terms of religious beliefs and cultural practices. Arabs is also another section of mankind that has reinforced the concept of theory of translation which they undertook when they conquered the Greek world and made Arabic versions of their philosophical and scientific work. The advent of industrial revolution that began in the mid 18th century necessitated the essence of business documentation and it resulted in the development of specialties and formalized schools and professional associations for translation. Engineers in the 1940s sought to automate translation by mechanically coming up with human translator (Venuti, 2004). Theory of translation is comprised of various dimensions for instance literary, religious historic among others; literary translation is the translation of common literary works like short stories, plays, poems and others. In the r eligious perspective, the bible was translated to Latin by Saint Jerome who is regarded as the greatest translator in history and this initiative is highly of Christianity. The protestant reformation saw translation of the bible into European local languages, which resulted in a greatest impact on the western Christianity and beliefs because it culminated to the split of into Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. From the historical arguments above its premise the inference that theory of translation exists and it plays a key role in the frameworks of relationships between communities, countries, races, creed and this will enable them to understand and appreciate each other for the development of mankind. It is a basic reality and common sense to everyone that we were born and accustomed into radically different social systems and cultures comprising of different and distinct languages. This diversity calls for a bridge that can connect us into one setup that understands and embraces each other. This phenomenon has triggered scholars and other Linguistic researchers to argue that theory of translation is a paramount element in the Earth whereby the inhabitants emanates from radically diverse backgrounds. The relevance of translation is multifaceted and multidimensional and its significance in the international perspective of being a socio-cultural bridge between countries and communities have grown exponentially especially in the contemporary world whereby the world has become a global village and things are fast moving ahead globally not only societies are supposed to interact with each other more closely but individuals also need to contact with members from other societies in different parts of the world. Theory of translation and its significance caters to the needs and therefore, it has become a facility that satisfies individual, societal, and national needs. In theory and practice of translation, there are considerable variations in the types of translations produced by translators. Some translators deal with only two languages and are competent in both. Others work from their first language to their second language targeted language, and still others from their second language to their first language called back- translation. Depending on these matters of language proficiency, the procedures used will vary from one project to the other. Many scholars and literary giants have argued that the theory plays an important role in enriching the target language that a translator wish to translate from source language. This is because in some instances, the target language lacks terms that are found in source language hence resulting in borrowing of terms (Nida, Taber, 2003). This phenom enon has enriched many languages in the world which is a very positive discourse in the lingual aspects. Another point that depicts and justifies the existence of theory of translation is the dynamism in the global business environment. This is because, in order to share information with your potential clients and prospects, it is good to inform them using anecdotes and terminologies that they understand and accustomed to because they will feel secure and familiar which, in the long run will results in good business relationships (Nida, Taber, 2003). It is an initiative that most multinational companies have embraced when venturing into foreign markets. Through the auspices of translation, that global interaction has been enhanced and it has offered opportunities for people to undergo socio-cultural survey of various languages and literature. it has also given opportunity for the establishment of some kind of relevance in the literary criticism which is a very critical intellectual venture. In schools and colleges there has been an embracement of dramas and music festivals that are act ivities that portrays and expose other communities cultures, traditions and languages, which involves translation and other devices that carry across information. These arts and activities create peeping into diversified lingual, cultural and literary contents of the source culture or language exuding the nature and niceties of that translated language culture. According to Robinson (2003), information on the new development in communication and technology involves the structures of translation in keeping the science community and population abreast on the latest discoveries in various fields of knowledge (Robinson, 2003). Under theory of translation, the translator plays a pivotal role in executing and structuring of the theory. Theorists have posited that there are some fundamental attributes that a translator should posses so that the theory of translation remains relevant in the contemporary world. The translator must be having adequate knowledge of the source culture or language that he or she intends to translate; he or she must be having a profound understanding of the etymological and idiomatic correlation between the two languages or cultures that he or she is dealing with (Robinson, 2003). In the framework of this theory, the systems and individuals of translating must be able to read, understand and retain the authors ideas and d eliver accurately, fully and without exclusion, an ideal translation is accurate as terms of meaning and natural as to the receptor language forms are used. An intended audience who is unfamiliar with the source text will readily understand it. The success of a translation is measured by certain parameters in determining how closely it measures up to these ideals. The ideal translation should be: Accurate: reproducing as exactly as possible the meaning of the source text. Natural: natural forms of the receptor language must be used in a way that is appropriate to the kind of text being translated. Communicative: all aspects of the meaning must be expressed in a way that is readily understandable to the targeted audience. Though the theory of translation in a very critical aspect in current human spheres there are some shortcomings that results from it in that during the process of translation there are some details that might get distorted and limit the transference of facts

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Paraguay Tourism

His extensive sales experience, general business acumen and a partnership with local Paraguayan entrepreneur Roman Gonzalez provided the easiness with the solid foundation required for growth. Largely unknown to many, Paraguay Is In the heart of South America, bordering fellow South American countries such as Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina. It has had a colorful history riddled by corrupt governments, political instability and is known as one of the poorest countries in South America. While political instability, corruption and poverty are still issues requiring attention, the overall situation is showing many signs of improvement.The economy performed well in 2003-2008 with growth averaging around 5% per year. In 2010, Paraguayan economy rebounded impressively with real growth at 15% and unemployment fell to 6. 9%. Furthermore, in 2011 it was expected to drop even further (2). Brazil, on the other hand, Is the world's fifth largest economy and is expected to remain In this position b y the end of 2012 (1). Brazil has moderately free markets and an Inward-oriented economy. Its economy Is the largest In Latin American nations and the second largest in the Western Hemisphere (3).Additionally, Brazil is growth rate of over 5 percent and in Brazilian Real, its GAP was estimated at R$ 3. 143 trillion in 2009. The Brazilian economy has been predicted to become one of the five largest economies in the world in the decades to come. Paraguay has began tackling one of the main barriers to developing its tourism industry, infrastructure, investment and as such an overall focus has been placed on their main attractions such as the 11 national parks, which are being developed by the government into costumers centers. Paraguayans are very friendly, kind and relaxed creatures.You will find yourself sharing a teeter ‘ (iced herbal tea) with the locals while soaking up the peaceful ambiance that surrounds this magnificent part f the world. A country filled with fascinating culture, tradition and customs, but above all an ethos that life is there to be enjoyed with friends and family, sets Paraguay apart. The business will begin its trial catering to international tourism to Paraguay and neighboring Brazil. Two separate business units will cater to two different markets, firstly Fiesta Tours: Catering to 18 to 39 year old adventure party travelers or â€Å"Experience Seekers†.In order to cement its position as the carnival leader, Fiesta Tours (translated to Party Tours) will launch with its signature tour, Carnival in Brazil and Paraguay Incarnation. Carnival season runs between December and February each year. During summer months (peak season) Fiesta Tours will focus on showcasing the best â€Å"fun filled† events and local â€Å"must see† sights in Brazil (ROI De Jeanine) and Paraguay. Studies set out to discover how travelers think and feel to determine personal factors that ultimately influence their travel decisions.The key wants of the Fiesta Tours target market are: Authentic cultural experiences Social interactions Meeting and interacting with the locals Experiencing something â€Å"different† from their normal day-to-day life Understanding ND learning about different lifestyles and cultures Participating in the lifestyle and experiencing it rather than observing it Challenging themselves physically, emotionally and/or mentally Visiting authentic destinations that are not necessarily part of the tourist route Exposure to unique and compelling experiences Fiesta Tours will safely introduce travelers to the night-life and daytime wonders available in Brazil and Paraguay, essentially the experiences these â€Å"seekers† set out to enjoy. Already growing in popularity with young Australian tourists, Brazil (well now for its carnival and beaches) will receive extra attention when the eyes of the world are fixed to two major sporting events, the 2014 FIFE World Cup and in 2016 for the Olympi c Games. The state government of ROI De Jeanine estimates that investments from 2010 through to 2016 will reach IIS$50 billion for construction of sports and transportation infrastructure, public security, education and training, etc.The projected focus on Brazil and neighboring countries present an opportunity to capitalist on the increased tourist numbers from Australia and abroad. However, sots importantly, it offers Paraguay, as the previously â€Å"undiscovered†, must see activities, the â€Å"cultural† aspect will be fulfilled through â€Å"Fair Trade† tourism. Fair Trade tourism as a special kind of responsible tourism in which it is the traveler who gets near the culture and people of the place and tries to get in touch with them, instead of doing it the other way round: having every person involved in tourism conform to western uses (27) Supporting these endeavors provide depth and a level of â€Å"real† fulfillment, the chance to â€Å"give som ething back† Paraguayans & BrazilianParaguayans and Brazilian will cater to the semi mature age market. These population changes have created the pleasure travel market for the elderly. This mature age market is, on average; better educated, more affluent and has greater expectations than the generation before them and forms a large and influential market sector. According to Economist Intelligence Unit (XIII) Research Report, the relative importance of senior citizens and the increasing incidence of travel by this age category is partially a result of increasing spending power, which is often higher Han other age categories. Improved financial position and spending power arise from a variety of factors.These include: (11) -most likely to inherit from parents or relatives; -children will have left home relieving financial strains; -relatively small or no outstanding mortgages; -their capital in property can be released; and -they may have considerable savings, maturing endowme nt policies Seniors will be the demographic discovery of this decade for two reasons. First, they are abundant in number. Secondly, their lifestyles are remarkably different from those of previous generations. With no models to guide them, the independent elderly are making new choices about how they want to live during a prolonged retirement (12). Events to cater to this target market to include: Shopping events & local food Visiting historical places or museums Attending cultural events or festivals Outdoor activities & relaxation Market analysis: Paraguay: Population: As of July 2011, 6. 459 Million Birth Rate: 2011, 23. 5 Growth rate: 2011, 1. 84% Paraguayan population is distributed unevenly through the country. About 56% of Paraguayans live in urban areas Age structure 15-64 years: 65. % (male 2,121 ,632/female 65 years and over: 6. 1% (male 183,440/female 211,663) (2011 est.. ) (3) Gender splits: Sex ratio: at birth: 1. 05 male(s)/female Under 15 years: 1. 03 male(s)/female 1 5-64 years: 1. 01 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0. 86 male(s)/female Total population: 1. 01 male(s)/female (2011 est.. ) (5) Ethnicity/race: messiest 95%, Religions: Roman Catholic 90%, Mennonite, other Protestant 10% Brazil: population: July 1, 2011 Birth rate: 17. 79 births/1,OHO population (2011 est.. ) (6) Population growth rate: 1 . 134% (2011 est.. Population distribution in Brazil is very uneven. The majority of Brazilian live within 300 kilometers of the coast, while the interior in the Amazon Basin is almost empty. Therefore, the densely populated areas are on the coast and the sparsely populated areas are in the interior. 0-14 years: 26. 7% (male 15-64 years: 66. 8% (male 65 years and over: 6. 4% (male 7;58,082) (2009 est.. ) Ethnic groups The minority ethnic groups in Brazil are various non-assimilated indigenous tribes comprising less than 1% of the population, who live in officially delimited reservations and either avoid contact with other peoples, or constitute s eparate social and political communities.The rest of the population can be considered a single â€Å"Brazilian† ethnic group, with highly varied racial types and backgrounds, but without clear ethnic sub-divisions. By â€Å"skin color†, or â€Å"race†, the 2008 PANDA gives 48. 43% White, 43. 80% Multiracial, 6. 84% Black, 0. 58% Stan, 0. 28% Meridian, 0. 07% undeclared (7) 2011 was a year of dramatic and unforeseen events that impacted on world travel and tourism. The protests, conflicts and revolutions in Arab countries at the start of the year, the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan, the rezone debt crisis, and lattice and economic drama in Greece and then Italy, were Just the most prominent in a long series of disruptive events around the world.In response, more than eight million travelers switched destinations, preferring to visit â€Å"safer† countries, and could not be enticed back with dumping prices, Freight told Pisa participants (13) Despite this difficult political and economic environment, the worldwide travel industry succeeded in growing well in 2011. According to Pip's World Travel Monitor, the total number of trips will increase by 3% to 6. 6 billion this year, based on figures or the year to date and PICK estimates. Outbound (international) trips will increase by 5% to 980 million (14) Europeans traveled strongly in 2011 despite crises and catastrophes in destinations around the world. Outbound trips increased by 4% and thus exceeded expectations of only 1-2% growth this year.More moderate growth of 2-3% is forecast for 2012 due to the uncertain outlook (15) Amid the economic uncertainty in Europe and the USA, Asia continues to be one of the key drivers of the world economy. The outlook for Asian travel next year is also very positive, according to the Asian Travel Monitor. Asked about their travel intentions for 2012, a high 32% of survey respondents said they would travel more in 2012 than in 2011, while 37% p lan similar levels and only 19% want to reduce their travel (16) Travel trends in the Americas in 2011 have been a story of two halves and this is likely to continue in 2012, experts said at the 19th World Travel Monitor Forum in Pisa.South America is showing strong double-digit growth for both outbound and inbound travel. Consumers from the region are continuing to travel strongly as local economies remain on the growth path, and the region is also welcoming more international suitors this year (17) Outbound travel from the USA showed zero growth over the first eight months of this year and the outlook for 2012 is also weak, according to the American Travel Monitor trend survey. Only 23% of Americans plan more international travel next year, 26% about the same, 28% plan to travel less and a high 23% do not plan any international travel in 2012 As a result, the PICK Travel Confidence Indicator for the USA next year is only at 98 points.At the same time, the relative price of outboun d travel has declined through an appreciating Australian dollar (against many destinations) and changes in aviation business models, resulting in increased supply through lower cost air capacity (23) Financial Analysis: One quarter of the population lives in poverty. Most of the country's land is concentrated in the hands of Just a few. Corruption is believed to be rampant. Unemployment fell to 6. 9% in 2010 and will continue to drop in 2011. A drawback is that nearly two-thirds of all workers have only a primary education or less. Almost 20% of all households live in extreme poverty (8) Paraguay has a small tourism industry. Total tourism receipts declined annually from 2000 through 2002. In 2003 Paraguayan hotel occupancy rate was 38 percent. It increased by 15 percent in 2004. Small gains in tourism have come from business rather than leisure travelers.For many years, Paraguay served as a central market for traceable, duty-free goods. However, crackdowns by the governments of Bra zil and Argentina have stemmed the flow of shoppers traveling to Paraguay looking for traceable items (10). The most important component of the Paraguayan economy is the farming sector, which contributed 27% to GAP in 2006. Paraguay relies almost solely on hydroelectric power to meet its energy needs; its mobile network is advanced with roaming agreements present with neighboring countries. Brazier's economic growth has led to an overall increase in living standards. However, approximately 16 million people still live in extreme poverty, defined as having 70 eels ($44, EYE) or less a month.Average monthly salaries have risen to 1. 2% in February to a record high 1,699. 70 Brazilian real ($932. 67), up from 1,679. 93 real in January and 1,627. 51 real in February 2011, the BEG said. Unemployment climbed to 5. 7% in February compared with 5. 5% in January, the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics, or BEG (9) The size of Brazier's workforce was estimated to be around 102 mi llion in 2008. Principal industries include Automobile, petrochemicals, machinery, electronics, cement and construction, aircraft, textiles, DOD and beverages, mining, consumer durables and tourism. ROI De Jeanine and SГo Paulo are the two main airports in Brazil.They also service domestic flights from major South American cities. The two Brazilian national airlines – Varian and TAM – rail services link Brazil with Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, distances are long and the trains are not particularly pleasant. Bus services are plentiful with many services taking you to neighboring South American countries. Mobile phone networks are stable and good reception is found throughout Brazil. Brazil has a good g data cellular network. Channel Analysis: The travel distribution system covers all the channels through which an international traveler can buy our services. Other than approaching our business directly, international travelers may book our products as follows.Austra lian travel agent or online retail agent Direct to our website Wholesaler/online wholesaler/LTO The travel distribution system has traditionally been very structured with clearly defined functions for each role in the supply chain. However, online technology and company mergers have transformed the tourism industry with an increasing amount f crossover in the roles and functions of various sectors of the distribution system. Businesses are engaging a mix of distribution partners to ensure the most effective way of reaching their target consumers. Paraguayans and Brazilian with its demographic of baby boomers are generally less internet save. â€Å"y' as Gene or Gene, as such, distribution, while still maintaining an online presence, will focus on partnerships with traditional retail travel agents.The benefit here is the added layer of trust, security and ease with the face to face transaction, something which online purchases often lack. Distribution structure includes: Inbound Tou r Operators (TO) Inbound tour operators are an important channel partner providing itinerary planning and product selection, coordinating the reservation, confirmation and payment of travel arrangements on behalf of overseas (non Australian) clients. Located in Australia, international retail travel agents (are the link to the international consumer) and wholesalers based overseas. As the traditional distribution system evolves it is important to understand the structure of the companies that one works with and their relationships with other organizations.Advantages of working with an TIT include the following: Regular business from a number of markets Extensive knowledge of international consumer needs Access to international travel partners Payment in Australian currency Online Travel Agents: Online travel agents deal directly with the consumer, there are no intermediaries. Escape Travel. Paraguayans, Brazilian & Officiators Company website: Full secure site ready for online payme nts, live chat facilities, youth testimonial videos etc. Cultural Analysis: Paraguay people largely follow Catholic Christianity, although there are certain sections that practice Protestantism and Mennonite belief systems. The migration rate is low, and the rate of literacy is quite high. The people in Paraguay maintain a healthy sex ratio, and the health index is encouraging. Spanish is the official language of Paraguay, although Guarani continues to be spoken in certain quarters.The people of Paraguay rigorously maintain their indigenous cultural and social structures despite an overarching influence of Christianity. Known for their hospitality and commitment towards their freedom and racial pride, Paraguayans have interested the researches and the visitors for over the ages (24) Brazilian people SГo Paulo is a melting pot. There is no better definition for it. There is a large Japanese community in the state in addition to a little of everything else also: Italians, Arabs, S panish, Portuguese and Jews to name Just a few. Walking on the streets of SГo Paulo is an amazing exercise in guessing people's ethnic heritage. This highly mixed people created a rich diverse culture.From the Caperer, a kind of martial art created by the African slaves and very popular in northeast Brazil, to the Brazilian version of the German Octobers in Blumenthal, in the state of Santa Catalina. The variety is in the architecture, music, cuisine and even dress codes (25) Digital advertising: Search Engine optimization – increase likelihood that the target market searching for key words associated with their holiday information gathering phase find our website. Online advertising – Through the use of banner ads Social networking and user generated content – Increase the likelihood of viral advertising. Focus highly on the backbone phenomenon. Generating as many â€Å"fans† as possible, â€Å"likes† and drive traffic to the website.Videos an d podiatrist – â€Å"Painting picture† for those interested in participating in our programs, Youth etc Mobile phone – optimizing our site for phone and android Email database Take advantage of the the tourism e-kit designed by tourism Australia to assist tourism operators to make the most of opportunities the internet provides. They have developed a series of simple tutorials to quickly give operators the skills and knowledge to be internet ready. Www. Data. Com. AU/tourism_e_kit. Asp Brochure: Distributed to trade shows and travel agencies Public Relations and the Media: Generating positive publicity is a vital component in establishing and maintaining

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Expressive Essay Topics Ideas

Expressive Essay Topics Ideas Vital Pieces of Expressive Essay Topics Is the sort of essay you may want to write after you graduate from high school. Look at these sources for additional assistance and inspiration on how best to compose a descriptive essay. Rather than talking about different forms of essay for each and every instruction. To offer you an assortment of writing topics and model essays. With what has been gathered, somebody may then compose a comprehensive essay concerning the exchange. For a person to successfully compose an expressive essay, the person must be in a position to gather a properly structured expressive essay. For a person to compose an expressive essay, the person must have the ability to gather a properly structured expressive essay. Expressive Essay Topics Explained There are different kinds of. Every person is defined by his character and personality. however, it also cannot be denied that folks look in the nature and kind of the house, which shows the other intricate details of an individual's being. There's a pool of subjects to select from. Art therapy is a sort of activity therapy that may be difficult to define because it's such a wide term and there are several professionals who have differing thoughts and views about what it is and what it's used for. The Argument About Expressive Essay Topics According to Synder (1997), occasiona lly a customer may discover that it's desirable to use interpretation and there are several distinctive approaches. The easiest method is to select the most interesting one first, and generate a brief outline of information. Any information that will make a credible image for your interviewee will be critical. For instance, if the paper has a necessary word count or page count, return over the preliminary outline to find out whether there's an ideal quantity of information included. Statistics and specific data may also be helpful as you argue your principal point. There are 3 methods that may be utilized in providing explanation for informative essay. There are then model answers on these pages for different sorts of. There are a number of ways to compose the introduction to an essay. You, as you are writing a guide or essay, have more options. Be reminded of the conventional sections of an essay and be certain to apply it to your own work. Keeping an essay below a word limit can on occasion be equally as difficult as etc in an attachment at the close of the essay to prevent overwhelming the reader. An under-valued part of essay writing is it can be part of our. Format The essay should begin with an opening paragraph and end it using a closing paragraph. The essay conclusion confirms to the overall writing style of the entire essay and repeats the principal points. Before writing any form of academic paper, it is very important to choose the subject, and the persuasive essay isn't the exception. If you're scared of speaking in public, writing a persuasive essay for a specific audience is the best way to eradicate this fear. Next, it's essential to incorporate the important tips that you have acquired from your interview. You could possibly be given the topic straight away by your professor, or you could be free to pick the topic yourself. Taking into account that lots of persuasive essays concern controversial topics, before writing, you can want to sit down and think of what your opinion on the topic actually is. Writing an argumentative essay is a skill that anyone in school should know, even though it can be useful outside the classroom, also. For instance, the introduction should grab your reader's interest. The topic can be anything provided that the writing expresses personal ideas and feelings. The very first sentence of your introduction is the very first chance a writer has to capture the interest of the. It is possible to discuss a particular belief, but y ou have to have the ability to support with facts and other info regarding your belief. You should also be in a position to describe an exceptional location. There's some evidence that expressive writing could possibly be contraindicated for people who are not able to express emotions. Some people decide to visit the library and look for facts on a particular subject, while others like to concentrate on gathering information through personal statements.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

History of Post Office Technology

At the turn of the 20th century, the Post Office Department relied entirely on antiquated mailhandling operations, such as the pigeonhole method of letter sorting, a holdover from colonial times. Although crude sorting machines were proposed by inventors of canceling machines in the early 1900s and tested in the 1920s, the Great Depression and World War II postponed widespread development of post office mechanization until the mid-1950s. The Post Office Department then took major steps toward mechanization by initiating projects and awarding contracts for the development of a number of machines and technologies, including letter sorters, facer-cancelers, automatic address readers, parcel sorters, advanced tray conveyors, flat sorters, and letter mail coding and stamp-tagging technology. Post Office Sorting Machines Post Office Cancelers Post Office Optical Character Reader Mechanization increased productivity. By the mid-1970s, however, it was clear that cheaper, more efficient methods and equipment were needed if the Postal Service was to offset rising costs associated with growing mail volume. To reduce the number of mail piece handlings, the Postal Service began to develop an expanded ZIP Code in 1978. The new code required new equipment. The Post Office entered the age of automation in September 1982 when the first computer-driven single-line optical character reader was installed in Los Angeles. The equipment required a letter to be read only once at the originating office by an OCR, which printed a barcode on the envelope. At the destinating office, a less expensive barcode sorter (BCS) sorted the mail by reading its barcode. Following the introduction of the ZIP4 code in 1983, the first delivery phase of the new OCR channel sorters and BCSs was completed by mid-1984. Today, a new generation of equipment is changing the way mail flows and improving productivity. Multiline optical character readers (MLOCRs) read the entire address on an envelope, spray a barcode on the envelope, then sort it at the rate of more than nine per second. Wide area barcode readers can read a barcode virtually anywhere on a letter. Advanced facer-canceler systems face, cancel, and sort mail. The remote barcoding system (RBCS) provides barcoding for handwritten script mail or mail that cannot be read by OCRs. Walk-It Until now, most of the emphasis in automation has been processing machine-imprinted mail. Still, letter mail with addresses that were handwritten or not machine-readable had to be processed manually or by a letter sorting machine. The RBCS now allows most of this mail to receive delivery point barcodes without being removed from the automated mailstream. When MLOCRs cannot read an address, they spray an identifying code on the back of the envelope. Operators at a data entry site, which may be far from the mail processing facility, read the address on a video screen and key a code that allows a computer to determine the ZIP Code information. The results are transmitted back to a modified barcode sorter, which pulls the 11-digit ZIP Code information for that item, and sprays the correct barcode on the front of the envelope. The mail then can be sorted within the automated mailstream. Handling Paper Flow Competition and Change Competition grew for every postal product. The rise of fax machines, electronic communications, and other technologies offered alternatives for conveying bills, statements, and personal messages. Entrepreneurs and publishing companies set up alternate delivery networks in an attempt to hold down the costs of delivering magazines and newspapers. Many third-class mailers, finding their mailing budgets reduced and their postage rates increased higher than expected, began shifting some of their expenditures to other forms of advertising, including cable television and telemarketing. Private companies continued to dominate the market for the urgent delivery of mail and packages.