Monday, September 9, 2019

Executive Summary for the Automated Banking System Essay

Executive Summary for the Automated Banking System - Essay Example This would result to increased transactions at a less time and avoidance of customers overcrowding in the banking hall. The management information system (MIS) of PNC if implemented according to the given attributes would solve their problem by increasing revenues, providing a reliable banking system and reducing operating expenses. It would solve real world problems because it would create convenience for their customers to transact without the need of visiting the bank. Furthermore, though all banks possess ATM services, theirs if implemented, could mean a total revolution of e-banking services. Their MIS does not exist but can be invented as they have stipulated that it is their future plans. The conclusion based on their future plans is concise and engaging. However, I think their plan is ambitious and requires mega investment. If I were an executive, I would read into their business plan because it is unique and for prosperity in business, one has to take risks. In conclusion, their executive summary is well stated and it has a new sense of adding what does not exist in the banking sector. If their MIS is well implemented, it would offer competitiveness to other banks at the same time satisfying their clients. Finally, it would give a new approach to how banking is carried

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