Friday, July 26, 2019

Nike and its Approach to Corporate Responsibility' Case Study

Nike and its Approach to Corporate Responsibility' - Case Study Example al., 2010). It has been apparently observed that the significance of corporate responsibility has been rising considerably in the modern day context. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the business corporations or firms possessing superior level of corporate responsibility ultimately help them towards attracting its entire workforce through lessening the turnover rates of the personnel and recruitment expenses among others (Cramer & Bergmans, 2003). In this paper, a critical evaluation about the approach of Nike towards corporate responsibility will be taken into concern. Various aspects like how Nike could best manage the situation and move towards corporate responsibility emphasizing upon certain important aspects will also be discussed in this paper. The aspects comprise leadership as well as structure of corporate responsibility, hiring procedure and centralization along with the process of decentralization. A Brief Overview of Nike Nike, Inc is regarded as one of the foremost innovators especially in the business segment of athletic footwear, equipments, accessories and clothing. The company is typically an American based multinational business corporation that deals with the design and the marketing of sports utensils, athletic footwear and various other recreational brands. The mission of the company has been viewed to inspire the athletes across the globe with incessant innovation (Nike, 2013). Conversely, the vision of the company is to become worldwide leader especially in the aforementioned business segment in the entire world. In this similar context, the company has been noted to develop its business by focusing more upon the significant aspects of sustainability along with innovation (Nike, 2013). It is worth mentioning that according to the performance rankings in the Climate Counts, Nike has acquired topmost position particularly in the business segment of footwear, clothing as well as accessories (Nike, 2013). Approaches of N ike towards Corporate Responsibility Nike undertook several approaches concerning corporate responsibility with the motive of becoming the worldwide leader particularly in the business segment of sporting footwear, clothing and accessories among others. The different approaches of Nike towards corporate responsibility have been noted while designing and manufacturing its broad array of products. In relation to designing products, it has been apparently observed that Nike has outlined and developed restricted substances lists (RSLs) in order to safeguard its entire workforce, suppliers and most importantly the consumers. The lists ultimately support the company towards effectively directing its different suppliers in the making of the brands which are safe and lawfully compliant. Moreover, apart from preparing and developing RSLs, the company executes environmentally preferred materials (EPMs) while designing its different products. According to the company, EPMs are principally desc ribed as the materials that extensively lessen the adverse environmental

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