Monday, September 30, 2019

Northanger abbey

Thesis In the history of English literature it's difficult to specify a genre, even Gothic novel by resonance and measure the impact on other styles, trends, genres. Chronological framework of its existence, in the opinion of the vast majority of researchers limited the end of the XVIII – beginning of the nineteenth centuries. However, traces of â€Å"Gothic† poetics, especially its artistic language and philosophical thinking can be recognized in the work of writer Jane Austen.Logical and important question is the tatus of the Gothic in Jane Austen, namely in the novel â€Å"Northanger Abbey† – the status of genre, poetological, aesthetic, ideological. In the main part we have given the definition of the Gothic genre, and have found his place in the novel † Northanger Abbey† identified writing style, tone, name origin, setting, we have analyzed plot, identified narrators point of view, found the used symbols.In conclusion, we have learned that the whole work is permeated with hidden quotations, allusions and reminiscences, including literary discussions between heroes around novel and orecasts developments, dense, albeit controversial, parallels at characters, perpetual comparison of weather and scenery of â€Å"udolfskymy† ; We observe the formula CL Pitt the transformation of the Gothic novel (romance) in the household (novel); Also we have explored favorite means writers with the help of which she deliberately changes and scale depicted in the novel offers a look at reality through the eyepiece, in which things, people, events are not given in a close-up, in Gothic but are quite smaller. Northanger abbey Thesis In the history of English literature it's difficult to specify a genre, even Gothic novel by resonance and measure the impact on other styles, trends, genres. Chronological framework of its existence, in the opinion of the vast majority of researchers limited the end of the XVIII – beginning of the nineteenth centuries. However, traces of â€Å"Gothic† poetics, especially its artistic language and philosophical thinking can be recognized in the work of writer Jane Austen.Logical and important question is the tatus of the Gothic in Jane Austen, namely in the novel â€Å"Northanger Abbey† – the status of genre, poetological, aesthetic, ideological. In the main part we have given the definition of the Gothic genre, and have found his place in the novel † Northanger Abbey† identified writing style, tone, name origin, setting, we have analyzed plot, identified narrators point of view, found the used symbols.In conclusion, we have learned that the whole work is permeated with hidden quotations, allusions and reminiscences, including literary discussions between heroes around novel and orecasts developments, dense, albeit controversial, parallels at characters, perpetual comparison of weather and scenery of â€Å"udolfskymy† ; We observe the formula CL Pitt the transformation of the Gothic novel (romance) in the household (novel); Also we have explored favorite means writers with the help of which she deliberately changes and scale depicted in the novel offers a look at reality through the eyepiece, in which things, people, events are not given in a close-up, in Gothic but are quite smaller.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hydro Québec, Energy and the Environment Essay

The replacement of gas with electric streetlamps in Quebec was implemented by the Royal electric Company which covered the entire city as at 1889. The project was facilitated by Senator Rosaire Thibodeau with the financial backing of a prominent businessman, Mr. Rodolphe Forget. There was with time the development of nuclear power. The experimentation with nuclear power began from around 1965. Nuclear power was increasingly being considered the energy source of the future and all the major countries had embraced it, prompting Canada to do the same. The last hydroelectric project in the twentieth century was the Sainte-Marguerite-3. This was built both a water reservoir and power generation head. The head is 330 meters long, making it a marvel. In 1998, Hydro Quebec decided to reinforce its transmission system. This was because in January of the same year, there had been a major ice storm that destroyed much of its Quebec distribution and transmission systems, exposing their vulnerability hence a need for reinforcement (History of Electricity in Quebec: Chaotic Growth of an Industry, n. d). On 7 February 2002, there was the signing of a historical agreement between the Grand Council at Crees and The state of Quebec. This provided a basis for the building of two main generation systems, the Eastmain-1 and Eastmain-1-A on the Rupert River. According to the company’s management, many past studies have investigated the potential health effects of electric and magnetic fields on human beings. These have however been inconclusive hence the harm not fully established. It therefore calls for further research to clarify this while minimizing people’s exposure to them and committing the company to supporting the research (History of Electricity in Quebec: Chaotic Growth of an Industry, n. d). Renewable and Green Hydroelectric power is not as green as required. This is because it contributes to mercury poisoning of water sources (Eisler, 1987). There is also a forced decomposition of the matter that is flooded, leading to production of carbon dioxide and Methane, both major greenhouse gases. Gas and coal are considered greener, but have lower performance. The greenhouse gases produced by Hydro-electric power are comparatively minimal. Hydropower produces a mere thirty-fifth of that by natural gas and a seventieth of that by a coal. The comparison is unjustified. This is because the ratio of waste product produced is less than the other sources. The author calls for a comparison between the sources in terms of same costs hence superiority of hydroelectric power (Hydro Quebec Research: Publications and Documentation Centre, n. d). Hydro Quebec and Sustainability Hydro Quebec is also committed to the promotion of wind power as a source of energy. Its strategic plan proposes the creation of a 4000 Megawatt wind energy capacity by 2015. Between 2004 and 2005, there was the signing of purchase deals for wind power with its total Wind power capacity standing at 500 Megawatts. The company also planned to engage in gas and oil exploration specifically at the Gulf of St. Lawrence and was seeking partners (Sustainable Development, n. d). The company promotes a reduction in electricity demand by enhancing efficiency in its use. This is done through awareness campaigns and investment in research and development. There is for instance investment in power-saving refrigerators and solar units. Hydro Quebec still retains one nuclear plant, the Gentilly-2 in the south of the Saint-Laurence River, producing about 2 per cent of the company’s electricity. Steps taken towards environmental protection include the minimization of atmospheric emissions. This is achieved by supplying hydro electric power to neighboring United States which is known to mostly rely on generation fuel-generated electricity. It also advocates for the Kyoto Protocol on emissions and is frequently involved in environmental conservation campaigns and funding of environmental research. Hydro-Quebec also values aesthetics and therefore fully incorporates it in its facilities. In this, there is emphasis on good choice of material, landscaping and observation sites among others (Sustainable Development, n. d). References Eisler, R. (1987). Mercury Hazards to Fish, Wildlife and Inveterbrates: A Synoptic View. Washington DC: US Department of the Interior. History of Electricity in Quebec: Chaotic Growth of an Industry. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 30, 2009, from Hydro Quebec: http://www. hydroquebec. com/learning/histoire/histoire_quebec/index_frame. html? ext_epoque=1 Hydro Quebec Research: Publications and Documentation Centre. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 30, 2009, from Hydro Quebec: http://www. hydroquebec. com/sustainable-development/documentation/documents. html Sustainable Development. (n. d) Retrieved March 30, 2009, from Hydro Quebec: http://www. hydroquebec. com/sustainable-development/index. html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

News during the Vietnam War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

News during the Vietnam War - Essay Example Americans were against communism, and therefore, sent soldiers to Vietnam. The foremost reason for the Vietnam War was to stop the northern region, led by Ho Chi Minch, to take over leadership forcefully. They were against the government, and had planned to overturn the ruling authority to take control of the country. Vietnam War is the longest war that has been witnessed in the world history. It ended when Americans withdrew their troops after realizing their goals. The Vietnam War resulted in misunderstandings between countries worldwide, especially owing to the ideological differences. In this essay, the Vietnam War is discussed in detail and news the media broadcasted across the world highlighted. During the war, the public had been exposed to the activities happening at the Vietnam War fought in Vietnam through media. This explains why human beings are more interested in revising history rather than understanding the meaning of the war to people (Samantha). The story about Vietnam War was wrongly broadcasted in the news, magazines, books and journals. This made people have negative mind-sets toward the war. Surprisingly, the Vietnam War is greatly misunderstood than the history of Americans, because the media gave distrustful reports about the war results, hence, the citizens received incorrect information. This affected negatively the way people associated with war, which was meant to promote peace and stop Vietnam government form being overturned by the dictators. The negative reporting of the Vietnam War has caused many individuals to forget the essential details about the war. The production of books, magazines, articles and documentaries by various artists has spread the message of Vietnam, as myths rather than suppositions. Kennedy condemned the media houses that published irrelevant information. The Washington office and Kennedy’s administration involved themselves in the consulting editors of the top media house in America. They accused the editors of publishing wrong reports about the Saigon Press Corps. This made the American government to clash with reporters and the media house that confused the citizens by giving wrong information to the people. The big question from the press was whether USA had joined the war to help the Vietnam country or they wanted to prove their potency as a world superpower. The media is accused of giving irrelevant information to the public, creating several considerations. According to research done, the press and journalist only gave two thirds of the report as accurate information got from the Vietnam War. The main motive of the press and the media house were to elevate the sales of the literature they pro duced, since people were eager to get information on how the war was proceeding. They also lacked the source of getting information; therefore, they were forced to twist the stories to appeal to the citizens (Rhodes). The information looked attractive and people purchased the magazines and books. Vietnam War was the longest war ever in world’s history, and this made it unmatched. Therefore, people wanted to know more about the developing stories of the historical war. The information published by the press and the media houses was condemned by the American administration and most journalists faced trials to substantiate their reports. Conversely, the media also played an imperative part during the war since it was able to update and inform the world the real situation on the ground. It updated the world with current news making headlines, hence reducing the tension in citizens. Therefore, the media should be watchful in transmitting insubstantial issues to the populace. The n ews broadcasted during the war was spread by the media, which was exceptionally active and determined

Friday, September 27, 2019

Examine the use of animal imagery in modern short stories and their Essay

Examine the use of animal imagery in modern short stories and their symbolic significance - Essay Example In addition, the degree to which a character is related to the animal in question may have some impact on the characteristics that are brought out in each. A nanny closely related to a busy parakeet might cause both woman and animal to take on stronger characteristics of nagging and cleanliness, for instance. A man closely related with his bulldog might also seem to be watchful, noisy and largely for show. What is interesting about this use of animal imagery in stories is the way in which this relationship develops to bring out specific characteristics in both animal and character. Two stories that provide a great deal of insight into this relationship are Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis and Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl. Although the story takes up less than 100 pages, Franz Kafka’s story Metamorphosis lends itself to a wide variety of interpretations as it uses the image of the cockroach to emphasize attributes of its main character. From its small size to a brief summary of its events, there doesn’t seem to be all that much to the story itself upon first glance. The story follows the experiences of Gregor Samsa after he wakes up one morning to find himself turned into a giant bug in his own bed. As he reveals himself to his family and his employer, it becomes obvious that this change is not meant to be a figurative change on the part of the author, but is also a physical change. Although the family continues to care for him, providing him with food and water and cleaning his room once a day, Gregor becomes more and more detached from them, eventually finding it difficult to keep track of what has been happening around him. His room becomes dirtier, his family becomes less attentive a nd he becomes less concerned with their welfare in connection with his own. As his sister and mother move his personal furniture out of his

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sponsorship Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sponsorship Proposal - Essay Example The forthcoming three years extends an opportunity to the R+D division of our regional business, as the national company ramps up to accelerate market share. Our innovative staff knows Oz, and nowhere on this planet might photographers find a better aquatic venue for employing our new NIKONOS series cameras than our Great Barrier Reef. To this end, we request consideration of our request for AUS $ 3 million to support our efforts toward introduction of our new NIKONOS SoPA (South Pacific) model, and to enhance our potential to exceed expectations in terms of consumer impact in the sports camera market. The initiation of the NIKONOS SoPa is Nikon Australia's latest regional product. Unique to our national expansion in underwater photography, the new South Pacific model debuts here in Australia, with global extension of the complete underwater camera equipment line by 2014. Roll out of the SoPa is scheduled to proceed in the South Pacific region by 2012. Marketed through new and traditional media, events, press and tourism, the camera is slated to hit the Australian market in September of 2010, the commencement of our Summer season. Research and development is looking for new ways to enhance the quality of the lens in the product, as new instruments are tested, and risk assessment applied to development and manufacturing of forthcoming models. The NIKONOS SoPa series camera is prefaced forty years of underwater photographic use. The popularity of the camera's versatility is shown to us year after year, as customers communicate the durability and performance of Nikon's technology in bad weather conditions, and exposure to water spray. Our customers are sports people. One only has to look to the creativity of Japanese sports fans utilizing the NIKONOS at beer-pouring parties in celebration of the professional baseball championships to understand the effectiveness of our product. The NIKONOS goes where single-lens reflex cameras cannot. As we move toward the latter half of 2010, we are proud to maintain that our efforts to provide globe with technology that has not rival have succeeded. Unparalleled in market segment, our NIKONOS series cameras are not to be beat by competitors. The reality is that our underwater cameras are a synergy of distinctive technological factors. At Nikon, all of our products are crafted with the highest degree of engineering expertise. From research, design and development to careful manufacturing, the Nikon brand bears the mark of distinction and quality. The waterproof capability of the NIKONOS series cameras is the result of a composition of integrated lenses, Speedlight, and a seamless systemic compatibility with the product's line of underwater sports technology accessories. Discontinuation of the NIKONOS in the 1990s has allowed us much time to consider this vintage product's potential and its legacy. In the field of underwater photography, the method for taking pictures involves 'a land-use single-lens reflex camera enclosed in water pressure-resistant casing, or housing' (Nikon 2010). Steady evolution of this process drove professionals to newer options in aquatic imaging. However, in response to much demand by fans of the former, discontinued NIKONOS camera series, Nikon has decided to reintroduce the product,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Harp of burma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Harp of burma - Essay Example By using the analogy of music, the Burmese harp that Mizumshima played, Takeyama has tried to promote an ideal of peace after the ravages of World War II, keeping in mind the Buddhist teachings of peace and harmony. After the Second World War, people saw the ravages of war firsthand.. Despite the dangers involved, the soldiers on both sides fought valiantly and fearlessly, perhaps not just because of their ideals, but for the pride and vainglory of their leaders and generals. To boost their morale at the war front, often troupes of musicians were sent to them to keep them entertained. This was done in an attempt to keep them fighting. Despite the peaceful ideals of Buddhism, the Japanese fought the British in Burma, a Buddhist country and shed a lot of blood there. This was in direct contrast to the Buddhist teachings. As per Mayton, â€Å"Non violence is at the heart of Buddhist thinking and behavior. The first of the five precepts that all Buddhists should follow is [to] avoid killing, or harming any living thing† (47). People who shed blood in their own ancestral land are cursed. Added to this was the fact that due to the continuous onslaught of the British, and the defeats of the Japanese elsewhere, it was becoming more and more difficult to continue fighting, calling for the Burmese to surrender (Win 114). There were many Japanese soldiers, however, who refused to surrender despite the surrender of their government. In the novel, Mizushima was asked to convince a group of soldiers, who were still fighting in the mountains, to surrender to the British. McDonald states that the Buddhist cultural practices and beliefs entail that if surrender achieves peace, then people should not be made to suffer by non surrender (23). The Burmese, being Buddhists, considered war to be foreign to their way of life, however, their Japanese occupiers were actively shedding blood in their land.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Reading Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading Discussion - Essay Example It was also interesting to note that, even with these blurred lines between â€Å"pop† and culture, the media has played a critical role in influencing how both adults and children act. This could lead to lower self-esteem because people feel that they have to take specific actions in order to fit into the popular culture. I was also attracted to the fact that the United States has an overwhelming influence on the actions of other societies, specifically due to the fact that American composition classrooms have championed the incorporation of popular culture into academic study (Maasik & Solomon 7). It is almost as if had media technology not been invented, then the world would have had to focus on other issues that have more importance to their heritage and their lives. This is confusing because it could be assumed that the media would adapt to societal norms and reflect reality. Instead, it has adapted to popular culture and has influenced society to adapt to norms present in popular

Monday, September 23, 2019

GS1 Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GS1 Report - Essay Example Currently, GS1 is the most widely used global supply chain standards system, through it, any organization irrespective of size or geo-relocation can order, trace, deliver and pay for goods along the supply chain. One of the primary techniques used to streamline the supply chain from the raw materials to the manufacturing stage is the use of barcodes; they play a central role in GS1’s functionality. They are a global standard language and they transcend language barriers which have retrospectively posed a serious challenge to the globalization of trade (Crichton 2008). Since their introduction by GS1 as part of the global standardization process, the speed and accuracy of transactions have significantly improved. For the last three decades, GS1 has delivered enterprise solutions and simplified execution of global standards for use in local and transnational supply chains. The chief purpose of GS1 standards is the provision of a structure that facilitates express and operative m ovement of, goods, service and corresponding information. The formation of GS1 was occasioned by a merger between the Uniform Code Council (UCC) and the European Article Numbering (EAN International) in a 1990 cooperative agreement in which they agreed to formally co-manage global standards. The organization has extensive latitude and it governs a global notational membership of over 100 encompassing millions in the 24 industrial sectors. It is highly dynamic and has maintained an exponential growth rate primarily because of its profit reinvestment strategy; all the extra revenues generated by its activities are channeled back to further develop the organization. Supply Chain Management A well designed supply chain is crucial in the quest to expedite day to day business operations so as to reduce the complexity of trade between organizations both locally and internationally. To this end, it is essential that business maintain a set of universal standards, which makes for easier deci sion making in terms of which hardware, software or services need to be purchased or used. Furthermore, universal standards ensure collaboration between traders throughout the supply chain such that identification and sharing of items as well as calculations of quantities across the board can be smoothened. In the long run, this benefit all the stakeholders since goods become easily available and accessible and service provision is more efficient; for instance, in the medical field, errors are reduced and patient safety enhanced. GS1 also plays a key role in combating counterfeit products since it facilitates global traceability and authentication. Relative to the principle of Global Standard, GS1 keeps four global trading products namely; Barcodes, Electronic Business Messaging (eCom), Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) and EPC global. They also provide services such as; Customer Service, Education and Training and Barcode Testing (Moore 2009). In lieu with the new technolo gical development that have been integrated into the business environment, information supply and authentication of data is made easier through the Go scan app that allow users to scan a products barcode and access the product data online. The Shoe Size

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The experiment safe Essay Example for Free

The experiment safe Essay In every day lives we come across a number of different objects that are bouncing, colliding and in motion. All these are attributable to the energy changes involved in the process thus obeying the law of conservation of energy. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and that the sum total of energy in this universe remains constant. This scientific method of looking at energy changes can be associated and implemented on a variety of simple things and one among them being observation of bouncing objects. This motivation has lead me to investigate, understand and analyse bouncing of a ball on a surface. However, understanding the bouncing mechanism is not as simple as it appears, because there are several factors involved during the bouncing action. For example, the material of the ball, the type and nature of surface over which it freely falls, frictional factors due to air resistance, temperature affecting the surrounding air molecules as well as during the ball-surface interactions. Preliminary Investigation Looking around practically made me notice a variety of different types and sizes of balls. There were golf balls, tennis balls, footballs, sponge balls, cricket balls, bouncy balls, etc. I observed them carefully and noticed that none were similar in any way. The cricket balls were the only ones made out of leather, the bouncy balls were made out of dense rubber, and the golf balls were made of plastic. I tried to test the bounce of these balls on different surfaces like carpeted flooring and wooden flooring. I found that each ball when dropped on these flooring was bouncing to different heights. I felt that each of these balls when dropped on a given flooring surface had different factors that influenced their bounce. Also I noticed that the ball being dropped constantly bounced almost at the same height. This made me feel that I could use this as my chosen experiment for further investigations. As mentioned earlier, the bouncing of balls may look simple, but the energy conversions are quite complex. In simple terms, the work done during a bouncing ball system involves three possible energy sources, 1) Gravitational potential energy (energy due to its position) 2) Kinetic energy (energy due to its motion) 3) frictional energy (lost due to production of heat and sound). The ball acquires Gravitational Potential Energy because of its position and also the ball is working against the gravity to acquire this position. Kinetic energy is gained during the motion of the ball. The frictional energy is lost due to the production of heat and sound. In fact, the conversion of the potential energy results in the kinetic energy of motion until the bounce is over and this potential energy is regained as ball acquires the next position or height. However, on each bounce over a given surface energy of impact is transferred to the surface on which it bounces. Also energy is used up in over coming the air resistance. The energy of impact can be split into sound energy, heat energy or light energy (spark) in the case of very heavy balls (for ex. Iron balls striking iron plate surfaces). This can be totally called as frictional energy loss. The process of bouncing continues with frictional loss occurring on each bounce and this effect could be known as damping. Damping means the loss of height on each bounce on a given surface. The damping effect decreases until the ball attains the minimum potential energy. The damping effect influences the speed and so it tends to slow down the ball each time it impacts the surface. To observe this effect experiments were planned to drop large bouncy balls on different surfaces and to note the rebound heights. Preliminary Results Bounce Quality Number Balls used Carpet flooring Wooden flooring 1 Golf Ball Low Medium 2 Tennis Ball Medium Medium 3 Football Low Low 4 Sponge Ball Low Low 5 Cricket Ball Low Low 6 Bouncy Ball Medium High Below are the formulae of different types of energy and work done: Potential Energy: PE = mgh 1) Where, m= mass of the ball (kg) g= acceleration due to gravity () h= height of the bounce(m) Work Done: Wd = F x d -(2) Where,F= Force (N) d = bounce height (m) Also as part of my preliminary work I did some work using a CD Called Science Investigations. This was very useful as I could see how the ball rebound height would differ if I changed the temperature of the ball. The ball being used was a squash ball. The results I gained were as follows (assuming that the drop height was kept the same-1metre): Temperature(i C) Rebound height(cm)Â   (The rebound height was measured from the bottom of the ball. ) As you can see, these results seem fairly realistic and accurate. As the temperature inside the squash ball increased, the rebound height increased. This was the case in all of the tests. Also using this CD I could investigate the different amounts of energy bring used up when a ball bounces. A ball has 100% gravitational potential energy when it is in your hand. As soon as you release it the amount of gravitational potential energy decreases and instead, 100% Kinetic energy is formed. However, when the ball hits the ground there is no kinetic energy or gravitational potential energy. Instead, there is only elastic potential energy and heat/sound energy. After the ball hits the ground, kinetic energy is regained again, but it is not a full 100%, it is only 80%. 20% of the energy was used up as heat/sound energy. So when the ball is caught in your hand again, the gravitational potential energy returns, but there is only 20% of what there previously was, so the ball does not reach its drop height. Safety: To make the experiment safe, I will have to make sure of the following: That the nail that supports the ball is tightly secured in its position. That the balls are used in a proper manner in all situations. The equipment like the clamp and stand are fixed to the workbench securely. To make this test fair I will have to make sure of the following: That the metre rule is straight and not at an angle. That I release the ball from the given point. E. g. Place the bottom of the bouncy ball in line with the one metre mark, the 0. 8 metre mark etc. Just release the ball without adding any extra force. Keep the temperature in the room constant. Make sure that there is very little air movement. Make sure that you have the same experimental conditions for all the three trials. The factor I will be investigating is the height I drop the ball.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Best Day Essay Example for Free

Best Day Essay Have you ever felt the emotion when you are going to see your favorite band or singer alive in a concert. This happened to me when I went to Sofia last year to see one of my favorite singers Enrique Iglesias. It was fantastic experience that I will never forget. The day was near, it was ten days befor the concert, and every day I asked my father for permission and money. One day he finally said â€Å"yes†, and he gave me the money. He told me that it was the gift for my birthday. I was so happy and immediately called my friend to tell her about the news. The next day we bought our tickets and we were waiting for the big day.We couldn’t believe that we would be in the most waited concert on September 29th , we never thought that in few hours, we would sing all the song of our favorite singer. When we arrived,we sat in the chairs, and we were waiting for Enrique. The lights turned off and all the auditory screamed like they were crazy. The orchestra began to play one of my favorite songs. The best singer appeared in the scene. That moment was so awesome and exciting for me, and everyone was all of the songs. In conclusion, I will tell tha, the concert was a big experience for me and I was so happy. At the end, we bought some souvenirs from the concert, like a shirt, some posters and a cup. The concert finished at 12 p.m. and we came back to our town with an experience that I will never forget. I will remember this moment as if it had been yesterday.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Grammar Translation Method Community Language Learning English Language Essay

The Grammar Translation Method Community Language Learning English Language Essay We have learnt about different teaching approaches during the lecture. The examples of approaches are the direct method, grammar translation method, the silent way, community language learning, communicative language teaching, total physical response and many more. I have chosen the grammar translation method and community language learning as for this report. According to Random House Unabridged Dictionary, grammar translation method means a traditional technique of foreign-language teaching based on explicit instruction in the grammatical analysis of the target language and translation of sentences from the native language into the target language and vice versa. Community language learning means a method of teaching a foreign language that uses small groups and other ways of reducing students anxiety. There are advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. Both approaches are also relevant to use in the current Malaysian Education system. Generally, the grammar translation is derived from traditional approaches to the teaching of Latin and Greek in the nineteenth century (Barb, 2010). Even though the method has been used a long time ago, this method is still useful to our current education system. According to Richard and Rogers, 2002 (as cited in Barb, 2010), the grammar translation method is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first thought detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by the application of this knowledge through the task of translating sentences and text into and out of the target language. The first advantage is that grammar rule is taught deductively. This means that the pupils are taught about the grammar rule and then they have to apply to the new examples. It is important for the pupils to learn about the grammar rule of the language. This will make them use and apply the language better. They can lessen their mistake when they know about the grammar rule. They also wi ll be able to explain about the grammar rule of certain words when they have the knowledge. Next, translation is the easiest and shortest way to understand English. This is because most primary school children do not familiar with this language. They can only understand their mother tongue. So, by teaching English using the mother tongue, the pupils manage to catch up with their study better. Translation is needed to teach the children. The usage of mother tongue is very important for the pupils in learning English in the early year. This is to make them understand better. For example, if we talk using English during lesson, the pupils may not be able to understand a single thing during the lesson. By using the mother tongue during the lesson, the pupils also do not have any problem in understanding and responding to the teacher. So, there is interaction happen in the classroom. The communication between the pupils and the teacher does not cause any problem. Translation is very important element in learning English for these children. The other advantage is the pupils have been introduced to the literature texts during the early years of their study. It is a good sign that the pupils learn about literature during the lesson. When they have learnt about the literature texts, they manage to interpret the literary passages well based on their experience during the learning process in the class. They can show their understanding in literature by managing to interpret the literary texts. There are also disadvantages of this method. The first disadvantage is less participation from the pupils. This method is teacher-oriented. The teacher has the full authority to control the class. So, the inputs of the learning are given by the teacher from the beginning of the lesson until the end. The pupils job in the class is to hear to the teachers instruction without questioning anything. They are like silent learners. There is no discussion or sharing opinion occurs during the lesson. As a result, the pupils cognitive skill and critical and creative thinking will not develop. Not only that, the teacher also is the one to decide whether the pupils answers are correct or not. If the pupils do not manage to get the correct answers, the teacher will give the correct answers to the pupils. The teacher does not even try to give the pupils another chance to answer to the questions. They will not become autonomous learner. This is one of the teacher-centred methods in the learning pro cess. These skills are required for the pupils to develop so that they will be able to understand their learning better and manage to do well in their study. Not only that, the other disadvantage is little or no attention given to the speaking skill. According to Brown (2001), it does virtually nothing to enhance a students communication ability in the language. This is because they only do the reading and writing during the class. The pupils are not exposed to any other skills in learning like listening, speaking and writing. These skills are vital for the pupils in their learning. By learning a lesson with these skills, they will be able to understand the lesson and manage to complete all the works given by the teacher. If this situation continuously happens, it will promote to the boredom to the pupils. This is because they keep on doing the same thing during the lesson. Primary school children always like to have fun and doing fun things. When they are doing the same thing durin g the lesson, the tendency for them to withdraw from the lesson is higher. As a result, the lesson process will not progress well. The disturbance that occurs will interrupt the learning process. They will also disrupt other students who wanted to learn. Besides that, the teaching using this method is against the natural way of learning a language. The natural order of learning a language is listening, speaking, reading and writing (Purwarno Hadinata, 2006). Through this method the pupils are to ask to read texts and literature texts during the lesson. This method is unnatural method. Even though the primary school children want to learn about their mother tongue language while they were young, they still have to listen to the other peoples words before they can speak out the words. It is hard for them to learn about English which is not their mother tongue through reading. They will not understand the sentences or words through reading. The last disadvantage of grammatical translation method is much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words. The teacher gives the meaning of single words instead of the meaning of the sentences or phrases. For example, the teacher gives the meaning of the word happy in the mother ton gue. The pupils only know the meaning of the word happy. There are also other words that related to the word happy like happiness, happily and many more. When reading sentences that have the word happiness, the pupils may become confused. This is because they only know the meaning of the word happy. This method is relevant for the rural area pupils. This is because using this method; the teacher does not has to use any high-tech teaching aids. High-tech teaching aids such as LCD (liquid crystal display) projector can be quite bothersome sometimes. The teacher just has to use the textbooks as the main resource in the classroom. Furthermore, in rural area, the high-tech teaching aids are rarely found there. Sometimes, the electricity resource is not enough for them. There are some places in rural areas that do not have water and electricity resources. So, textbooks are the important resources in the classroom. Other than that, the target language is translated into the mother tongue. So, the rural area pupils will be able to understand English well when the words are translated. This is because many of them do not capable in understand and using English. They are not exposed to this language since they were little. When they entered school, they have to learn about this language a s a second language and they are very new to this language. Translation using the mother tongue is very essential for them. This can build their interest towards the language. Even though they find it hard learning English for the first time, as the time goes by the interest towards the English language will be developed. Since this method is teacher-centred, the pupils can depend on the teacher to learn English. They have no one to teach them English at house compared to the pupils who live in the urban area. The other approach is community language learning. This method is also known as counselling-learning. Basically, community language learning is based on the student-centred. The pupils will become autonomous learners. In this method, teacher acts as the counsellor while the pupils as the clients. The pupils are asked to sit in a close group of six to ten persons. They have talk about anything they like and the teacher has to be outside the circle. The pupils also have the chance to choose their own topic. They are given the time to brainstorm the ideas. The most important thing is their discussion will be recorded. Besides that, during the discussion, the pupils can also talk using their mother tongue and the teacher will translate for them the actual sentences. At this point, the pupils are responsible for their own learning. They have to be more confident to have the conversation among the members in the group. The recorded conversation will be shown to the pupils in order to impro ve their abilities in the English language. Even though this is student-centred approach, the teacher plays a vital role in this method. Teacher plays the role as he facilitator and guider for the pupils during their learning process. The second advantage is it will boost the pupils speaking and listening skills. When the pupils use this method for the first time, they may feel a bit of awkwardness during the conversation. When they are used to this method, the feeling of awkwardness will disappear. They will find this method enjoyable and fun. This is because the topic is not specific by the teacher. The pupils have the freedom to choose the topic for themselves. Thus, their speaking and listening skills will be improved. They will be able to use the language without any worry. They are not afraid to make mistakes when speaking. As a result, they have the confident in using the language. The other advantage of this method is encourage teachers to see their students as whole persons, where their feelings, intellect, interpersonal relationships, protective reactions, and desired to learn are addressed and balanced (English Raven Educational Services 2007). This method is also a part of humanistic approach in the language learning. This is because it will help the teacher to understand their pupils emotions or feelings. When the teacher is able to understand the pupils feelings, the teacher will be able to help them in their learning. It also encourages the teacher to know more about their pupils. So, the teacher is capable to fulfil the pupils needs in their learning. The pupils learning process will run smoothly. The last advantage is it will enhance the relationship between teacher and pupils. According to Joyce, Calhoun and Hopkins (2002), this model emphasizes the partnership between students and teachers. The teacher will help the pupils to translate the sentences that the pupils produced in their mother tongue. This is because the pupils will seek for their teachers help whenever they need the help. So, the teacher will always ready to help the pupils outside the circle. The relationship between the teacher and pupils will become closer. It can also decrease the pupils anxiety while doing the conversation in the group. This is because they manage to build trust among themselves. They are able to support each other during the conversation. Teacher can also help the pupils to overcome their negative feeling towards English by turning them into positive energy to further their learning. Teacher can encourage the pupils to speak English. The teacher can also praise the pupils when they manage to speak English during the conversation. This will motivate them to learn about English. In the class, teacher is responsible to correct the pupils when they make mistakes. Teacher should be able to comfort the pupils during the conversation. Then, the fe ar of learning English by the pupils will disappear slowly. There are also disadvantages in this method. Firstly, this method is time consuming. A lot of time is needed for this method to be progressed successfully. The teacher should be more patient while using this method. The teacher has to give more time for the pupils on their learning process. Sometimes, the learning process will be delayed. In addition, not all pupils will be able to participate in the conversation at a time. Only a few pupils will be participating. The teacher has to follow the time that has been allocated during the lesson. If the learning process has delayed, the teacher has to find some other time to continue with the session. If this method requires a lot of time, the pupils will feel bored when they do not capable to acquire the language. This will lead to frustration to the pupils. Thus, they will lose the interest in learning English as the second language and tend to withdraw themselves from the conversation. Furthermore, it is very hard for the teacher to tra nslate certain sentences for the pupils. This is because there are some classes which have multiracial pupils. They also use different mother tongue language. So, the teacher will find it hard for them. The teacher may not be able to understand every pupil in the class. There are also a few teachers that are not really capable in using the English language. As they continue using this method; it will also lead to frustration to the teachers. The teacher may not be able to help the pupils in their English. So, in order for the teacher to be able to help the pupils, the teacher should be fluent in the mother tongue language and also English. Other than that, some of the pupils do not have the confidence is speaking in English. So they may use a lot of mother tongue in the conversation. This will not improve their English as second language. They are afraid to try to speak in English. They will feel embarrass when their friends laugh at them if they make mistakes. Some pupils may feel rather passive and will not volunteer to speak anything. This is because they have to depend on themselves during the conversation. The teacher will serve as a facilitator and will monitor them during the conversation. They will also feel embarrass when they hear the recorded tape. Some of the pupils may not be able to speak fluently when they know that they are being recorded. They will lose the feeling of security learning English. Even though this method is non-threatening, some of the pupils may find this method threatening. This is when they are not capable to acquire the target language. They may have low self-esteem in using the langu age. The tendency for them not to speak in English during the conversation may be higher. This is because they have to be responsible for their own learning. They have to depend on themselves and the other members in the group. When they are not able to speak using the target language, they will have the feeling of frustration in themselves. This approach is relevant to the secondary school and tertiary level education. This is because this is student-centred approach. They should be able to be responsible towards their learning. They are able to think about the thing that will benefit them. By using this method in learning, the students will be able to become autonomous learner. This is because the current Malaysian education system encourages the students to find their own way of learning. They should not depend on the lecturers that teach them. They have to find other alternatives in their learning. So, by using this method, the students will be able to achieve the aspiration of the current education system. They will also enhance their speaking and listening skills. The order of learning a language is by learning listening and speaking skills first. If they are able to listen to teacher well, they will be able to speak English well. Hence, they will have the confidence in using the target language everywhere. In conclusion, both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. It depends on how it is being used in the school. In order to make this method successful in the class, teacher and the administration of the school play an essential role.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The One-Drop Rule Essay -- Racial Issues

The growth in the multiracial population in the United States of America since the 1970’s has greatly increased and is continuing to increase. Although the number of biracial and multiracial Americans is relatively small to the total population at 5 million, the multiracial population is growing at a rate of ten times faster than that of the White population (Stuckey 2008). These facts weren’t officially known until the United States government’s verdict to allow individuals to claim multiple races on the 2000 US census. Along with these aspects, the increased exposure of multiracial public figures and celebrities such as Tiger Woods, Halle Berry, and Barack Obama, has caused the focus of public discussion and scholarly attention on multiracial people to increase greatly. Much of this discussion focuses on racial identity. Racial Identity is put to question in censuses and other polls, applications, and in personal meetings. When it comes to answering in these si tuations I believe most biracial White-Black people internally identify as Black, and describe how both Blacks and Whites see them as Black. I argue that the one-drop rule still shapes racial identity. Blacks and Whites first began mixing significantly in America in the 17th and 18th centuries, between African slaves and the European indentured servants. Fearing that these interracial relationships would tarnish the purity of the White race, states passed laws in the 1660s to prohibit interracial marriage. Despite these strict anti miscegenation laws, the relationships continued, sometimes through consent and other times through force, as White slave owners often raped their Black female slaves. As a result, many multiracial children were born as the circumstance of bru... ...h to Understanding the Racial Identification of Multiracial adolescents. Conference Papers—American Sociological Association, 1-22 Pearlmann, J. and Mary Waters. 2002. The New Race Question: How the Census Counts Multiracial Individuals. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Qian, Zhenchao. 2004. â€Å"Options: Racial/Ethnic Identification of Children of Intermarried Couples.† Social Science Quarterly 85:746–65. Rockquemore, Kerry Ann, and David L. Brunsma. 2002a. Beyond Black: Biracial Identity in America. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Roth, W. 2005. The End of the One-Drop rule? Labeling of Multiracial children in Black Inermarriages. Sociological Forum, 20(1), 35-67 Stuckey, M. (2008, May 28). Multiracial americans surge in number, voice. Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Being a Good Leader in the Marines Essay -- Marines Leadership Counsel

Being a Good Leader in the Marines â€Å"In order to be a good leader, there are two things to remember. Lead from the Front and always set the Example. From these two leadership principles, everything else will fall into place.† These are the words that have ended all of my counseling sheets with since I began writing them as a Corporal and will continue to do as long as I counsel Marines. I was brought up in the Marine Corps with this philosophy and have adopted it as my own. Leading from the front is often times one of the leadership principles that is easier said by some than actually done. Those so called leaders that would tell their Marines to do something that ‘they’ would never really do themselves. Coming in font of your Marines on a Monday morning without a fresh haircut or pressed uniform and actually having the nerve to address them on how ‘unsatisfactory’ they appear. I have actually had the unpleasant experience of witnessing this, from a receiving perspective. Is this what anyone would call Setting the Example? I have had both the pleasure and discomfort of being led by good and bad leaders. The way I simply define leadership is by being able to do as you say. Lead from the front and Set the example. There are several different items that I have stored in my leadership â€Å"bag of tricks†. The one that I find myself applying the most is the ability to be both stern but flexible. I am a true believer in the statement that no one is perfect. As a leader I feel tha...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Existentialism: Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon Essay

Dashiell Hammett, father of the American hard-boiled genre, is widely known for producing a suffocating world of realism in his works (â€Å"Hard-boiled fiction†). According to Paul Abraham’s â€Å"On re-reading The Maltese Falcon,† the realistic atmosphere of Hammett’s third novel is reactionary to the post-war turmoil in which the work was born (97). This provides the ideal foundation for subtle philosophical concepts of existentialism such as, quests for truth, self identification, and the significance of existence to build throughout the novel. Richard Layman, in his critical review of Hammett’s novel (also titled The Maltese Falcon), proposes that the philosophies of Hammett’s generation can be found within the text of his novel (71). Hammett conveys an existential theme in his work The Maltese Falcon through his use of themes of inquiry and self absorbed characters as well as his Flitcraft parable. Existentialism, in a simple form, is a philosophy concerning existence and its significance. Layman asserts that â€Å"[existentialism] had its roots in the mid-nineteenth century and flourished in the United States from the 1930s until the 1960s† (71). According to the web-article â€Å"World War I† from the New World Encyclopedia, subsequent to the Great War, â€Å"the optimism for world peace of the 1900s was entirely gone. † Therefore, without the blinders of social optimism, American society could question ideas such as, the occurrence of mass destruction in a â€Å"just† world and the significance of existence in such a world. Hammett’s firsthand experience with the existential crisis—caused by what the historical context from the website â€Å"The Maltese Falcon† presents as global wars, the Great Depression, and other struggles of the 1930s—leads Hammett to employ different techniques throughout his work, providing subtle allusions to existentialism. One method through which Hammett conveys existentialistic thought is through his themes of inquiry in The Maltese Falcon. The plot is centered on the continuous quest for an idolized icon—the Maltese falcon, a precious bejeweled bird. Hammett incorporates an ecclesiastical theme through this pursuit of an icon. The quest for their icon ultimately leads to the demise of the characters involved in its search. It steals the identity and climatically the life of the mob-boss Gutman. Brigid, the femme fatale, also loses in this pursuit, for she is left to the mercy of the law in the final pages. Whether death or imprisonment plagues the characters involved, the quest for an icon consumes their lives. Hammett illuminates the detrimental consequences of such quests through the aforementioned loss of identity, life, and freedom. This message is countered by the existentialistic denouncement of all icons. Existentialism provides a simple solution for such futile quests: lives are not wasted in the search of an icon. In pursuit of a precious icon, all characters lose themselves—a root of the existentialist crisis: loss of self, questioning of existence (â€Å"Existentialism†). Another theme of inquiry in Hammett’s novel deals with the constant search for the truth. Spade, the protagonist, is tormented by the ambiguity of truth throughout the novel. Spade is forced to discern lies from the truth within the first pages of the novel, where he meets Brigid, or rather â€Å"Miss Wonderly† as she is dubbed upon primary introduction. Brigid, notorious for her deceitful ways, confesses to Spade, once an invested relationship is established between the two: â€Å"I am a liar. I have always been a liar† (353). Layman observes that â€Å"the challenge for Spade in the book is to make up the rules as he goes along; to decide for himself, without outside guidance, what he believes and what he believes in† (71). These decisions shape Spade’s actions and help to define his character. Spade, concerning himself â€Å"with the quest for relevance and authenticity,† as David Pickus writes in his expose on existentialism, is not the only character involved in the search for truth (17). Brigid, Gutman, Cairo, and Wilmer are forced to come to terms with the quest for truth and authenticity when it is discovered their falcon is a mere fabrication of the true Maltese falcon. After shaving the black enamel from the base of the falcon Gutman exclaims â€Å"it’s a fake. † Gutman reacts with his â€Å"breath [hissing] between his teeth† and â€Å"his face [becoming] turgid with hot blood† (430). This is representative of the anger Gutman possesses upon the realization of this on-going search for authenticity. Another method in which Hammett unveils existentialistic undertones is through his self-absorbed characters. Layman writes about Spade: â€Å"He is defining who he is. That is the simplest statement of the philosophy of existentialism†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (71). Spade relies solely on himself and often stretches the hands of the law. He undermines the police in order to prevent interference within his investigations, denouncing their authority. For example, when Dundy, a police officer tells Spade, â€Å"You’ve gotten away with this and you’ve gotten away with that, but you can’t keep it up forever. † Spade nonchalantly replies: â€Å"Stop me when you can† (341). The article from the Philosophy website, titled â€Å"Existentialism† states that â€Å"an existentialist believes that a person should be forced to choose and be responsible without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions. † Spade epitomizes this idea with his actions throughout the novel. Brigid is another character who does not function within the realm of laws and rules; however, she is a less responsible character than Spade. Brigid’s efforts are invested into self-preservation. She continuously fights to stay one step ahead of everyone through creating a web of lies, which ultimately becomes a defining element of her character. Her deceitfulness and obsession with obtaining her desires without concern for consequence or reputation demonstrates her loss of self in pursuit of something worthless; she becomes nothing more than a wanton woman with no true identity. In addition to his characterization, Hammett also utilizes the Flitcraft parable as a means of conveying existentialistic thought. Martin Harris writes: â€Å"The Flitcraft parable has been examined closely by those who see the story providing an important key to Hammett’s feelings about the meaning (or lack thereof) of human existence† (241). The Flitcraft parable tells the story of a man who completely changed his life in consequence of one random event. Flitcraft, a satisfied family man, encountered a near death experience via a construction beam plummeting into his path. This event made him contemplate the randomness of life—there are no certainties. Spade tells Brigid: â€Å"[Flitcraft] felt like somebody had taken the lid off life and let him look at the works† (335). Flitcraft understood the uncertainty of life after this experience. With this epiphany Flitcraft began a new life; he took the randomness of life and incorporated it into his existence. Aware of mortality and the significance of one’s identity, Flitcraft exposed himself to an alternate life. While Flitcraft ultimately ended up settling back into his prior lifestyle, the afterglow of his near death experience permitted him to revel in existentialism, for according to the web-article â€Å"Existentialism† the search of self-being is a fundamental element of the existential philosophy. Whether it is through various themes, characters, or a well placed anecdote, the undertones of existentialism exist within the pages of Hammett’s novel. Hammett effectively incorporated themes from his era into his literature. In a time where the â€Å"spirit of optimism in society was destroyed,† Hammett acknowledged realism within the text of his art (â€Å"Existentialism†). While existentialism no longer has an intoxicating hold on modern society, it lives in the pages of influential authors. The Maltese Falcon’s subtle cues to such great philosophical ideas assist in the significance that Hammett’s works hold to this day.

Monday, September 16, 2019

High School Dropouts Essay

High school dropouts — a growing problem in our society, or is it? After hearing about dropouts heading back to school to receive a diploma on the local news, I often wonder what they were missing out on. I mean, does a dropout really need to head back only to solve a quadratic equation or to write an five paragraph essay on The American Revolution? I’m willing to bet that more than half of parents who’ve graduated from high school don’t even know how to solve a quadratic equation or how The American Revolution came about. It’s really annoying to witness activates telling students to stay in school when some of the activates themselves could not accomplish high school level work. This is why I personally believe that a diploma is nothing more than a piece of paper. Much of society is too focused on whether a person obtained a high school diploma rather than one’s real intellect. That piece of paper determines whether you’re qualified to get a job, which is real disturbing to me since high school level work does not give you work experience. I myself being a high school graduate had somewhat of a difficult time in my first year of college. I’m nineteen years old and I’m sure that I can speak for some people on that. If high school really prepares a student, then why is college considered a challenge? Why are we learning math, history, English, and etc. in college if we’ve already taken the same classes in high school? For example, college algebra is exactly the same as Algebra I & II in high school. When put in perspective, it’s obvious why people regurgitate the same stuff again in college; it’s because high school lacks in preparing a student for the real world. I mean, when you head to college, you have to take at least two years of classes that you’ve already taken in high school before you actually get into your major. Does that itself make a statement that education in high school lacks of doing a good job? I personally think of it like that. This is why it bothers me when a job determines whether a person has a high school diploma, because in reality, many high school graduates have the same intuition as some high school dropouts. In the end, I believe society is too focused on a high school diploma rather than someone’s intelligence. I understand that it’s natural for us to forget some of the material we’ve learned in high school. However, why is it that jobs are more focused on a diploma that was obtained decades ago rather than someone’s current intellect? Why does a dropout really need to head back to school to make it in this world? High school does not prepare you for a certain job. Work experience prepares you for a job. Many high school graduates who apply for a job must gain a certain level of job experience before working anyway. Many of the jobs that require a high school level education can easily be done by a high school dropout. If society can focus less on a trivial diploma and put for attention on one’s ability, then I think this country would be much smarter.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Chinese Revolution, a Momentous and Significant Revolution

The Chinese Revolution, beginning in 1911 and ending in 1949 was a momentous and significant revolution within history. The Chinese Revolution was a result of impearialistic control of China by other countries, unfair treatment of peasants, and young people’s desire to modernize China. Similar to The Chinese Revolution, the novel â€Å"Animal Farm† was an allegory that also exhibited the strive for freedom and respect within a nation, or in this case the Manor Farm. In the novel, the animals fought hard inorder to rebel against the rule of their often drunk owner Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones was a mean unkind master who enjoyed a care free life while the animals lack food. Respectively, the Chinese also strived for freedom and rights in China while under the rule of the Qing Dynatsy, although the Qing Dynasty was very helpful with major improvements as building roads and post offices to make interchange of labor, information, and resources in china, making the first currency th at can be used through whole China, and, formulating language, written letters, numeric system, units for weights and measure in china. The Qing Dynatsty was still a very unfair and unjust political system ran by a long line curropt dictators all within the Qing family, and the people of China as did the animals in the novel decided enough was enough. So with the help of Mao Zedong, communist philantropist and future leader of china, offered communism as an alternative to the peasants in china promising food, jobs, and homes to everyone who followed the words of communism. And with the team work of china’s peasant population which was the majority of China and Mao Zendong they effortously overthrew the Qing Dynasty. As did the animals, but instead of the Chinese government simply the Manor Farm, but the proccess towards conducting these revolutions were almost identical. Knowing the novel animal Farm is based on the time period of the Russian Revolution, the animals within the novel can been seen as the peasants of The Chinese Revolution. The Pigs, or futher known as Snowball whose character is based on Lenin Trostsky, and Napolean whos character is based on Joseph Stalin can be viewed as Mao Zendong or the other contibutors to the Chinese Revolution as Chaing Kai Shek. With the help of both parties the animals using strength pyhsically and in numbers, wit, and intelligence wer able to formulate plans and strategies like Mao Zendong

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Personality Testing of New Hires

Personality Testing During the Hiring Process Personality testing is not a new topic. What is new is the ongoing shift in mindset that has diluted the value of personality testing during the hiring process and only finds a value in using personality testing after the candidate has joined the organization. This will be challenged by first providing a brief history on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and reviewing the years of dedicated research that went into the development of the test. Second, it will reveal the correlations of the test results to job requirements through specific examples. Third, it will discuss why applicant honesty and company policy makes personality testing necessary. Fourth, it will identify and support how many organizations successfully use the MBTI for applications other than pre-employment. Finally, organizations utilizing personality testing, specifically the MBTI, as a part the hiring process will identify the strongest and most compatible candidate for the required organizational needs. Many organizations are following the notion that personality tests have no relevance to job performance and should not be used as a tool to support the hiring process; however, it can be used appropriately for leadership identification, self-awareness and team building (Robbins & Judge, 2008). The testing of personalities was at its peak in the early nineteen fifties with MBTI leading the way (Overholt, 2004). Banks initially used the MBTI as a pre-screening tool in nineteen forty six. Not one or two banks, but the entire industry was committed to utilizing the MBTI. This concept of capturing personality was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Cook Briggs. They performed rigorous studies of some earlier work by a Swiss psychiatrist by the name of Carl Jung. The first assessment was a couple of simple questionnaires that would gauge people by their personality type. There are sixteen possible types that are configured out of four specific categories. The dedication of the Myers-Briggs team was unsurpassed. Even after her mother passed away, Myers spent her life advancing this body of work. Rubis et al. , 2005) For those who may not be familiar with the structure of the test, here are the parameters. There are one hundred questions that are situational based. The participant is to choose the answer that best describes the general actions or feelings they usually have when in that situation (Robbins & Judge, 2008). The questions are built around general concepts of personality, and by answering the questions it helps to reveal the participant’s personality type (Pepper, Kolesnikov-Jessop, & Herman, 2005). There is no right or wrong when answering. The questions are open to interpretation, because every question is presented on logical opposition (Bentley, 2007). The participant simply determines which one fits them the best. Some examples of the questions a participant would be asked are as follows: â€Å"Would you rather be considered a practical person or an ingenious person? â€Å", and: â€Å"Does following a schedule appeal to you or cramp you? † (Ross, n. p. ) Once the participant finishes the test, the answers are consolidated into one of the sixteen personality types. Anyone that takes the test will fit into one of the sixteen personality types that the MBTI generates (Rutzick, 2007, June). To understand how the MBTI can be beneficial in the hiring process, a further definition of the different personality types is necessary. Robbins & Judge (2008) state the following: Individuals are classified as extroverted or introverted (E or I), sensing or intuitive (S or N), thinking or feeling (Tor F), judging or perceptive (J or P). These terms are defined as follows: Extroverted verses introverted. Extroverted individuals are outgoing and assertive. Introverts are quiet and shy. Sensing verses Intuitive. Sensing types are practical and prefer routine and order. Intuitives rely on unconscious processes and look at the â€Å"big picture†. Thinking verses feeling. Thinking types use reason and logic to handle problems. Feeling types rely on their personal values and emotions. Judging verses perceiving. Judging types want control and prefer their world to be ordered and structured. Perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous. (p. 108) Examples of how the actual results would be presented and what would be learned about the participant are: the INTJ or introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging individual and would be considered a visionary; they are strong willed and could sometimes be considered bullheaded; they are creative and like to act on their own ideas and thoughts. (Robbins & Judge, 2008). Another example would be the ESTJ or extrovert, sensing, thinking, judging individual and would be considered as the organizer; they are planners who like solving real problems, they work well around others and are very business minded (Robbins & Judge, 2008). Using the two previous examples of personality types, consider the following scenario: Employer â€Å"A† has a position open in the operations department for a supervisor. Of the two candidates, the INTJ or the ESTJ, which one would be the better fit in an operations supervisor, knowing both candidates interviewed equally? The ESTJ would make the best choice, organized, business minded, like solving problems, and as an extrovert will do better working around other people. In contrast if the INTJ is placed in this operational position, it would not challenge his visionary traits and his strong will would work against him when trying to supervise others. It would not be long before the employer or employee, or both, realized they were the wrong fit and separating the employee may be the best solution. This would cause an increase in turnover and training costs that could have been avoided. The information personality testing provides becomes extremely useful when trying to find the proper job fit, and it would have to increase job satisfaction because now the candidate is in a position or role that suites his unique personality, increasing the potential for them to naturally excel. In conjunction with the interview process, personality testing opens up insight that could easily be missed when trying to assess if a candidate will be the right fit for the position (Baker, 2008). There are other factors that create an importance for personality testing during the hiring process. Two of these factors are: the increased levels of misrepresentation on resumes and applicants learning or paying for coaching to teach them how to give a great interview (Van Steenwyk, 2008). Another factor to be considered is that references are getting harder to validate. Many organizations have implemented policies that do not allow the providing of job specific references, they will only validate dates of employment (Van Steenwyk). Having the ability to draw consensus between the information on a resume, the information given by references, what is learned in the interview, and then match all that information up against the results of the personality test allows the perspective employer to have more points of congruency when making a final decision. It helps the employer find the personal side of what is on the resume and reduces failure based on job incompatibility (Baker, 2008). It could be argued that candidates could learn to give what they believe to be the desired answers on a personality test, like the MBTI. Although not impossible it is a bad way to start a new job and most tests check for continuity of the participant’s answers to make sure the candidate in not lying (Overholt, 2004). Some other highly accepted ways the MBTI is used in organizations are for leadership identification and selection, self-awareness, and team building (Rubis et al. 2005). When an organization needs to select or identify leaders, testing becomes very useful to find the personality traits that are essential to successful leaders (Robbins & Judge, 2008). There are benefits to the established leaders learning more about their own personality. Once the leaders are armed with the characterizations of their personality type, they can make accommodations for their weaknesses or soften overly direct qualities helping them in their handling of situational outcomes (Rutzick, 2007). During the training or coaching of leaders, many professional trainers or coaches choose to use the MBTI as the first step for helping the leader better understand who they are so they can better understand and lead others (Bentley, 2007). For any leaders to be truly effective they must be able to understand others, allowing them to tap into what motivates or drives an individual or group (Bentley, 2007). Personality testing provides that essential information. Work teams find personality testing to be helpful during times of conflict resolution as many times personality differences are at the center of most communication barriers (Bentley, 2007). By understanding their individual differences, team members learns to become more tolerant of the other because now they understand why the others think what they think or react the way they react to certain situations, this understanding creates a more cohesive and productive team (Bentley, 2007). Stronger cooperation will decrease costly turnover and increase job satisfaction because it stimulates open sharing and sparks creativity. (Robbins & Judge, 2008) Currently, there are eighty nine of the Fortune One Hundred businesses that employ the MBTI for their pre-hiring process, team building, and leadership identification and selection (Pepper et al. , 2005). Personality testing works and the results are trustworthy. To state it more directly, eighty nine of the top one hundred companies choose not to lower the bar, and place a higher importance on wanting to know who they are getting into business with before they make the job offer. This type of emphasis on the selection process helps these companies sustain the strong cultures that are in place, by realizing that several candidates will have the skill or the talent to perform at high levels (Robbins & Judge, 2008). They only hire the candidates that possess that high level to perform and exemplify the highest compatibility with the organization’s culture (Robbins & Judge, 2008). The MBTI has a history of proven success and worldwide acceptance as a pre-screening tool (Robbins & Judge, 2008). Many organizations make costly mistakes in the hiring of individuals only to discover that because of their personality they just do not fit in. Organizations utilizing testing, in cooperation with the appropriate interview process, greatly reduce costly hiring mistakes and job incompatibilities, while increasing individual and team performance. The trend in people management and development has moved from hard cutting and insensitive to a softer hyper-sensitive approach. It is time to find the middle ground between the engaged work environment and putting the right people in place that will achieve greater results. References Baker, B. (2008). HIRING HINTS. PM Network, 22(9), 26-27. Bentley, R. (2007). Fit for What Purpose?. Training and Coaching Today, n. p. Overholt, A. (2004). Personality Test: Back With a Vengeance. Fast Company, n. p. Pepper, T. , Kolesnikov-Jessop, S. , & Herman, M. (2005). Inside the Head of an Applicant. Newsweek, 145(8), E24-E26. Robbins, S. P. , & Judge, T. A. (2008). Organizational Behavior (13 ed. . Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Pentice-Hall. Rubis, L. , Fox, A. , Pomeroy, A. , Leonard, B. , Shea, T. F. , & Moss, D. et al. (2005, December 2). 50 FOR HISTORY. HRMagazine, 50, 10-24. Rutzick, K. (2007). Personality Test. Government Executive, 39(9), 22-23. Van Steenwyk, J. (2008). Using Tests to Screen Employees. Journal of Financial Planning, n. v, n. p.. Williams, R. L. , Verble, J. S. , Price, D. E. , & Layne, B. H. (1995). Relationship of Self-Management to Personality Types and Indices. Journal of Personality Assessment, 64(3), 494.

Pest Brazil

BRAZIL PEST Political environment †¢Greed and Corruption †¢Increase in government expenditures †¢Political stability and emphasis on consistent economic policies and growth †¢Position of international influence and power (BRIC) †¢Many environmental restrictions and regulations (Protection of Amazon) †¢Going into business: High bureaucracy, lack of transparency of rules and slow legal procedures (are hurdles to overcome and make brazil a difficult country to do business in) †¢The huge opportunities for foreign companies in Brazil's growing economy have to be weighed up against the country's relatively high taxes and labor costs // labour rules are generous to workers †¢Foreign exchange rules are in favour for investors outside the country but with some restrictions by certain states (freely allow dividends and capital to be repatriated to investors outside the country, but some restrictions are imposed by certain states // differences in risk be tween its 27 states) Economic environment †¢The world’s sixth largest economy (GDP: $2. 089) †¢Poor GDP growth of 3. % in 2011,(was high in 2010 but dicreased due to measures to decrease inflation) the economy is expected to grow strongly. †¢inflation 5% †¢expanding its presence in world markets. ($256 billion (2011 est. ) – 24th worldly) †¢ high interest rates make it an attractive destination for foreign investors. explain †¢Imports: $226,2 billion (2011 est. ) – 23rd world – cost to import/per container:1. 730 †¢large and well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and service sectors, †¢capital inflows over the past several years have contributed to the appreciation of the currency, hurting the competitiveness of Brazilian manufacturing and leading the govern (exchange rates: 1,6728 (2011 est. – 2(2009) †¢Stock of direct foreign investment – abroad: ? 171,7 (2011 est. ) †¢foreign direct investment unflows:31 †¢still has a relatively high debt burden †¢Several Brazilian companies ranking of the world’s largest companies. †¢unemployment (6,7%) – high rate o job creation †¢South America's leading economic power and a regional leader, one of the first in the area to begin an economic recovery. †¢Brazil managed to go from a net importer of food to one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural products. †¢ease of doing business (ranked 124th) – corruption major business constraint (67% of managers believe that) Socio – cultural environment world’s fifth largest country by both population and total area. (Large and growing population (191mn in 2010, 1,5% growing, 5th in the world) ) †¢Large % of youth population (51,3% of population is under 30 †¢Urban population: 84,3% †¢increase in living standards. From 1980 to 2010, Brazil’s Human Development Index (HDI) increa sed by 30. 8 percent from 0. 549 to 0. 718. but bad gini index †¢Poverty / inequality (21,4% of population is below poverty line + Gini index:56. 99, equality of distribution of income 0-100 †¢Consumer expenditure per capita is low ($6. 619,8) †¢ Consumers rapidly adopting spending habits that are more characteristic of consumers in developed countries.According to Credit Suisse Research’s Emerging Consumer Survey 2011, Brazilians’ devote a considerably larger share of income to discretionary spending than consumers in other BRIC countries. †¢Brazilian respondents reported saving a relatively modest 10 percent, and more than half (52 percent) were not able to set aside any income for savings. (high inflation – uncertain environment) †¢favelas or shanty towns stand in striking proximity and sharp contrast to the city’s upscale environs and stunning scenic backdrop. Fortunately, some have seen fit to aid the residents of Brazil†™s favelas. The plight of Brazil’s large population of urban poor has given rise to a number of innovative social programs. increasing number of consumers attaining middle-class status (more than 32 million the past 7years) while another 20 million have escaped a state of poverty. (reach a low-income market segment of new consumer) †¢Sharing borders with 10 neighbours in Latin America †¢troubled and combative social situation †¢ illegal narcotics trafficking / border disputes Urugua-Brazil border – 1st country of number of murders by youth: 20. 386 †¢education level low 9average education 14 years old) – education spending: 4,2%of GDP Technological environment †¢Energy independent / rich in natural recourses †¢Strengths in agricultural research, know-how and technology. (Much of the credit goes to Embrapa, Brazil’s highly accomplished, public agricultural research organization. †¢Initiatives on R( that promote South-So uth cooperation in several arenas, including science and research collaboration in fields such as nanotechnology, oceanography and Antarctic research. ) †¢Many transportation routes and infrastructures ( ports (atlantic ocean) ) †¢Transportation note : the International Maritime Bureau reports that the territorial and offshore waters in the Atlantic Ocean remain a significant risk for piracy and armed robbery against ships; 2010 saw an 80% increase in attacks over 2009; numerous commercial vessels were attacked and hijacked both at anchor and while underway; crews were robbed and stores or cargoes stolen †¢Growing Infrastructure programs due to world cup / olympics (government’s Growth Acceleration Program has pumped $250 billion into infrastructure projects. †¢Recent discovery of huge offshore oil deposits near Rio de Janeiro will further promote future growth, transforming Brazil into one of the world’s biggest oil producers †¢creativity and flair for design and innovation that are ingrained in the Brazilian national character and enhanced by the country’s newfound financial fitness, telecoms talent and entrepreneurial energy. DATA SOURCES †¢Euromonitor: https://www. portal. euromonitor. com †¢IMF website: http://www. imf. org/external/country/BRA/index. htm †¢CIA website: https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/br. html †¢UNCTAD: http://unctadstat. unctad. org †¢World Bank World Development Indicators: http://data. worldbank. org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators. †¢United Nations Development Programs: http://www. undp. org/content/undp/en/home. html †¢CEBR website: http://www. cebr. com/ †¢Forbes magazine website: http://www. forbescustom. com/index. html †¢CNN Money website: http://money. cnn. com/

Friday, September 13, 2019

Information and communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Information and communication - Essay Example Within the last decade or so, the students are fast adapting to the different means and ways coming directly under the plagiarism circles. [Author Unknown, 2005] The people who are caught plagiarizing often give pretty stupid excuses but it is a reality that they do out of sheer timidity on their part. They are just not ready to surrender and commit themselves wholeheartedly towards a task, job or doing it in the most original manner that there could be. [Amodeo, 2005] Plagiarism has also increased due to the technological advancements happening almost on a daily basis. There are shortcuts available for plagiarizing text material from the Internet and almost anyone ca use these technological gadgets to suit their own motives. Students particularly use the Internet to copy-paste the material off the websites which have similar evidence of texts as well as take help from students who have already completed such assignments in the past. [Jonassen, 2004] This is a sheer form of plagiarism in the truest sense of the word and there is no exception to this rule all said and done. Another reason as to why people commit plagiarism is that they find it pretty easy to do and they believe they could run freely as no one is going to catch them and their work. Internet has become one of the major hurdles towards doing work in an original and authentic manner. A number of students worldwide resort to the sin of plagiarism courtesy the Internet and this has been going on for the last decade or so in the most blatant manner possible. Plagiarism proves to be a destructive force as far as their education and academics are concerned but somehow or the other they are just not ready to accept this notion. They believe that if work could be done quickly and without hassles, then what is the need of researching and going in depth? One more reason that could be credited on the shoulders of plagiarism is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Amazon-Pestel -swot -porter 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Amazon-Pestel -swot -porter 5 - Essay Example An analysis of the macro-environment using PESTEL indicates that there are major threats and opportunities in the environment. However, it is the company’s ability to utilise these opportunities and by using its strengths to minimise the effects of these threats that will be of importance. In the political environment the company’s sales are subject to both economic and political considerations ( 2011). There may be restrictions and foreign ownership. In order to meet local ownership and regulatory licensing requirements the company’s Joyo Amazon business is operated by Chinese companies. The economic environment in which the company operates is affected by fluctuations in exchange rates and changes in interest rates. Approximately 45% of the company’s revenues are associated with its international business ( 2011). If there is a major interruption in telecommunications the company could losing a significant amount of business. The company faces inventory risk if it over stocks as it may be left with goods that are not returnable. On the other hand if it runs out of stock it will lose business. The company only deals with a few shippers any unforeseen circumstances which affect the shipment of Amazon’s products and will have negative implications for the company’s business. The company’s business is seasonal with between 35% and 39% of its annual sales taking place in the last quarter in 2008, 2009 and 2010 ( 2011). The company faces competition for qualified employees including computer scientist and softwa re engineers. This means that it has to compete on price with companies like Apple in the digital media device arena. In terms of the company’s social environment the employees are motivated by being compensated with shares. This means that they are not just employees but also owners of the company ( 2011). It is therefore likely that they

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Homicide Investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Homicide Investigation - Essay Example The corresponding homicide rates, which compare the total number of homicides to population figures, indicate that in 1960 there were 5.1 murders for every 100,000 U.S. citizens. By 1993, the rate had risen to 9.5.1 (Regini). Homicide certainly is a chief social problem in a society where violence is prevalent. The dramatic rate increase enthuse law enforcement efforts to intensify methodical homicide investigation. Traditional techniques reinforced and fortified with technological advancements and modern approaches aim to foster the progress of complex homicide cases. This subject matter appeals to me for the reason that I intend to pursue this line of work upon graduation. It is my conviction that this endeavor is a noble profession that is valuable and significant to society. Although homicide is distressing and tragic in nature, the pursuit of justice for the victims and surviving families is definitely a dignified career. That objective alone establishes a sufficient motivation for me to go through this challenge. Some may view homicide investigation as stressful, demanding and non-lucrative occupation. Nevertheless, there is no better reward than to be regarded as someone of service to the community wherein we and our loved ones are living in. I am aware that being a professional homicide investigator carries with it a great responsibility and requires utmost devotion and determination. It is my aspiration to gain knowledge and expertise in investigative strategies to become a successful homicide investigator. RESEARCH The Law of Homicide has the most complex degree (grading) system of any area in Criminal Law (The Law). In order to properly exercise practical scientific homicide investigation, it is imperative to first be familiar with the definition of homicide itself. Primitive legal codes defined homicide as taking the life of a human being and included suicide. As the legal system evolved, suicide was excluded and homicide became "the killing of one person by another." (Allen and Simonsen 1998, p. 615). Generally, if a person is accountable for the death of another person, that is classified as homicide. There was even a controversy whether abortion can be deemed as homicide: The differentiation between abortion and homicide has not always been so clear-cut. Some people consider a fetus to be a human being from the moment of conception, whereas others are more liberal in their beliefs. The debate over the line between human being and nonhuman being, with regard to abortion, is a continuous issue, but the U.S. Supreme Court's January 1973 Roe v. Wade decision eliminated the act, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, from the definition of homicide. At the start of the twenty-first century, forty states and the District of Columbia prohibited (except in rare circumstances) abortions after the fetus becomes viable (i.e., capable of surviving outside the mother on its own)-generally after the twenty-seventh

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Mediation and Arbitration Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Mediation and Arbitration Process - Essay Example The process of arbitration and mediation as methods of resolving dispute has a long history. It began long before the 20th century. Long before the white man conquered what is now the United States of the indigenous American tribes as a means of resolving disputes within and between different tribes. The first U.S president, George Washington, also used arbitration. He had an arbitration clause in his will that stated that incase of any dispute arising from the wording of the document a panel of three arbitrators should be set to give binding decision to resolve the dispute. He stated that the decision made by the arbitrators should be as final and binding as any decision made the supreme court of the United States. The first arbitration clause to be used in a labor management document in the United States history was made by the Journeymen Cabinet-Makers from Philadelphia. It was more of an interest arbitration clause than a grievance clause. In addition, the United Mine workers of America (UMWA) formulated a type of grievance arbitration clause that was adopted by the delegates and placed in its constitution at the UMWA’s founding convention of 1890. Studies conducted in the United States unionized sector have shown that a number of collective bargaining agreements that contain arbitration as a means of dispute resolution (grievance arbitration) has been on the rise. For instance, in 1944 the bureau of Labor statistic showed that 73% of all labor contracts in United States had arbitration clauses .

Monday, September 9, 2019

Executive Summary for the Automated Banking System Essay

Executive Summary for the Automated Banking System - Essay Example This would result to increased transactions at a less time and avoidance of customers overcrowding in the banking hall. The management information system (MIS) of PNC if implemented according to the given attributes would solve their problem by increasing revenues, providing a reliable banking system and reducing operating expenses. It would solve real world problems because it would create convenience for their customers to transact without the need of visiting the bank. Furthermore, though all banks possess ATM services, theirs if implemented, could mean a total revolution of e-banking services. Their MIS does not exist but can be invented as they have stipulated that it is their future plans. The conclusion based on their future plans is concise and engaging. However, I think their plan is ambitious and requires mega investment. If I were an executive, I would read into their business plan because it is unique and for prosperity in business, one has to take risks. In conclusion, their executive summary is well stated and it has a new sense of adding what does not exist in the banking sector. If their MIS is well implemented, it would offer competitiveness to other banks at the same time satisfying their clients. Finally, it would give a new approach to how banking is carried

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Explain the myth of the Golden Carp and explore its significance in Essay

Explain the myth of the Golden Carp and explore its significance in Antonio' spiritual coming of age in Anaya's Bless Me, Ultima - Essay Example Antonio feels difficulty to lead a life in between the conflicts of his father’s and mother families, namely, the Marez and the Juans. These conflicts, along with his mother persuasion to make him a Catholic priest and his father’s wish to join him with the Marez, wild and untamed vaqueros, also poses several questions in Antonio’s mind and seeks answers to all these questions with the help of Ultima, the Curandera—the traditional folk healer. An overview of the novel clearly brings out the role of myth which predominates from the beginning to the end. The purpose of the study is to unveil the significance of the myth of golden carp on Antonio and explore its significance in Antonios spiritual coming of age. Among the different myths used in the novel, one can see that the myth of the golden carp plays a decisive role in determining or guiding the story. â€Å"The myth of the golden carp is certainly the most significant myth used in the novel, particularly because it helps to elucidate Antonio’s increasing anxiety and eventual acceptance of the differing religious beliefs that he encounters† (Bless Me, Ultima Study Guide). The role of the minor myths on the novel also is not negligible as they help the readers to have glimpse of Mexican –American culture. When tracing the origin of the myths, it leads us to Aztec Mythology of Mexican-American culture which supported polytheism. Antonio had to meet many different kinds of myth all through the novel and each had a dominant influence in his character formation. The myth of the golden carp brings new perspectives to Antonio when he identifies it as different from Catholicism. The myth of golden carp was takes substance from the Aztec legend according to which, â€Å"there were four ages of the world or â€Å"suns† before the present world, each of which was destroyed by an individual

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Terrorism - Research Paper Example Terrorist attacks bring mass casualties, have a strong psychological pressure on the great mass of people, involve the destruction of material and spiritual values that are beyond recovery times, sow out a discord among nations, provoking a war, mistrust and hatred between social and national groups, which are sometimes impossible to overcome during the whole generation. According to Ronczkowski â€Å"The Department of Defense defines terrorism as â€Å"†¦the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.†2 To better examine the question we should speak a little about the history of terrorism. Over its long history, terrorism appeared as a variety of guises, terrorism and terrorists have been existing for more than fifteen hundred years - in many countries there were St. Bartholomew’s Nights and Sicilian Suppers, enemies - real or perceived - were destroyed by the Roman emperors, the Ottoman sultans, the Russian Tsars, as well as by many other, and each country has at least one ‘hero’. Terrorists always existed. ... A combination of religious fanaticism and political terrorism can be traced in the actions of sicarius: they saw something joyful in martyrdom, and believed that the Lord will come to his people and save them from the torments and sufferings after the overthrow of a hated regime.3 The representatives of the Muslim sect who killed caliphs, prefects, governors and even the rulers also adhered to the same ideology: they were destroyed by the King of Jerusalem Conrad of Montferrat.4 The murder was a ritual for sectarians; they welcomed martyrdom and death for the sake of ideas and firmly believed in the advent of a new world order. It is important to continue that terrorism as a massive and politically significant phenomenon is a result of rampant ‘deideologization’, when certain groups begin to question the legitimacy and rights of the state in society, and this justifies their transition to terror to achieve their own goals. According to Lawless we see that â€Å"terroris m is an international crime and as such requires the international community to act in the prevention of terrorism and the sanction of individuals perpetrating acts of terrorism†.5 Various criminal groups commit terrorist acts to intimidate and destroy rivals to influence political powers in order to achieve the best possible environment for their criminal activities. Everyone may become a victim of a terrorist act - even the one who does not have the slightest relation to a conflict that spawned a terrorist act. The level of terrorism and specific forms of its manifestations are, on the one hand, the measure of public morality, and on the other hand – the measure of effectiveness of state and society to address the most pressing issues, in particular for the prevention and suppression