Thursday, October 31, 2019

Marketing on the internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing on the internet - Essay Example hit off as an online bookstore. However they soon diversified their portfolio and ventured into selling DVDS, CDs, and MP3 downloads software’s, games, electronics, food, toys, furniture and apparel. They started spreading out from United States and established bases in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan and China. Amazon’s target audience: Amazon has segmented its target market on the basis of various variables. Their target market is segmented on the basis of demographic, geographic, and psychographic variables. Demographically talking, Amazon attracts customers who have constant access to the internet. In a recent survey conducted by Cyber Atlas, 55% men and 49% women amongst the internet using population admitted that is their favourite site for shopping. (CyberAtlas ; 2001)Geographically speaking, is most widely used in the United States and everywhere else in the world where there is Internet access. At the moment 2 9 million people in 160 countries are using the site. Amazon provides its customers with an engaging and a satisfying experience on their site. This ensures that the customers return to their site. It works on building customer loyalty by enabling features like personal customization of the web page for each of its customers. Amazon’s business strategies: Amazon built its competitive edge on three core strategies. These were: 1. Cost Leadership 2. Customer differentiation 3. Focus Under its cost leadership strategy Amazon has stood out by offering rock-bottom prices. It provides good quality products at low prices. Its prices can’t be matched by its competitors. This makes it an obvious choice for customers. Under the second strategy, Amazon offers current and prospective customers differentiation via convenience. It is one of the largest e-stores at the moment. Its product assortment is huge. It capitalizes on its huge product assortment, fast and efficient delivery a nd efficient services. It has focused on 4 primary areas for its focus strategy. These include the 1. Product focus. 2. Customer focus 3. Technology focus 4. Distribution focus As mentioned before, Amazon has a huge product assortment. Its product assortment has always attracted customers. Technology has always been central to Amazon’s business. It is an e-commerce business, a virtual market place, where every transaction is done online. Amazon’s E-marketing Strategy: Goal and Objectives: In 2008 Amazon’s vision was defined and re-phrased to mark complete focus on customer experience. It said â€Å"relently focus on customer experience by offering our customers low prices, convenience and a wide selection of merchandise.† The vision was to offer the Earth’s biggest consortium of products and to be the most customer centric company. This was Amazon’s core marketing message and it communicated its online value proposition both onsite and offsi te. (Chaffey) Amazon ensured that it offered lowest prices for most of the popular products that it was offering. However it also included less popular products that commanded high prices in the market. As a result it was able to squeeze margins for itself. Amazon’s primary objective was to be customer friendly and offer convenience to its customer. This was why it started offering free-shipping services soon. Another core objective at Amazon has been the fulfillment of promises and ensuring that customers are well-communicated and well-informed. Amazon did

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Research Findings, Statistical Analysis and interpretation for Essay

Research Findings, Statistical Analysis and interpretation for Etisalat Telecom Corporation - Essay Example The developed or developing world countries are the major victims affected by the dynamics of the demographic splits. The main concerns relating to the identification of the developing and developed countries gets connected from the populace records (Lovie, 2005). The median age, raises the majority of populace in developed countries, whereas median age falls in developing countries therefore affecting the demographic splits of financial busting by a great percentage. Therefore, the median age in developed and developing countries need analyzation with great concern to the dynamics that they create in business financial status particularly the effects of demographic splits that they establish from their populace. Companies must come up with new product portfolios to meet the need of these new growing demographic needs established by the median age both in developed and developing world countries. The new products will establish new markets that meet the customers’ tastes and p references in the demographic splits. Identification of the new products concerns the median age in the developing and developed world countries. Additionally, companies must develop new methods of marketing messages and the method of packaging. The packaging of Old consumers should be one that is easier to open compared to the packaging of new consumers. Eventually, quick reactions to these changes in the demographics can bring significant growths in different companies that create greater opportunities for expansion and profit development (Lovie, 2005). Independent T-Test Independent T-test using SPSS compares the relation between two groups connected in any way but are on the same progressive, dependant variable. Independent t-test has two variables, the dependent variable and independent variable, manipulated in different ways to come up with variables that determine the independent t-test. Besides, ones data must meet certain assumptions to come up with comprehensive independen t t-test results. The assumptions establish valid t-test results using your data. According to Lovie, using an independent t-test, one of the major processes involves checking analyzed data if it actually uses an independent t-test. The main reason for checking is to be sure and appropriate that the independent t-test data passes the required six assumptions required an independent t-test to give valid and reliable results. The six assumptions determine the validity of independent t-test results by adding a little more time to the analysis. It requires checking and using keys in SPSS while performing the analysis as well establishing more ideas and thoughts about your data. When analyzing the data some of these assumptions are violated despite the fact all the six assumptions are valid and used in when analyzing data of the independent t-test. This is mostly common when working with data that is real rather than data found in the textbooks. Using the real world data, allows for the use of data that often shows you how to handle out an independent t-test when everything concerning the anayzation of the data goes in a professional way. In contrast, when the data fails to meet all the assumptions there is still a solution to overcome all this. The six assumptions that are considered in the independent t

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Research Project: Is Frozen and Inspiring Film?

Research Project: Is Frozen and Inspiring Film? Introduction In a kingdom called Arendelle, there lived two princesses, named Elsa and Anna. Elsa is eldest sister and she has magical powers which are a kinetic energy that is able to control cold weather and produce ice through the palms of her hand. One night while Elsa is playing with her little sister Anna, Elsa accidentally hurt Anna with her ice powers. This incident had shocked the King and Queen because Elsa’s power is too strong for her to even control it so the King and Queen went out into the night in search for some help from the trolls to heal Anna. The leader of the trolls said that in order to heal her, they must make Anna forget about the whole incident. The King and Queen have decided to isolate Elsa from Anna until Elsa has learned to control her powers because they are afraid that Elsa might accidentally hurt Anna again. This isolation has caused the relationship between Anna and her sister Elsa to have a rift between them and more unfortunately their parents, the King and Queen have passed away in an incident at sea during a storm when the sisters were in their teenage years. As the story progresses, Elsa has finally come of age to become the Queen of the kingdom of Arendelle. The kingdom prepared a coronation for Elsa as a Queen and one of the guess is Duke of Weselton who seek exploit Arendell for profit. This coronation is a golden chance for Anna to go out, meet new people and see her sister Elsa again since they have been isolated since childhood. Anna got excited so she went out of the castle to explore her surroundings but she accidently met a handsome young Prince named Han of the Southern Isles and they both developed a mutual attraction. The coronation for Queen Elsa goes smoothly until the reception time when Anna told Elsa that Prince Han had proposed to her and unbelievably Anna had accept the marriage but her sister Elsa refuses to grant her blessing and also had forbid their sudden marriage. The sister Elsa and Anna started to argue, culminating in the exposure of Elsa’s icy power because of Elsa’s emotion outburst. This has c ause Elsa accidentally unleashing a winter in Arendelle kingdom and Elsa flees the castle. After that, Elsa went to the mountain to build a ice palace with the help of her icy power and unknowingly bring a snowman to life, name Olaf which is Anna and Elsa that have a snowman in childhood. Anna is very determine to bring back her elder sister Elsa to end the winter in Arendelle and mend the sister relationship between them. So in order to bring back Elsa, Anna has to go up to the snowy mountain to search for Elsa. In the meantime of searching, Anna meets a selling ice man called Kristoff and his reindeer and successfully convinces him to guide her up to the top of the mountain where Elsa’s icy palace should be. This have them two developed their love relationship more deeply. On the way to Elsa’s palace, they both encounter the real life cute little snowman Olaf who leads them to where Elsa exactly stays at. After a journey of calming up the mountain, they finally find Elsa’s icy palace and the sister is very happy that they can reunite again. So Anna asking Elsa to return with her back in Arendelle but Elsa think that she might hurt Anna again so she rejected Anna but again Anna keep insist that Elsa return. This had make Elsa become anxious and a ccidentally lash out her ice power on Anna heart and this making Elsa more horrified then she created a giant snow creature to drive Anna away from her together with Kristoff and Olaf. After that, Kristoff noticed that Anna’s hair is slowly turning white and he deduced that’s something bad is going on. So Kristoff decided to take Anna to his adoptive family which is trolls to seek for help. In the way of Kristoff†s family surprising Anna is very special through singing, dancing and warm welcoming because is the first girl Kristoff bring and those trolls though that Anna is Kristoff girlfriend. Trolls say that Anna’s heart is frozen by Elsa and the only cure is the kisses from her one true love if not Anna will be frozen forever. Anna though that her one true love is Han so Krisstoff bring Anna back to the Arendelle kingdom where Han is. Meanwhile Han was with Duke’s man in search for Anna but have meet Elsa icy palace and having a fight with Elsa. Unfortunately, Elsa got knocked unconsciously and imprisoned in Arendelle by Han and the Duke’s man. In the prison, Han asking Elsa to undo the winter in Arendelle but Elsa say tha t she doesn’t know how to undo the winter. When Anna reach the kingdom and reunited with Han back and Anna begged Han for him to kiss her so that she can live but cruelly Han rejected Anna and saying that he marry Anna is only for the purpose of getting control the Arendelle’s throne and leaving Anna alone in a room. After Han leave the room, Olaf come to save Anna telling her that Kristoff love her so much and bring her to Kristoff, now knowing that Anna one true love is not Han but is Kristoff. Finally, Elsa successfully escaped from the prison with the help of her own ice power. On the way Elsa runs out, she meets Han that saying Anna die because of her. This had make Elsa’s in despair as a result the storm suddenly ceases because of Elsa mood that she can control the weather. Anna and Olaf were having a hard time to find Kristoff in a blizzard and because of Elsa making the storm suddenly ceases had make Anna meets Elsa and Han in the blizzard near the kingdom and seeing that Hans was going to kill Elsa and Anna throws herself between the two just as she freezes solid, blocking Hans’ attack. As Elsa grieved for her sister, Anna begins to melt from the freeze, because of Anna make sacrifice herself to save her sister, this have shown the true love. Lastly, Elsa realize love is the only key to control her powers, so she undo back the winter in the Arendelle kingdom and helps Olaf survive in summer using her powers. Hans is send back to Southern Isles to face punishment for his crimes against the royal family of Adrenlle, while Elsa cuts off trade with Weselton. Anna and Kristoff share a kiss, and the two sisters reconcile. Frozen is a global drama who suitable for all ages. Successfully scored millions of dollars in an opening which make a highest thanksgiving debut of all time. The target audiences of Frozen are mostly college students. Frozen is a popular movie film around the world that makes the tickets sales goes up until 18 millions of US dollars. Not only the Frozen story is popular, the themes song of Frozen ‘let it go’ is also popular, for an example the viewer in YouTube reaches millions of views. The themes song and the unique story by Disney attracted many people because this is the first time Disney shows a story of true love between sister instead of the true love between princes and charming prince. Literature review In this research, selective perception has been used as our supportive theory to our topic: Do college student find the movie Frozen as inspiring. Inspiration is a sense which full of infectious and heuristic. According to Media/Impact, an introduction to mass media by Shirley Biagi, mass media not only reflect and affect politics, society and culture but also provides the audiences information and entertainment to fulfill their needs. Selective perception can be define as a concept that every people will processes informations and messages individually. When an information or messages was sent through media, different person will base on their background, own interest and the level of education to receive and react to the information and messages. For example, a college student like to watch comedy, animation and adventure this three genres of movie like Frozen, their family member most probably also will like to watch because they are influence by each other. One person will choose what to do what to read wand what to watch base on their own interest. Then, when a high educational audience watching movie Frozen, they will have much more inspiration toward the moral value of the movie as compare to low educational audiences. The high educational audiences will pay deep attention to what they have watched and will think that if the message they received can influence their minds and they will apply it in their daily life. For low educational audiences, they will think that watch movie just part of recreation. According to Mass Communication Theory by Baran SJ and Davis, selective perception is the psychological recasting which means people will change the meaning of an information and message so that it is same with the person’s belief and attitudes. Research Our title for the research about Frozen is â€Å"Do college students find the Frozen movie as inspiring?†,we had do several interview about the movie Frozen. We had list out 7 questions to interview the audience of the movie Frozen. Here are the questions inside the interview form: Have you watched the movie Frozen? Where did you watch the movie Frozen at? Do you think the movie Frozen is inspiring? Why? Did the movie Frozen inspire you to do anything? Which scene in the movie Frozen is the most inspiring for you? Why? Which character inspired you in the movie Frozen? Why? Is the â€Å"Let it go† song inspiring? Why? Since we had chose college students as our target audience, we had took 15 interviews from the students of TARUC Penang branch. We interview them inside the college and also outside the college. Inside the college means we interview the students at the canteen or in the library, some of them were at foyer. For the outside of the college, we went to the hostels of students or interview them at the restaurants near the hostel. We took interview when we had no class which means the time that we were free when we waited for the next class. The interview was also been taking when we finish all our class if we had nothing to do next. When taking the interview, we will interview the students one by one. We record their student’s ID, faculty and all the answers in the paper. After we finish all the interviews, we made conclude about the survey. Findings For question 1, we asked our interviewees â€Å"Have you watched the movie Frozen?† and all the 15 college students that we have interviewed answered â€Å"Yes† without any hesitation because Frozen is a very popular movie and it is impossible if no one has ever watched it before. For question 2, we asked where exactly did they watch the movie Frozen and 60% which means 9 out of 15 of them said that they have watched it at home on the Internet and on television whereas 40% which are 6 out of 15 of them said that they have watched it on the cinema. Watching Frozen at home is easier as they can easily download it from the Internet and watch it on their laptop or on their television. For question 3, we asked them whether the movie Frozen was inspiring and 66.66% which are 10 out of 15 gave positive answers while 33.33% which are 5 out of 15 gave negative answers. The movie itself has a lot of moral values to learn from which is why the majority did find the movie to be inspiring. For question 4, we asked them whether the movie Frozen had inspired them to do anything and 40% which are 6 out of 15 of them said â€Å"Yes† while 60% which are 9 out of 15 said â€Å"No†. The majority agreed that Frozen has inspired them to do something with themselves or within their lives as the movie focus a lot on relationships, friendships, trust and never giving up on something you believe in. For question 5, we asked them which scene in the movie Frozen had inspired them the most and 93.33% which are 14 out of 15 gave positive answers while 6.66% which are 1 out of 15 gave negative answers. The majority loved that Elsa had run away from the kingdom of Arendelle as it had taught them about freedom. They also loved how Anna had worked really hard to try and find her sister Elsa in the winter all by herself. For question 6, we asked them which character had inspired them the most and 40% which are 6 out of 15 said Elsa, 40% which are 6 out of 15 said Anna, 6.66% which are 1 out of 15 said Olaf, 6.66% which are 1 out of 15 said Kristoff and 6.66% which are 1 out of 15 said that no character had inspired them at all. The main characters are Elsa and Anna therefore the movie’s main focus is on them which is why the majority look up on these two characters as these characters had taught them the meaning of freedom and to never give up even when it seems like it is impossible. For the last question which is question 7, we asked them whether the â€Å"Let It Go† song was inspiring and asked them to give a reason why, 93.33% which are 14 out of 15 gave positive answers while 6.66% which are 1 out of 15 gave negative answers. The majority said that the song had taught them the meaning of freedom and it also helped them to release their stress. Conclusion In short, we found out that the majority of the students we have interviewed do find the movie Frozen as inspiring. We used selective perception as our theory to do our research and to find out if college students find Frozen as inspiring. Selective perception is where you read the same thing but understand it differently based on your background, interests and level of education. This theory and our research have proved to be true as different people do understand the same thing differently. All the students we interviewed have different perspectives on Frozen. Some of them watched it on the cinema while others watched it at home on their television and on the Internet. All of the students loved Elsa and Anna because of their sister relationship. Their favorite part was when Elsa caused it to winter in Arendelle. Everyone thought that it was the best scene because here in Malaysia it has never snowed before and we do not have winter therefore watching it snow in Arendelle gave them an experience of how it feels like. Frozen had managed to inspire some of the students that we have interviewed even though it is just a cartoon. They said that Frozen has a lot of moral values and meanings. Other than that, they also said that Frozen had given them different emotions. Some said that the movie was sad and some said that it actually made them happy. When asked which scene was the most inspiring, some of them said that the scene where Elsa ran away because it showed them that Elsa wanted her freedom and she got it while the minority thought that that scene meant that we cannot run away from our problems even if we tried to as it has consequences. Elsa and Anna were the most inspiring characters to our interviewees as these characters have taught them to never give up even when it seemed like it was impossible. Our group has learned that Frozen has different meaning to different kinds of people. When asked whether the theme song â€Å"Let It Go† was inspiring, t he majority gave positive answers and tells us their reason of why they think so. They said that the song lets them feel freedom and that the song is meaningful, nice and lovely. The song also helped some of them to release their stress as the song itself focuses on letting go of your problems. This research has taught us more than enough about Frozen and the selective perception theory. Working in a group was not an easy thing to go through if group member do not give full corporation to each other. Luckily, our group member tend to work together and complete the assignment on time. Through this assignment, we know that media play an important role in our daily life as it affect what we going to think about. Not to forget our tutor Ms. Louise who always guide us not only to complete the assignment but also increase our knowledge in media field which will help us in the future as a Public Relation students. References 1. Shirley Biagi. (2005). Understanding Mass Media Today. In Media/Impact (7thed., p.25). Belmont,CA:Holly J.Allen. 2. Stanley J.Baran,Ph.D., Dennis K.Davis,Ph.D. (2009). The Rise Of Limited-Effects Theory. In Mass Communication Theory (5thed., p.145). Boston, MA: Lyn Uhl 3. IMDb. Frozen plot summary. (2013). Retrieved November 21, 2014, from 4. Hugel,M. (2013) Why children’s movie audiences are filled with 24-years-old . Retrieved November 22.2014, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Compare the script of An Inspector Calls to the filmed version :: English Literature

Compare the script of An Inspector Calls to the filmed version Compare the script of 'An Inspector Calls' to the filmed version The play 'An Inspector Calls' was written to give an important message, one of which will be revealed later. It was written by a successful author John Boynton Priestley (J.B. Priestley). J.B. Priestley wrote plays, novels, articles, broadcasts and films. His playwright, novelist, dramatist and critic skills brought him to be known all around the world. He was born in Bradford in 1894 and died at the well-established age of 90 (1984). He wrote a total of forty-nine plays though out his life. At the age of sixteen he was writing pieces for Bradford newspapers. He also served with the Devonshire regiment during World War 1. Afterwards he received a government grant, which allowed him to start at the Trinity Hall, Cambridge University. After this he finished his degree and paid of his grant by writing and moved to London to work as a reviewer and critic and start off his career in the literary profession. This start to his career set him up for a very prosperous future. The play 'An Inspector Calls' was written when J.B. Priestley was middle aged in 1944-45 in the winter, during the end of World War 2. He had lived through the pains of both world wars and he had survived. The play was set in1912 because it was before people were aware of the tragedy and horror of the First World War. They thought that nothing was going or could go wrong and peace was to be for all. Also because of the Titanic's sinking, which had little relevance to the play but could prove his characters arrogance and their unbelievable sureness to be wrong, when they say that the Titanic is 'Absolutely unsinkable'. Also when a character mentions that 'fire and blood and anguish' is to come, the Birling family shrug it off and act arrogant to the fact that not everything is as well as it seems and that this is a warning to them if they bother to listen. The basis of the play is a fact that J.B. Priestly uses in all his works, that what one person does, doesn't just affect that person it affects everyone around them too, this is J.B.P's main concern. Which is what the Birling family stands to learn when they learn their lesson with the disaster of Eva Smith. As well the time in which the play is set will show that the following war will also show this point, as what the countries leaders do effects the whole country and the world.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nike Writes the Future Case Study

Nike is one of the renowned sports brands in the world. In 2010, Nike introduced their â€Å"Nike writes the future† commercial campaign. This was aired for the Soccer world cup 2010. Even though Adidas was the sole sponsor for this event, Nike introduced this 3-minute advertisement as a rival company. Nike soccer build their brand not only through their advertisements but also with public relations, sponsorships and innovations. Nike engaged young consumers via internet and on the field. In addition, Nike has achieved its market through sponsorships to use their products and promote and advertise their technology and design. Moreover, Nike has kept their customers engaged through introducing devices such as Nike fuel band, Nike sports watch, Nike running app etc. How is Nike Soccer creating excitement for its brand through advertising? Kotler defines excitement as â€Å"Customer engagement through experiential and emotional involvement with sellers†. When it comes to marketing its vital to have the customer engaged with sellers through excitement. In order to achieve customer involvement Nike Soccer introduced â€Å"Nike writes the future† commercial campaign in 2010. Nike sponsored soccer players starred in these advertisements, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Fabio Cannavaro, Franck Ribery and Wayne Rooney. This ad campaign contrasted between results of Rooney’s failures and successes. Rooney’s failures could result in stock market crash or life spent without having any money. His successes could result in babies named after him or knighthood etc. In addition, to the aforementioned advertisement Nike had other engaging ads as well. The Mission†, â€Å"Airport scene†. By using celebrity footballers such as, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Nike captured the attention of fans of these players, and this video went viral on the internet. Nike used social media as another source to publicize these advertisements. How is Nike Soccer sponsorship creating excitement for its brand? In 1995 Nike soccer sig ned long term partnerships with Brazilian and United States soccer teams. Their website shows a list of their sponsored teams, such as Barcelona, Manchester United, and Arsenal etc. By offering sponsorships Nike get to advertise their products and innovations through these teams. When these teams are using Nike products, fans of these teams will inevitably get attached to Nike brand. Thus, gaining a new customer base, and building a close customer relationship. How is Nike Soccer creating value for its brand through public relations? â€Å"– it’s about striving for the best, creating value for the business and innovating for a better world. † (Nike, 2012) Innovating for a better world was one of Nike’s ultimate goals. Nike conducted several events and designed products to achieve this goal. In 2010 Nike conducted a campaign called ‘The Chance – Write the Future’. Whole purpose of this campaign was to attract young talented soccer players to trial at Nike academy. In conjunction to this campaign, Nike encouraged its audiences to write 57 character headline messages to inspire their favorite soccer players, through Twitter, Facebook and other social media services. Nike conducted several campaigns in African continent to prevent HIV/AIDS. With their RED campaign Nike donated 100% of profits from purchases of Nike RED laces to HIV/AIDS education and medication in Africa. Public relations is a more powerful tool compared to advertising. Public relations creates an environment for brand exhibition and education. Thus, bringing the brand to the hidden parts of the world. How is Nike Soccer creating value for its brand through innovations? Nike has introduced several devices and programs over the past years. In 1993, Nike started ‘Reuse-A-Shoe’. In this program they grinded foam, fabric and rubber of worn out shoes of various brands and turns them into athletic surfaces. This was one of the oldest innovations of Nike. Nike introduced ‘Elite Series’ soccer boots. Elite Series came with the Nike Football+ feature. Users get to access interactive online training by soccer experts from famous clubs. In addition, Nike introduced Nike Soccer+ for iPhone and iPod. When Nike introduces a new product it opens up new marketing channels, and the brand will be featured once again. Therefore, the brand won’t die in the market. In addition, Product innovation, causes a diversification of the brand. New products can be introduced to new customers. In today’s market businesses cannot stay without product innovation. Through product innovation Nike was able to attract new customers and keep old customers throughout the period. How is Nike Soccer developing the soccer category as a brand leader? In order to gain international recognition Nike shifted to soccer category in 1994, when it had a turnover of US$40 million. Nike recently introduced laser soccer field s across Madrid. As a part of their #MiPista campaign, Nike is promoting their street-specific shoes with insta-soccer fields. Anyone can request a portable field using a smartphone or computer and then play virtually on any flat. Upon request, a team of Nike will gather to the requested place and setup a laser soccer field to grant the high-tech wish. Conclusion Over the past 20 years Nike Soccer has gained huge a customer base, and in return they have gone a long way. Nike has gained the respect of so many customers and they have a reputable brand. Nike has covered almost every aspect of marketing in order to get in to the top. However, Nike needs to come up with new innovations every once in a while to stay on the top of Soccer brands.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dependace on computer a blessing or bane Essay

Computer has become the lifeline of modern generation. This has become part and parcel of every man’s life. We are sharing innovations between countries because of computers and internet. It has given us the capability of connecting with people from around the world as easy as it is to talk over the back fence in your own yard. Because of computers and internet one can take any course in any institute through e-learning.The world is developed faster because of computers. One good thing about computers is that it frees up the human mind to be more creative. We don’t have to spend all our time organizing and looking for information, crunching numbers .A day will come, we will become handicap, we perhaps would not be able to do anything without it. On the other hand, computerization of our society can make us numb to each other, where we sit in front of our safe little boxes and deal with each other that way instead of face to face. We are becoming lazy by depending too much on computers and are being distant from physical activities. It has become a huge distraction for most of us, and in some cases a full blown addiction. The main disadvantage by depending on computers is taking risk about health. Working with computer most of the day causes stress, visual problems etc. Let’s not forget that with computers has come a whole new and unexpected wave of high tech crime, and allowed the slimiest among us to hide even more carefully, becoming even slimier and making things worse for everyone. If by chance something happens in the atmosphere or some unknown natural calamity occurs, this, then will affect the entire system of wireless communication like the Net. My question is that what will we do or the whole world does at that time if all the computers fail functioning. Has man ever thought of it, yes, of course our progress will be ‘stand still’. It is better, we start thinking for the future, to solve the enigmatic problem. Without computers it wouldn’t be possible for the world to become a global village. Computer is a boon for us. We should utilize technology to compete with this fast world. But too much dependency on anything is good for nothing. Every coin has two sides. It’s up to us to receive good and to leave bad.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

History of American Colony

History of American Colony Introduction The formation of the American colony is laden with instances of coercion, manipulation, oppression and outright violence. The elite were at the forefront of these vices owing to the need to protect their interests. Land owners had to resort to retrogressive tactics in order to secure labor and property in the newly established British colony.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on History of American Colony specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They also employed divide and conquer tactics amongst the masses in order to quell potential rebellions. In the new American colony, the elite did not epitomize liberty; they used their positions of power to control the natives, indentures and African Americans such that they could secure their own places. How America was conceived The first category of individuals that had to be pacified or controlled were the indentured servants. In order to secure adequate labor, the elite imposed heavy fines upon indentured servants who attempted to flee their masters. In Virginia, a person caught doing this would have to provide additional labor equal to the period of time that he or she was away. â€Å"Over the next century, a good deal of time of Virginia’s House of Burgesses would be taken up with how to keep servants in check.† (Jordan and Walsh 95). As a result, disgruntled white servants had no choice but to serve the complete term of their contract thus securing the aristocracy’s interests. The latter group of people also disciplined their white servants by whipping them at home or inside whipping posts. Their objective was to instill fear as well minimize instances of mild rebellion. Not only did land owners employ physical means to keep white servants in order, they also controlled their social relations. They forbade indentured servants from marrying bridal maidens from England. Any indentured worker, who wanted to marry, had to obtain permission from his master. Females could not get pregnant without serving some extra time as servants (Jordan and Walsh 95). One should note that the indentured-servant system was not prevalent from the beginning. Rich capitalist created it because they wanted to establish the most profitable means of tobacco cultivation. In the early 1620s, Virginia hired a consultant who stated that sharecropping was not effective in yielding high profits. Sharecropping relied on the use of tenants for production. This specialist suggested the use of servants rather than tenants in agriculture. As a consequence, new entrants from England were bitterly disappointed when they realized that their transporters had changed the terms of their contract (Jordan and Walsh 104). They would no longer be tenants in the colonies but mere servants whose term of service would expire upon their master’s pronouncement.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Research shows that the aristocracy’s preoccupation with control was not unfounded. Many indentured servants were frustrated with their conditions and if untamed, then they would upset the delicate class balance in the American colonies. A case in point was Thomas Hellier, whose masters had frustrated him for long. He chose to take matters into his own hands by killing his master, his master’s wife and another servant (Jordan and Walsh 106). When pleading his case, the defendant explained that he had a lot of resentment against slave traders. He argued that such merchants lured desperate people from England into the colony without any intention of keeping their end of the bargain. It was sentiments like these that caused a lot of apprehension among the elite who opted to use brutal tactics to keep their laborers in check. Taylor (154) explains that a rebellion eventually took place in 1676 when a g roup of frustrated freed men took up arms; this was known as Bacon’s rebellion. After completing the terms of their contract, land owners released their workers into a society with minimal economic opportunities. Most of these white laborers owned no property and lived in deplorable conditions. The extravagance of the elite disturbed them to a point of causing a rebellion. However, the state quelled the rebellion and tamed possible uprisings among newly freed while servants. African slaves were also another mechanism for securing the interests of rich landowners in the American colonies. Unlike white servants, who cost more to own and who had no lifetime guarantee, black slaves remained their slave master’s property all their lives. It was more economical to invest in slaves than white servants (Clark et. al. 111). Taylor (154) explains that â€Å"planters shifted from servants to slaves for economic security and security against another rebellion by angry freedmen.â €  Despite their promise, African slaves still had the potential to rebel too. In the early 1600s, African slaves were few in number and possessed same rights as their white counterparts. They could work for their freedom, own land and even buy slaves. However, in the latter half of the 17th century, black slaves had multiplied in number. White land owners worried that they could come together, take up arms and attack their white masters. Therefore, colonists saw the opportunity to utilize former indentured servants to preserve their position.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on History of American Colony specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They would give poor whites a range of privileges that blacks could not enjoy. The aristocracy’s sole intention was to divide society on the basis of race in order to prevent an alliance that could upset social order. If poor whites got together with disgruntled black slaves, then the elite would have no chance of staying in power. They thus created several laws designed to subjugate black slaves and fool poor whites into supporting them. Some of the laws forbade Africans from gathering in large numbers. They elongated their work days, increased their work load, gave them less food than before, and neglected their medical needs (Taylor 155). On the flipside, they allowed whites to bully blacks as much as they wanted with no fear of punishment from authorities; the laws forbade blacks from striking whites. This created a feeling of solidarity among all members of the white race. Divide and conquer tactics did not just stop at the highly oppressive colonial labor laws; it was cemented by a series of social controls too. Colonists forbade blacks from marrying whites while perpetrators of the crime would immediately become indentured servants. Children born from these unions were condemned to slavery. Even if a child was born of a black mother and w hite father, their identity would still remain black (Shifflett 107). They needed to pass this law in order to protect many white masters who frequently raped their black slaves and fathered mulatto children. Plantation owners secured a whole generation of slaves for themselves. They could violate black women’s rights (by raping them) but did not have to take responsibility for their actions. Instead, they were rewarded by having yet another laborer in their plantation. As is the case with several capitalists, the land owners had to justify their actions using arguments that the masses would believe. Many of them used technical justifications such as an increase in the number of blacks and their intellectual backwardness. Others even employed just-war principles; they explained that when capturing a person in war, â€Å"a subjugator could offer them enslavement as an alternative to death† (Gallay 46). However these capitalists were simply making their brutal actions ac ceptable among the masses. Their just-war claims were false because African slaves were forcefully captured; they were not products of war. Native Americans were also affected by the need to perpetuate capitalist interest in the new colonies. Most Indians were not useful sources of labor in the colonies for a number of economic reasons. The elite often traded with them by purchasing animal skin and other useful items.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, this was an opportunity for self preservation as enslaving Indians would lead to an increase in war. Indians were indigenous to the Americas, so it made more sense to evacuate them from certain portions of land rather than rely on them for labor (Gallay 47). The colonists exercised a lot of discretion in determining where to place the indigenous population in the land-labor hierarchy. The use of race was a divide-and -conquer tactic for rich land owners. They made poor whites feel superior by granting them voters rights and a few superficial benefits. This had the effect of obscuring common class distinctions between themselves and black slaves. The wealthy cemented their place by creating a lesser creature than the indentured servants. Native Americans could not liaise with poor whites or black slaves because they perceived their problems to be unique to their community. In essence, rich whites had quelled opportunities for rebellion. Conclusion The most interesting a spect to me was the impunity with which the elite exercised their privileges and abuses. I also found the contradictory nature of the libertarian values espoused by the colonists and the gross violation of human rights that took place in the new colony out of the ordinary. Lastly, it was enlightening to learn that oppressive systems did not start out that way, but grew as a need for self preservation. Clark, Christopher, Nancy Hewitt, Roy Rosenzweig, Nelson Lichtenstein, Joshua Brown, David Jaffee. Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History. Bedford: St. Martin’s Press, 2008. Print. Gallay, Alan. The Indian Slave trade: The Rise of the English Empire in the American South, 1670-1717. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. Print. Jordan, Dan and Michael Walsh. White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America. New York: New York University Press, 2008. Print. Shifflett, Crandal. Selected Virginia Statutes Related to Slavery . Virtual Jamestown 2007. Web. Taylor, Alan. American Colonies: The Settling of North America. New York: Penguin, 2001. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Short Guide to Capitalization

A Short Guide to Capitalization A capital letter is the form of an alphabetical letter (such as A, B, C) used to begin a  proper noun  or the first word in a sentence. A capital letter is an uppercase letter in contrast to lower case. Verb: capitalize. Also known as  majuscule, uppercase, upper-case, block letter, and caps. In classical Greek and Latin writing, only capital letters (also called majuscules) were used. Examples and Observations By the sixth and seventh centuries the various letter forms we now use had been invented . . .. From the ninth century on all writing in the Latin alphabet, in whatever style or hand, used capital and small-letter pairs as we do now.(Thomas A. Sebeok, Current Trends in Linguistics, 1974)A capital is always used for the first letter of a sentence. It is a universal rule. But the same cannot be said for the capitalization of names or proper nouns. Style varies wildly betweenand even withinpublications such as national newspapers and magazines. Apply commonsense rules. All names of people and placesPeter Cook, Paraguay, Piccadilly Circustake capitals. All titles of specific works of artCitizen Kane, the Mona Lisa, Beethovens Fifth Symphony, Anna Kareninatake a capital. Languages and nationalitiesEnglish, the Frenchtake capitals. Institutionsthe Houses of Parliament, the White House, the Anglican Churchtake capitals. Days, months and formally defined periods of historyMonday, February, t he Middle Agestake capitals. . . .Words deriving from proper names usually take a capitalas Christian from Christ and Marxist from Marx. But some such words, known as eponyms, have come into everyday use and no longer take a capital.(Ned Halley, Dictionary of Modern English Grammar. Wordsworth, 2005) She laid the folded newspaper on the counter between us, and my eye caught the words DISASTER, FAILURE and CRASH.(Eva Figes, Nellys Version. Secker Warburg, 1977) Trends in Capitalization I am a poet: I distrust anything that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (Antjie Krog)Times have changed since the days of medieval manuscripts with elaborate hand-illuminated capital letters, or Victorian documents in which not just proper names, but virtually all nouns, were given initial caps (a Tradition valiantly maintained to this day by Estate Agents). A look through newspaper archives would show greater use of capitals the further back you went. The tendency towards lowercase, which in part reflects a less formal, less deferential society, has been accelerated by the internet: some web companies, and many email users, have dispensed with capitals altogether.(David Marsh and Amelia Hodsdon, Guardian Style, 3rd ed. Guardian Books, 2010)If in doubt use lower case unless it looks absurd.(The Economist Style Guide. Profile Books, 2005) The Lighter Side of Capital Letters He believed in a door. He must find that door. The door was the way to . . . to . . .The Door was The Way.Good.Capital letters were always the best way of dealing with things you didnt have a good answer to.(Douglas Adams, Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency. Pocket Books, 1987) Carol Fisher: This is Scott ffolliott. Newspaperman, same as you. London correspondent. Mr. Haverstock, Mr. ffolliott.Scott ffolliott: With a double f.Johnny Jones: How do you do?Scott ffolliott: How do you do?Johnny Jones: I dont get the double f.Scott ffolliott: Theyre at the beginning, old boy. Both small fs.Johnny Jones: They cant be at the beginning.Scott ffolliott: One of my ancestors had his head chopped off by Henry VIII, and his wife dropped the capital letter to commemorate the occasion. There it is.Johnny Jones: How do you say it, like a stutter?Scott ffolliott: No, just straight fuh.(Laraine Day, George Sanders, and Joel McCrea in Foreign Correspondent, 1940)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Agriculture and Urbanization

Mark Luccarilli briefly reviewed Bill Wood's Wood Walk posted in the fifth issue of in the autumn of 1999. In his comment it repeatedly states that the idea of ​​Benton MacKaye's original Appalachian Mountains has not yet been implemented and that the MacKaye term itself can be regarded as a failure. Mr. Lukarili acknowledged that he could not lay an intermediate position to integrate agriculture and nature as a whole in the United States, The idea of ​​an idyllic city may treat us as a utopian stupidity in the climax I declared it as 2). . Poverty Alleviation: As we all know, most of the people involved in urban agriculture are urban poor. In developing countries, most urban agricultural production is used for private consumption, and the market sells surplus. According to FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), poor consumers in urban areas are very vulnerable to rising food prices because they use 60% to 80% of their income f or food. The community center and the garden education community regard agriculture as an integral part of city life. The Florida Sustainable Development Institute in Sarasota, Florida is a public community and education center where innovators with the concept of sustainable energy can run and test them. A community center like the Florida House provides a central place for urban agriculture to understand urban agriculture and start linking agriculture and city lifestyle. Urban agriculture, urban agriculture or urban gardening is a way to cultivate, process and distribute food in urban areas or surrounding areas. Urban agriculture includes animal husbandry, aquaculture, agroforestry, urban beekeeping and horticulture. These activities also occur in the suburbs, but suburban agriculture has different characteristics. Urban agriculture can reflect various degrees of economic and social development. It is a social movement for a sustainable community, organic farmers, food stuff and l ocal people form a social network based on the common nature and the general spirit of the community To do. These networks are developed with formal institutional support and are integrated into local town planning as a transitional town campaign for sustainable urban development. For others, food security, nutrition, income generation is the main motivation for this approach.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Toyota Marketing in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Toyota Marketing in China - Essay Example Sales of marketable vehicle in the country are forecasted to grow at a CAGR of around 5.5% during 2008-2010. Based on the past performance, it is projected that passenger car sales will cross 11 Million Units in 2010. China is the world's second largest car market. It overtook Japan just last year and is challenging to become the world's largest automobile market. The industrial revolution in China has prompted development and growth in the middle-class of China and the automobiles have translated into a symbol of prestige. Toyota was a latecomer to the China market. Within its global strategies, North America is the top priority, followed by its home country Japan. China has been included in Toyota's top development strategy in recent years with its first China-made VIOS sedan produced in Tianjin in October 2002. Considering China as an immature auto market, the company had adopted a three-stage development plan -- first to establish a local sales network and launch brand promotions, then to build auto parts manufacturing bases, and, finally, to establish joint ventures (JVs) with local players and produce automobiles. Although a latecomer, Toyota has jumped to the front in terms of imported car volume -- 50,000 units annually (Jiang, 2004). The company stepped into the most important and critical stage -- speeding up the localization of its products, since its rivals, such as Honda and General Motors, started accelerating their saturation into China. After the market entry of the Prado and Land Cruis er with China's First Automobile Works, its manufactured goods with Guangzhou Automobile Manufacturing Co -- Camry, which was a great success in the Untied States, was also developed. Forbes magazine comments on Toyota's success in the US auto market, saying that once the company sets goals, it will manage to exceed the targets. What is more demanding to its rivals is Toyota's approach to realize these goals. That estimation may well apply to its China development. Although Toyota missed the first opportunities, it will likely catch up if it pays more attention to the China market and introduces high-end brands. Toyota may scale back its ambitious target of selling more vehicles in the United States this year than it did in 2007, as damage from an economic slowdown and high oil prices becomes more fully known. Toyota sold more than 4.8 million vehicles worldwide in the first half of this year, up 2% from the same period a year earlier, the Japanese automaker said Wednesday. That exceeded General Motors Corp.'s sales of 4.5 million vehicles in the same period, setting up Toyota to potentially end GM's 76-year run as the world's top automaker by sales (CNN Money, 2007) Toyota, the third-biggest foreign car brand in China, reported investing 3.6 billion Yuan ($526.8 million) to double the production capacity of one of its plants. This should boost Toyota's overall capacity in China to 830,000 units by the first half of 2010. Global requirement for light hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is estimated to reach 4.5 million units in 2013. Increasing energy costs and greater than before emissions regulations are likely to increase demand for HEVs. The US is expected to experience the highest level of demand for HEVs, estimated at two million units in

How can we evolve through virtual augmentation Coursework

How can we evolve through virtual augmentation - Coursework Example Michael & Washburn outlines that technology is an improvement that is made on an already existing idea. Technology has greatly improved the intellectual and physical capability of human beings and has changed their lives, as well. The evolution of mankind has also changed people's attitudes, perceptions, and even lifestyle. For instance, life during the 18th century is very different from that of the 20th and 21st century. The main reason for this is because of people's needs, taste, and preference keep changing as the result of innovations and developments. According to Michael & Washburn, Change in worldviews is also evidence that mankind keeps evolving. In the ancient period, people always understood that they had a role to play in the society and everything they did was for the community. A child belonged to the community, and it was, therefore, the responsibility of every member of the community to take care of them. However, in the current society, individualism is the way of l ife and people seek to develop themselves rather than the society as a whole. Science fiction also has a role to play in man's evolution, and most innovations and inventions are attributed to science fiction. Science fiction has brought out the creativity in mankind as it prompted them to carry out experiments to prove the scientific concepts. In the process of carrying out these experiments, many other discoveries have been made some, which have been beneficial, and some harmful to mankind.

Interview-Family Influence Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interview-Family Influence - Assignment Example The family had to move from place to place every two years and this demanded them to be resilient and easily adjust to their environment as well as the people around them. Growing up in a military family, John Doe was exposed to a lot of friends wherein most of them also belong to military families. He had White and Black American as well as Asian friends and others from cultural groups, too. â€Å"I was raised without prejudice to anyone† (Doe, 2013), the young man said quite contentedly and smiled. He added that his parents never discouraged him to play with other children from a different race. However, when he was bullied or if he met trouble-makers, his parents suggested for him to just stay away from them. Doe’s parents expressed these information verbally to him and his siblings early on perhaps because they know they were expected to meet different kinds of people. Moreover, as any parent does, the Doe couple also warned the children not to speak with strangers for their safety. Explaining was the basic manner the parents used to inform their children about the facts of life. Although the Doe children were taught not to have any prejudice to anyone, they were also taught to be careful with the people they do not know. As experts often say, children are more receptive in learning from what parents show more than what they say. In Doe’s case, his parents’ teachings were indeed fortified by what he saw them do. Whenever there were occasions to celebrate, the family often invited visitors from various ethnic groups. Sometimes, simple dinners with other families of different cultures were planned in order to accommodate new friends and know them better. The children were also encouraged to play together and this enhanced their socialization skills. The greatest effects of this in Doe’s life are perhaps his resiliency in adopting to new environment and people as well as good socialization skills. When sent to a public high s chool, Doe learned more about other races and he came to understand further what prejudice and racism are. However, due to his strong influence from his parents, he maintained his respect toward other races. He never covertly or overtly felt prejudice toward any race despite the new information he was assimilating because he never witnessed anyone from his family exemplify so. The family never discussed about racism, feminism or homosexuality because perhaps the parents wanted the children to have high tolerance toward other races and sexualities. Although communication seems to be open in the family when it comes to a lot of matters, there were also things that seemed uneasy for the family to discuss and this was evident in Doe’s saying, â€Å"†¦but my mom found some things very hard to discuss where my dad it was his way and that was that† (Doe, 2013). The man’s refusal to further comment on the issue was respected. Doe admits that his family primarily in fluenced how he perceives other people of different races or gender inclinations. He says he does not care much if a person is Black or Asian, gay or straight. However, he has this take on every child; that they all deserve to have parents of both sexes. He further says that children get the â€Å"bad rap due to the race they are† and in a similar manner, children who have unique parents, meaning two females or two males, receive the same treatment. Although Doe does not inflict such kind of bullying toward other people, he claims

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Negotiation Analysis- Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negotiation Analysis- Negotiation - Essay Example he second part will zero in on my negotiation experience—selling a flat screen television—by highlighting on both the results and what I could have done differently. In an online report entitled The Art of Negotiation, negotiation is defined as a basic means of getting what one party wants from another party (Filipovich & Watercourse 1). It occurs when the two parties have conflicting and complementary interests. Principled negotiation, as posited in the same repot, involves the separation of people from the problem being tackled; the focusing on the two parties’ interests rather than each one’s position; the invention of options for mutual gain; and the use of objective criteria all throughout the activity (Filipovich & Watercourse 2). Separating people from the problem means using joint problem-solving techniques by establishing harmonious communication and being critical to each one’s emotions and perceptions on the topic of negotiation. Focusing on each party’s interests entails the drive to be objective. Inventing options for mutual gain means exploring other opportunities that could be tapped without veering too much from the goals set. Using objective criteria means having a legitimate standard that guides the negotiation process (usually backed up by credible information). Preparation is essential in negotiation as the party should not only decide on what issues to discuss during the negotiation, but the basic strategy that he will employ as well (accommodating, avoiding, competitive, or collaborative). My experience in selling my flat screen television will be divided according to the three clients that I have made a deal with: my sophomore friend named Luis, members of the web community portal in my apartment, and users of As a background, I decided to sell this item for I deemed it cheaper than selling a brand new one—thus, helping me attract a wide range of buyers. I bought it three years ago in the local best buy for

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 21

Strategic Management - Essay Example as the course of action that consists of specifications of the resources needed to attain a specific advantage is very essential for a business development (Hanna and Middleton, 2008:18). This paper will seek to describe strategic management by critically analyzing strategic and non-strategic decisions and the difference between business level, functional, and corporate level strategy with reference to the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts International. It will also evaluate the role of risk and uncertainty in strategic decision-making, critically assess the need for change, and develop strategies for managing change. Strong decisions making procedures are truly significant in every organization. Specific methods of making decisions play a major role in realizing an organization’s executive goals. Ways in which managers make decisions influence the kind of results the organization is likely to obtain and resources to be committed (Williams, Hall, and Champion, 2011:60). Benefits such as higher amounts of profits and rapid implementation of decisions make part of the strategic management of an organization (Sutherland, 2008:80) Strategic decision-making ensures that employees with key discipline in decision-making and those who have experience take part in the process making choices for the organizational well-being (Ford, Sturman, and Heaton, 2012:57). Strategic decisions making takes note that, the decisions made by an organization are implemented rapidly. Rapid implementation of the set objectives facilitates rapid organizational growth as employees and managers act accordingly and with speed on goals laid upon by the management (Sturman, Corgel, and Verma, 2011:45). Strategically, decision-making process should put into consideration a number of disciplines, which enable faster discussions, involvement, and response. Management with strategy encompasses skills, expertise, and experience (Barrow, Brown, and Clarke, 2003:63). As such, organizations that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Public Relation Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Public Relation Crisis - Essay Example This discussion will critically analyze the two cases chosen for depicting the PR crisis and how PR crisis impacts the overall reputation of the firm. The analysis will be done on the basis of how the companies were impacted due to the PR crisis. As the essay stresses that Public Relation is defined as the process of managing and controlling the inflow and outflow of information between an organization, an individual and the public. It is basically an approach by which organizations try to gain exposure to their target addressees by employing topics of public interest and spreading some zesty news. The primary rationale behind practising public relation is to convince the investors, employees, partners, customers, and stakeholders about the company’s products, political decision and leadership activities. Some of the evident ways by which the practise of public relation can be portrayed are winning industry awards, working closely with the press, speaking at meeting or confere nce, and employee communication. In the present business environment, importance of public relation has been like never before. Public relation is now treated as one of the most vital management disciplines. This paper explores that a crisis generally descends without any warning. It does not even give time to take any kind of precautionary measures. A crisis suddenly expands hysterically leaving hardly any chances for an immediate recovery. Moreover it disrupts the business transactions and at times intimidates the survival of an organization. ... In the present business environment, importance of public relation has been like never before. Public relation is now treated as one of the most vital management disciplines. Moreover, if properly practised public relation can play a crucial role in maintaining a sound relationship with the internal and external stakeholders of the company. The support is also important to meet the goals and objectives of the organization. In general public relation is a mere communication activity, that put emphasis on the two way communication process. Therefore it is way by which a mutual understanding between the organization, its stakeholders and the customers is established (Kitchen, 1997, p.8). Public Relation Crisis: A Brief Overview A crisis generally descends without any warning. It does not even give time to take any kind of precautionary measures. A crisis suddenly expands hysterically leaving hardly any chances for an immediate recovery. Moreover it disrupts the business transactions and at times intimidates the survival of an organization (Fearn-Banks, 2010, p.2). Some of the example of PR crisis includes Johnson & Johnson's cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules, PepsiCo's can tamper rumours, Texaco's racial discrimination lawsuit, Odwalla Foods' apple juice E-Coli outbreak, Cadbury's worm infested candy bars, JetBlue's week-long operational breakdown and The Red Cross' rogue tweet among many others. Public relation crisis is some time referred to as the communication crisis from the organizational context of view. However it is also important to overcome the issue effectively. It can be done by adopting sound crisis management techniques. Some of the ways by which the challenge can be faced are

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 21

Strategic Management - Essay Example as the course of action that consists of specifications of the resources needed to attain a specific advantage is very essential for a business development (Hanna and Middleton, 2008:18). This paper will seek to describe strategic management by critically analyzing strategic and non-strategic decisions and the difference between business level, functional, and corporate level strategy with reference to the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts International. It will also evaluate the role of risk and uncertainty in strategic decision-making, critically assess the need for change, and develop strategies for managing change. Strong decisions making procedures are truly significant in every organization. Specific methods of making decisions play a major role in realizing an organization’s executive goals. Ways in which managers make decisions influence the kind of results the organization is likely to obtain and resources to be committed (Williams, Hall, and Champion, 2011:60). Benefits such as higher amounts of profits and rapid implementation of decisions make part of the strategic management of an organization (Sutherland, 2008:80) Strategic decision-making ensures that employees with key discipline in decision-making and those who have experience take part in the process making choices for the organizational well-being (Ford, Sturman, and Heaton, 2012:57). Strategic decisions making takes note that, the decisions made by an organization are implemented rapidly. Rapid implementation of the set objectives facilitates rapid organizational growth as employees and managers act accordingly and with speed on goals laid upon by the management (Sturman, Corgel, and Verma, 2011:45). Strategically, decision-making process should put into consideration a number of disciplines, which enable faster discussions, involvement, and response. Management with strategy encompasses skills, expertise, and experience (Barrow, Brown, and Clarke, 2003:63). As such, organizations that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Stalins leadership Essay Example for Free

Stalins leadership Essay The great patriotic war was a theatre of war primarily between Russia and the Nazis, although it involved many surrounding countries in Eastern Europe and beyond. This period was notorious for its unprecedented ferocity, destruction, and immense loss of life and was lead under the leadership of Stalin. Yet to what extent was Stalins efforts and actions the reason for the Soviet victory against the axis powers? Politically, there were many aspects that contributed to the war effort. The Communist Party itself worked at the rear of the forces (350,000 members were transferred to the back lines) and also increased membership to ensure that there was sufficient support for the party. The NKVD played a more significant role in the war, most importantly controlling the USSR population through fear. The NKVD were responsible for the labour camps (gulags) where prisoners of war were sent as well as opposition suspects and deserters from the Russian armies. The group had many other roles, including undercover officers within the red army reporting any deficiencies in moral and any anti-communist attitudes. Therefore they created a sense of terror that deterred any resistance against Stalin and the regime from building up effectively as well as maintaining discipline and security within the army. This was obviously a crucial factor in Soviet success, without this the Red Army would not have fought effectively. Although the NKVD were very effective throughout the war and must certainly be credited in the Soviet success, Stalin was in overall control of the body, and therefore could also claim some of this as his own. He also influenced the air of terror, by coining orders like not one step back meaning that any soldiers that tried to retreat would be shout by the NKVD themselves. Britain and America were Russias allies in the war and although they did not send troops directly to the front line, the lend lease programme (begun in March 1941) provided the USSR with essential war supplies $11. 3 billion worth of goods were sent throughout the war. Without these the army would have been less effectively supplied and progress may have been slower, particularly one the offensive move towards Berlin, which may have given the enemy more time to re-organise and build defenses. Additional assistance came from U. S. Russian War Relief (a private, nonprofit organization) and the Red Cross who also sent supplies. Again, it could be suggested that it was Stalins political ability that allowed him to form these alliances that proved to be so vital. However, for the supplies from the Red Cross and Russian war relief he cannot be accredited and it could be argued that the allies did not aid Russia due to Stalins diplomacy but merely in an attempt to defeat Germany. Despite the destruction of the war, the Russian economy managed to keep the front supplied with weapons and other supplies. The move to dismantle factories and rebuild them in the remote Urals once the Germans had begun to infiltrate Russia proved to be very successful. 1500 enterprises and 10 million people were transferred eastwards and the new industrial heartlands began production. The planned economy also meant that industrial plants were converted into military production factories (for example, in Moscow a childrens bicycle factory was converted into a automatic rifles factory). Without this economic planning, the Red Army would not have been supplied tanks, guns ammunition and planes in adequate quantities (in fact, by 1943 the Red Army was achieving this). However, yet again the ideas for the planned economy and the move of the factories were announced by Stalin and therefore their successful results and vital contribution to the war could be said to be a result of cunning planning and economic efficiency. Further than this, Stalin managed to mobilize the entire urban society into production. Similarly to the five year plans, anyone of a working age was forced into labour, including the women. For example, in 1942, women made up 53% of the urban workforce. Without this mobilisation, the factories would not have run to full capacity and production levels would have fallen substantially. Stalin also cleverly ensured that the workers would not resent the regime by increasing wages (wages rose by 75% between 1938 and 1944) and those in regular manual employment were guaranteed survival through the network of Ors (workers provisionary department) shops at their places of work. Obviously the Red Army must be accredited with at least some of the war success. Although it was initially disorganised and was unable to adapt to the defensive tactics now necessary, this was the result of Stalins fierce purges of the Red Army causing military leaders to be wary of taking any initiative or acting without firm orders from the leader himself. The Army was however, heroic in nature and had many successful attacks against the Germans (for example, the Battle of Kursk). Another initial weakness was the dual command of the Politruki, but Stalin did end this when he realised it was a hindrance to the army rather than a help. Stalins choices in military men had both positive and negative effects on the war. He was often seen to give leadership powers to those who were his close friends and allies, often with poor results. An example of this is Kulik who delayed the production of Katyusa rockets and T34 tanks due to a belief that more old fashioned artillery and horsepower were more effective war methods. However, Soviet success was also the result of meticulous planning and military excellence of many other of the Russian leaders, for example Vasilevsky who was responsible for the planning and co-ordination of all decisive offences and Chuikov who commanded in Stalingrad. The man with the most influence militarily however was General Zhukov who oversaw the defence of Leningrad and orchestrated the first breakthrough, commanded in the Battle of Kursk and launched the final attack on Germany, including capturing Berlin. Further than this Zhukov was more fearless than many others of the leaders and stood up for his military ideas. It could be suggested that this was the main reason that Stalin eventually accepted that his tactics needed updating and moved away from his previous military ideas. Had the Red Army continued with these they may never have won the war as the outdated tactics were very unsuccessful. The Stavka ended up being a very effective team, some disagreement with Stalin was tolerated and the result was concrete military decisions that resulted in Soviet success. It is possible to completely blame Stalin for the initial Russian failures for a further reason. Previous to Operation Barbarossa, Stalin had been warned of the German attack but simply ignored this and made no defensive military plans. Therefore when under attack, the army only had defensive strategies available. This was particularly a problem due to the lack of initiative that generals were willing to take as explained above. Some debate still remains over why Stalin refused to acknowledge the information but it was probably a combination of Stalins overconfidence in the character of Hitler and other circumstantial information (such as 22nd June was theoretically too late to attack as it was too close to the Russian winter). For these reasons Stalin was certainly a hindrance to the Russian side at times. However, he did change his tactics eventually which was obviously a difficult move for Stalin as it resulted in a loss of face. Another of Stalins failures was his refusal to sign the Geneva Convention for human rights. Therefore when Russian prisoners of war were captured they often ended up in extermination camps in Germany. Many Russian war prisoners ended up fighting for the German side in preference to being killed. An example of this is Andrei Vlasov who set up a Russian Liberation Army who fought for the Germans; he was later used as a figurehead for German propaganda. If Stalin had signed the agreement the Germans wouldnt have had any extra re-enforcements. Another general factor for the Soviet success in the Great Patriotic War is psychological and social. The role of the Russian people undoubtedly contributed to the war effort. Other than the obvious roles they played in the factories, farms and on the battlefront itself, the sheer heroism of many of the people is astounding. For example, within Leningrad the Russian people failed to give in to German terror for 872 days, despite the constant attack from the skies, bitter famines spread throughout the whole city, horrific death rates (in December 1941, 53000 people died in Leningrad (this was as many as the total deaths in 1940)) and rations that were barely enough to survive (bread rations were 400g a day but decreased to 250-125g in December/January 1941). This strength of the nation was seen in other places, such as the partisan units that were set up in the German occupied areas. Often the members were Red Army troops that had not retreated quick enough to stay in front of the Germans, but many were also civilians united in a hatred for the Nazis. They were effective in tying down Germans in certain areas, harassing German soldiers but most importantly showing the opposition that Russian influence was still present in their occupied areas. The sheer hatred that the Russians felt for the Germans was also influential to Soviet success, and the treatment in the camps was certainly a contributing factor to this. Another reason for this was the treatment for the Russians in the German occupied territory. The Germans viewed the war as a war of extermination and used the Slav people as sub-humans. An example is a quote from Hitler if 10,000 females die of exhaustion digging an anti-tank ditch, my only interest is that the ditch is dug for Germany. Only towards the end of the war did the Germans realise that it would be much more effective to try and keep the Russians on side. An example of the earlier brutality is the 34,000 Jews and Soviet citizens massacred at Babi-Yar which was an attempt to cleanse Russia and create living space (lebensraum). This is important for the war as the Russian hatred fuelled their desire to defeat the Germans and individuals would work harder and faster in whatever role they were contributing in. It could be suggested that Stalin did help influence this as his speechs were always hugely anti-German and highlighted the deaths and terrors inflicted upon Russia. He also contributed to the propaganda that was circulated in the war which showed clearly the brutalities of the war to the Russian civilians. This was to influence the Red Army and partisans to fight for motherland, for honour, for freedom and for Stalin. Stalin also managed to mobilise and encourage women into the war effort. Women took on roles within factories, farms and other mens positions such as miners and welders. At the beginning of 1940 women made up 41% of labour front and over 800,000 saw active service on the battlefields (ordered after 1942). Another social change that Stalin made during the war were the religious concessions. For example, in 1942 the labour camps were searched for religious men who were then allowed home and in 1943 they Russians elected a new patriarch and synod. These proved very successful and brought him more support as the religious Russians had previously felt oppressed. Stalin as a war leader was always resolute and determined. It is unquestionable that Stalin was courageous, despite German attack he remained with his family in Moscow rather than fleeing to Kuibyshev. Although he did make some mistakes, particularly during the openings of the war, he did manage to amend many of these. The ways in which Stalin helped make the Soviet war success certainly outweigh his hindrances in both number and significance. Without such a powerful, charismatic and talented leader, Russia would have been much more likely to be defeated in the Great Patriotic war.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Loneliness in Of Mice and Men

Loneliness in Of Mice and Men Loneliness is an inevitable part of life, which many individuals struggle with. It is an emotional response to a lack of companionship and communication with others, which has a huge impact in ones overall behavior. Some impacted individuals may try to end their loneliness; others become hopeless and bitter. The theme of loneliness is presented in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men. The novel Of Mice and Men portrays loneliness as a complex emotion that often drives individuals to behavioral extremes. Steinbeck uses characters, some of the most important ones including Curleys wife, Candy and Crooks, to reflect on the discriminative time period that ultimately lead to the characters loneliness and particular behaviors. Curleys wife is a major female character in Of Mice and Men and is married to Curley, a very aggressive ranch worker that proves his masculinity by fighting other workers and marrying a physically attractive woman; moreover, he was the boss son. Curley had a huge control over his wife which was very common during the Great Depression, and the other workers. He had forbidden all of the workers from talking to his wife. Desperate for friends, attention and respect, Curleys wife uses her beauty and status with Curley to her advantage. In chapter 4, she intimidated the workers in Crooks room as of means for getting attention and threatened Crooks when he told her to leave his room, saying that he could get sprung up on a tree so easy, it aint even funny (Steinbeck 81). Her new behavior resulted in further discrimination and harassment. She was labelled as a tramp (Steinbeck 32), and other derogatory names. She felt powerless and lonely. The only person that Curleys wife could talk to was Lennie, because he was not conscious of her current situation. In her last moments with Lennie in the barn scene, she finally felt like she was being acknowledged and listened to. For the first time, she confessed that I don like Curley. He aint a nice fella (Steinbeck 89). She became vulnerable to her humanity and this ironically lead to her death. Curleys wife is a brilliant example of the oppression against women in the 1930s, sexism, and some of the behavioral changes that came along with being stripped of ones identity in society. There are other reasons why people were discriminated and isolated, some of which includes ageism and ableism. Candy was the oldest ranch worker in the book, that lost his right arm in an accident. He was discriminated because of his age and disability, and was an outcast. He had no family, except for the dog he raised. His dog used to be of great usefulness, but as the dog became older, he became less useful and helpless. This resulted in him being shot by Carlson which intensified Candys loneliness. Candys dog is a prime example of the social issue of ageism and ableism in society at that time. Workers were expected to be productive on the ranch, and if one no longer met that demand, due to age or ability to perform certain tasks, they would be dismissed and left to suffer (Steinbeck 1937).ÂÂ   Candy recognizes that the same thing will happen to him, and he tells George that Jus as soon as I cant swamp out no bunkhouses theyll put me on the county (Steinbeck 60). To escape his loneliness and eventual fate of getting kicked, Candy becames quickly invested in George and Lennies dream, offering a total of $350 towards the dream farm. Spose I went in with you guys. Thas three hundred an fifty bucks Id put in. I aint much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some. Howd that be? (Steinbeck 59). He was very attached and hooked onto the dream of the farm, and persisted to have the farm in spite of what happened with Lennie later in the novel. The farm would have eliminated his fear of being alone, and develop another relationship worth cherishing. His current position in society forced him to develop a specific mindset to escape his destination. One of the biggest issues that was prevalent in the Great Depression was racism, which Crooks was a victim of. He was physically separated from the other men, and had limited contact with others. As a replacement for friendship, he kept himself occupied with books. Still, he admitted that Books aint no good, and that A guy needs somebody to be near him. A guy goes nuts when if he aint got nobody (Steinbeck 72). In the Great Depression, black people faced racial discrimination and segregation from the dominant, white culture (Pinckney, 2002). However, this was greatly exaggerated in the story as Crooks was the only black man on the ranch. Unlike Curleys wife and Candy, Crooks accepted his role in society because he knew that he was powerless against the oppressive forces of racism. He was aware that he was treated as if he was less important than the other men and did not have a voice in society. This is just a nigger talkin, an a busted-back nigger. So it dont mean nothing, see? (St einbeck 71). The sad reality of the Great Depression deprived Crooks from his right to be treated like an equal human being with self-worth and connection with others. His acceptance of the situation became the strongest antidote to his experience; however, it intensified his loneliness. The Great Depression was a time of prejudice present in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men. Curleys Wife, Candy, and Crooks were some of the characters who represented the loneliness and isolation brought on by their time period. These characters faced social issues like racism, sexism, and ageism, resembling the oppression of minority groups by the discriminatory nature of their society. Each character recognized their loneliness, and depending on what their current situation and role in society was, they took specific actions to fight against, or cope with it. Steinbeck has made it clear that the loneliness brought on by discrimination does significantly impact ones behavior, actions and mindsets. Todays generation better understands the societal implications of loneliness and discrimination. It should be societys goal to diminish all forms of discrimination and be supportive of what others go through in their lifetimes in order to lead a better, healthier, and more connected life for all. Works Cited Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York, Penguin, 1993. Pinckney, Shelley. Chapter 6: Race and Civil Rights: The 30s and 40s. Communism in Washington State,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Chaucers Canterbury Tales - The Parson :: Parson Essays

The Parson: What He Said and Why The Canterbury Tales offer many characters whose vocation does not match his or her tale. This often provides humor and provokes much thought. Yet Chaucer makes the parson match his tale. This provokes a more serious train of thought. Thus Chaucer shows forth his brilliance in his versatility of subject matter. The first thing one should notice in the Parson's tale is that the Parson refuses to tell a fable. In lines 30-36, the Parson gives his reasoning for a straightforward prose. He will not tell a story mixed with chaff and wheat. Rather, he chooses to tell a tale in nonfiction prose so all can understand with clarity. His object is not so much to tell an impressive story but to show forth what he deems important. Second, he speaks in a respectable medieval manner by calling upon authorities. Whereas the wife of Bath says she will not reference authorities, he does so unashamedly. He references the Biblical figures Matthew, Jeremiah, Solomon, David, Jesus, Job, Hezekiah, Ezekiel, Peter, Jeremiah, Moses, Isaiah, Micah, John, Joseph, Paul, Zechariah, and Luke. In addition he refers to scholars and saints such as Ambrose, Isidore, Gregory, Augustine, Chrysostom, Bernard, Seneca, Basil, Damasus, and Galen. As Augustine has been the most influential person in Church history, Augustine is the most quoted authority he uses. Moreover, he includes a lengthy discussion on mortal and venial sins. He exemplifies many ways one may fall into one of the seven deadly sins. Such offenses include birth control as murder and nocturnal emission as adultery. He also gives guidelines how to prevent those sins. He offers hope to the penitent by setting forth the prescribed method of reconciliation ordained by Holy Church.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hatred Against Work Essay -- Employment, Slavery

Throughout history, mankind has worked. Work is a physical effort made towards a purpose. Work has been done in all aspects and forms. Whether it was working on a farm, picking crops or working in office, analyzing data, different forms of work are done. Due to work, our society is able to enjoy unimaginable luxuries and the economy thrives off such success. However, work has altered mankind. Because of work, we have become slaves in our own society. Not only do we work long hours during our job, but we even have to sacrifice our own free time to work on other work related tasks. Such views can be illustrated through the works of Antler, an American poet. His poems, Factories Are Boxcars Full of Jews and Written After Learning Slaves in Ancient Greece and Rome Had 115 Holidays a Year demonstrate my views of how negatively work affects us. Work has altered our sensibilities, making us almost animals. Antler, who mainly wrote on nature and factories, develops such anti-work themes in both of his poems. Through just the first stanzas of both poems, he illustrates his views. Workers are "brainwashed robotzombies", "crucified their whole lives"(Written 9/ Factories 26). Every year, the number of workers increase but the "cells of urban hives" remain the same (Factories 1). The human spirit is killed each year by work. Were not creating loving boys and girls, but rather " better murder weapon", all in hopes of a higher standard of living (Written 4). "Work is a curse", changing men into beast. It is work that led to the murder of 6 million Jews, contributing in some way to the death of our planet. What "difference [is there] between [workers] and Nazis", if what Nazis did to the Jews is what workers in "factories are doing to the ... through society. In hopes of higher standards of living, we fall into a life of work, becoming "socialization lobotomies"(Written 10). Each day, we follow the same routine as brain-dead machines , going to work in the morning and returning at night. Society is not creating better individuals but rather better workers. Antler is a nonconformist, who despises the notion of work and factories. His inspiration come through the forest and rivers, where he spends nearly two months every year in the wilderness. His poems, Factories Are Boxcars Full of Jews and Written After Learning Slaves in Ancient Greece and Rome Had 115 Holidays a Year reflect such negative views about work. Work is a dark pit, which if someone falls into, there's no getting out. Work has done nothing more than brought misery on our planet and create the largest scale of slavery in history.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking Essay

Throughout history, people with creative minds have created original ideas which have been useful in the fields of music, art, technology, medicine, and science. Most of these ideas were once branded as impossible and ridiculous, but as of today, their thinkers are considered to as individuals who achieved enormous breakthroughs which helped the world advance (Coon, 2006). Usually, problem-solving is done through mechanical and insightful means which are based on understanding; this kind of problem solving involves either deductive or inductive thinking in order to achieve solutions. Apart from these, problem-solving may also be done logically (based on previous information or rules) or illogically (based on intuition or personal associations and perceptions). However, such is not the way of creative thinking—creative thinking involves all of these different thinking styles, â€Å"plus fluency, flexibility, and originality† (Coon, 2006, p. 360). Fluency can be defined as the number of ideas or suggestions that an individual is able to make for a particular problem. Flexibility, on the other hand can be defined as the number of times an individual shifts from one class or type of possible ideas to another. As for originality, it is pertains to â€Å"how novel or unusual [the] ideas are† (Coon, 2006, p. 360). These can determine an individual’s creativity or his capacity for divergent thinking. Creative thinking or divergent thinking means thinking out of the box and developing possibilities. Usually, people tend to solve problems with tried solutions, but with creative thinking, individuals produce new and different ideas or answers in order to solve problems (Coon, 2006). Creative thinking is often seen in poems, essays, constructed objects, and drawings (Coon, 2006)—however, it can also be seen in everyday life. In fact, creative thinking can come in various forms, one example of creative thinking would be the ever-changing ideas when it comes to the automobile industry. Manufacturers are always developing new features and improving them based on the old ideas, thus, achieving innovation (Harris, 1998). Another example of creative thinking could involve combining two different ideas in order to come up with a new one which is more effective than the separate ideas, like introducing a dinner theater. Since a lot of people usually go on dates by going to dinner, then watching a film, perhaps, it would be creative to fuse these two concepts together to create a much more efficient one where people can eat dinner and attain entertainment at the same time (Harris, 1998). Critical thinking, on the other hand, is an entirely different concept from creative thinking. According to Austin Cline (2010), critical thinking involves developing a form of intellectual and emotional distance between one’s self and one’s ideas in order to be able to evaluate the validity, reasonableness, and truth of such ideas. If an individual engages in critical thinking, he should develop rational and reliable evaluations as to what is rational and logical. This simply means that if one engages in critical thinking, one must value skepticism, and engage in a search for the appropriate solution to problems. Critical thinking also involves open-mindedness, differentiating emotion from reason, arguing with the use of knowledge, being skeptical about probabilities, avoiding linguistic misunderstandings, avoid common fallacies, and most important, avoiding the temptation to jump to conclusions. An example of critical thinking would be carefully assessing situations in order to find the appropriate actions required; a critical thinker, if perhaps stuck in a situation wherein he is faced with numerous tasks at work, plus the obligation to attend his child’s softball game, would carefully evaluate the tasks at hand, produce a schedule by prioritizing and weighing risks and advantages in order to achieve all goals (Jackson, Ignatavivius, Case, ). Another example would be if an individual is part of a jury, and is listening to the witnesses and the defendant’s accounts of a murder; if the individual engages in critical thinking, then it follows that he should not readily believe either accounts just by taking their word for it. Perhaps the lawyer might call a witness which happens to be the child of the murdered person, and if the individual engages in critical thinking, he must not be swayed by the emotions which are shown by those in the stand, and should be critical in analyzing the facts which are presented in the case. Creative and Critical Thinking Using a Common Example Take for example the phrase speed kills; a lot of people have a general idea about this phrase, that which consists of the fact that it is related to motorists, stating that if they over-speed, they could get into an accident and be killed. If one is to use creative thinking in this particular phrase, the result would often involve creating new means to improve the campaign against over-speeding. Creative thinkers are often finding new means to look at things, as well as different means to present such things; therefore, these ideas would then be utilized into the development of a new, effective means to strengthen the campaign against over-speeding. Since creative thinking is all about finding new and different ideas in order to find solutions for different problems,which, in this case, is the supposed problem regarding over-speeding, which, presumably, can kill an individual if he gets in an accident, the creative thinker would perhaps develop innovative means of educating people about this particular statement, such as developing an integration off billboard advertising and traffic warnings. However, if one is to use critical thinking in this phrase, the result would be different. To a critical thinker, it is not possible to just agree with what the phrase implies and just accept it as it is. It is necessary to analyze what it means and analyze as to whether this assumption is valid. A critical thinker would then look into the scientific proof stating that speed, indeed, kills. Apart from this, the critical thinker would look into statistics, and derive from those statistics as to how reliable this particular statement is. While the critical thinker is not aiming to disprove the phrase which states speed kills, what he would be doing involves strengthen it with reliable sources in order to achieve a conclusion that the phrase speed kills is indeed valid and motorists everywhere should heed its implied advice. It is, of course, necessary to state that if the critical thinker does not find the phrase as valid and reliable, the phrase would then be rendered illogical and irrelevant. Summary As seen in the previous discussion, creative and critical thinking differ in many ways. However, while it cannot be denied that both have their differences when it comes to approaching problems, it must be understand that both have their merits and advantages. It is necessary to understand that neither can be considered better when it comes to finding solutions for life’s everyday problems. Instead, an integration of these thinking styles would be far more beneficial, for not all situations call for either creative or critical thinking only. There are those which call for creative thinking, and there are those which call for critical thinking. It is, therefore, necessary to familiarize one’s self with both styles, for being able to adapt one’s thinking style is essential to effective decision-making processes.