Thursday, July 25, 2019

LEADERSHIP MAN MANGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LEADERSHIP MAN MANGEMENT - Essay Example Quality is one of the most valuable assets that any organization can have. Good quality is achieved when all departments are focused on a similar goal and at the same time not affecting the flow of the current system. To achieve this change, a procedural way is applied moderately to alter how nurses run their daily activities. Human resource managers must ensure that they recruit only those who meet the set requirements. They should also ensure that the staff is enough to handle the expected cases and that their working conditions are appropriate. Quality improvement will be achieved if nurses, departmental leaders and external organizations join in a forum to discuss and enlighten each other. For leadership to run smoothly then it means that all the departments will have to work tirelessly hand in hand so that the outcome can be of professional standards (Galvin, 2001). We carried out a project at Mt Ascutney Hospital and Health Center’s (MAHHC’s). The objectives were to enhance access and continuity of care, identify and manage patient population, ensure that there is self-care support, as well as to track, manage, care, measure and improve performance. Here, we had to set a network that could connect all beneficiaries of the health care. One of the networks that is still effective is the Windsor Area Community Partnership. The project taught us that any successful organization must have an effective communication network. Through this interaction, we realized that the quality of services offered had greatly improved and also become simplified. National Patient Safety Goals are set to ensure the safety of patients in hospitals. In order to avoid wrong-patient errors, hospitals ought to use two or more identifiers when referring to patients records and medication. This can be done while booking the patient into the hospital. For instance, patient identification records should be meticulous as there is no room for errors. At my firm, we

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