Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Global Communication :: International Relations Global Essays Papers

Global Communication In chapter 14 on his book Global Communication in the twenty-first century, Stevenson focuses on the topic of persuasive communication. He presents a brief analysis of propaganda, or using his term, public diplomacy, making reference to the United States Information Agency (USIA). He also speaks about advertising highlighting that international advertising is increasing. Stevenson refers that the new global communications systems are efficient tools for governments and economics sectors to reach and influence public opinion, I suppose that it is understood that always communications systems have been efficient to influence people. It is much what scholars have writing about persuasive communication and it is much what we have read about this. Stevenson just presents a compact information with different examples which permit illustrated the topic. In the formation of stereotypes, influence in the self-identity and the role of the media in this process, an example comes to my mind. The refuse of the â€Å"stigma† of being Indians, commonly seen in many countries of Latin America. At this respect, Carrasco in a study about Indians migration in Ecuador points out that they â€Å"change their clothes in the bus terminal bathroom in Riobamba, in order to arrive in Guayaquil without seeming Indians.... They return talking like costeà ±os, and some refuse to speak Quechua even in the local community† (Carrasco, 105). Obviously, in this case, this comportment not only responds to an impact of the media over this people, in fact, many of them do not have a direct relation with media. Other factors like history, socio-economic relations, believes and culture are probably much more important than the portrayal of the Indians in the media, nonetheless, it is important to mention how media contribute. We could allege Mexican good selling TV novelas or soap operas, with large acceptancing among audience in Ecuador and other Latin American countries, Indians roles here are poor and with a lack of values. Probably a better example is a disgusting but popular series called â€Å"La India Maria†, where the protagonist is a dumb, dirty and poor Indian woman. The latter produced by â€Å"Televisa† in Mexico. In relation with this program and attending critics from some sectors of the audience, Televisa president, Emilio Azcarraga, said â€Å"to educate is a task of the government and not of Televisa†. Personally I think that for good or bad, nobody has influenced the formation (or disformation) of today Mexican minds as Televisa and Azcarraga family.

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