Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Reflection Paper - Essay Example The longing of kids is to have guardians that who take a solid individual enthusiasm for helping them build up their aptitudes and have discover their way throughout everyday life (Treybig, 2007). Higher parent inclusion in a kid’s life expands the impact these force figures have in their youngsters. The moral qualities and good advancement of young people are in this way molded towards the worth arrangement of the specific family. Another source that affected my moral qualities was the instruction I got during my young person years and at an early stage in school. I generally admired my educators and school teachers. They showed me the significance of uprightness, polished skill and high moral measures throughout everyday life and in the work environment. I’ve taken some school seminars on the issue and they have been exceptionally useful at giving me the hypothetical ideas and useful models on moral issues. 2. How do your own persuasions and your Defining Moments sway your dynamic in the work environment? Recall Badarraco (1997) states that vital crossroads have three components: uncovering, testing, and forming (57). One pivotal occasion I had in an expert setting was the point at which I fill in as a specialist for a relative throughout a mid year in a beginning up venture. My uncle needed exhortation on the best way to raise capital for his business. He had an incredible item, however required cash to carry it to the market. He knew about a counseling firm that had political impacts and could assist him with handling some seed cash from some legislative projects for private ventures. I advised him to oblige the thought and suggested a gathering with the people. During the principal meeting I got a genuine look at what defilement is about. I initially thought these people were genuine businessmen whose associations depended on long stretches of experience systems administration and managing the normal issues of little organizations. The principal things they approached was for two or three thousands dollars to get

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Population density Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Populace thickness - Dissertation Example In spite of the fact that the two speculations will in general be in conflict, as one they mirror the significance of the connections that exist between the diverse existing degree modifiers like different institutional factors and the common economy kind of that network, to the populace development rate. Accordingly, there are no questions that populace thickness and development rate has signi?cant in?uence over the financial and segment qualities of any network (rustic and urban). †¢ Higher populace thickness and a high populace development rate in this way brings about expanded requests for normal assets like water, food, fuel, rural land, an others from the regular asset pool. Quickly growing populace along these lines results in over misuse of normal assets, inferable from the relentlessly rising requests. †¢ High populace densities or increasing populace development rate prompts height in agrarian exercises that thus escalates deforestation, advancing urbanization and more prominent land use clashes. †¢ Population development extension prompts higher vitality requests and use (particularly fuel oil and its subsidiaries, since they structure the regular vitality sources both for urban and country networks). †¢ populace development and thickness additionally finds out the requirement for different fundamental open administrations like wellbeing, water, food, instruction, lodging, transport, and so on in this way, influencing the procedure of legislative budgetary distribution. The huge impact yielded by populace on the normal assets, and financial attributes of a network, makes it important to consider the direction in populace thickness and dispersion, so as to plan and execute any program related with development and improvement of a State. To under the patterns in populace thickness and dissemination it is important to examine and break down intermittently the accessible normalized information (by and by the information from registrat ion is utilized for examination) on size and spatial dispersion of populace over a particular period of time. In any case, on considering the different accessible literary works on populace thickness and its consequences for the financial attributes of a network, it is seen that almost no exploration has been directed in this respects. A more intensive look uncovered that it was fundamentally attributable to the unpredictable idea of the term, ‘population density,’ very little work has been done on it (Fonseca and Wong, 2000). In this manner, it makes it hard for the specialist to separate between the circumstances and logical results, while breaking down the multidimensional parts of human thickness, and its relationship with financial viewpoints. The complex idea of the populace thickness is likewise reflected in the relationship of different components, other than the financial one, as recorded or ecological elements, that aid the arrangement a particular thickness g o like grouped, direct, or arbitrarily appropriated, as respects any urban or provincial populace (Argent, Smailes, and Grif?n, 2006). 1.2 Density The term thickness structures to be one of the most significant measurements inside the geological parts of improvement, and is viewed as the financial yield that is produced from a unit of land. The term, â€Å"refers to the financial mass per unit of land region, or the

Underlying Normal Traits Within Abnormal Personality Disorders

Running Head: NORMAL TRAITS WITHIN ABNORMAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS Underlying Normal Traits inside Abnormal Personality Disorders Student University April 11, 2010 Running Head: NORMAL TRAITS WITHIN ABNORMAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS Abstract Scholars have contended for quite a long time concerning the way that there are ordinary character characteristics hidden anomalous character qualities in individuals who show broken characters. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition is the determinative guide on the depictions of these character attributes, and it discovered that there were everal models to be viewed as when searching for an all inclusive clinical meaning of anomalous character. Analysts utilized either the Big Four, Big Five or different models to depict what an anomalous character comprised of and how it identified with an ordinary character as examined. Analysts estimated character contrasts dependent on subjective, quantitative and other key fa ctor contrasts to decide typical or strange working characters. It was hard to decide one considerable definition, as the qualities covered from typical to anomalous attributes noted. Afterward, the meaning of character dysfunctions included fundamental abilities, individual errands and life objectives, and whether the individual had the option to work as an individual from his general public, while meeting the desires for that society. A person’s maladaptiveness and developmental sense were included as a major aspect of the meaning of whether the character was typical or irregular, and whether an individual had the ability to have the option to oversee individual connections were considered also in the general meaning of strange character. Today, treatment choices are extended from the customary treatment medications to incorporate medication treatments, psychodynamic herapy, day clinic intercession, and rationalistic conduct treatment. Until now, day emergency clinic mediations have demonstrated exceptionally fruitful on non-schizophrenic patients experiencing strange character qualities. Running Head: NORMAL TRAITS WITHIN ABNORMAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS I ntroduction Scholars have contended for quite a long time concerning the way that there are ordinary character qualities basic anomalous character attributes in individuals who show broken characters. As of late, researchers have started to make a contention that ebb and flow class frameworks of character isorders (PDs) ought to be subbed by attribute dimensional plan assignments in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Specialists are inclining towards utilizing a Big Four model, which are â€Å"essentially maladaptive variations of the Big Five qualities of ordinary character, short Openness† (Watson, 1545). In a conversation of this issue by Watson, Clark and Chmielewski, they express that the recently involved Big Four model prohibits odd or offbeat Cluster A PDs, (Watson, 1545) and that their outcomes noted from three investigations show a relationship looking at the entertainers of ord inary and strange characters. Their outcomes set up that the Oddity factor was viewed as more wide than the Cluster A qualities and increasingly particular from Openness and other Big Five models, which proposed â€Å"an elective five factor model of character pathology (thinking about just unusual attributes) and an extended, coordinated Big Six scientific categorization that subsumes both typical and strange character characteristics† (Watson, 1545). Model Theories The Watson study clarifies that the Big Four structure was an aftereffect of created various leveled models that joined general models, similar to the Big Three and the Big Five models. These previous models of character audits included multidimensional components suggestive of Running Head: NORMAL TRAITS WITHIN ABNORMAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS past character inventories. At the point when the Big Three and Big Five models were officially consolidated, it was evident that â€Å"two higher request traitsâ€Neuroticism/Negative Emotionality and Extraversion/Positive Emotionalityâ€are remembered for both models† (Watson, 1547). Thinking about these changes, Watson proposes a â€Å"Big Four† hypothesis which does exclude Openness, however includes a considerable lot of the attributes of different speculations. Watson reports that their exploration on the Big Five heory additionally remembers examine for a Big Six scientific classification â€Å"that subsumes both typical and irregular character measurements (Watson, 1551). Meanings of Abnormal Personalities Researchers have made late disclosures that â€Å"abnormal characters can be demonstrated as bo undaries of typical character variation† (O’Connor and Doyce, 2001) (Markon, p. 139). Despite the fact that scientists concur that it is conceivable to portray ordinary and anomalous characters inside similar systems, they differ on the structure of what the structure will incorporate. Indeed, even anomalous character qualities are considered currently to be a variation of the boundaries that can happen while eviewing ordinary characters. One approach to comprehend the differentiations among typical and unusual characters is to depict character issue (PDs) and build up a working definition for them. By characterizing the attributes for PDs, the scientist can build up a base for portraying characters examined. When typical characteristics are recognized, strange qualities should be evaluated. This should be possible by auditing the Big Five model of unusual characters. This is the crossroads that typical and anomalous characters cover. Clearly, there are comparative demo nstrating structures that can be tilized to depict both ordinary and anomalous characters. A few characteristics are regular Running Head: NORMAL TRAITS WITHIN ABNORMAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS between the two models, and others copy comparable character depictions. Meta-explanatory Investigation Model One durable factor that applies to both typical and irregular characters is the meta-scientific examination model. This model was proposed by O’Connor in 2002, and it expressed that there were basic connections among typical and irregular characters (Markon, p. 142). The O’Connor concentrate in 2002 inspected 37 character and psychopathology inventories to etermine if dimensional structure contrasts existed among clinical and nonclinical respondents (O’Connor B. P. , 2002). O’Connor discovered similitude among ordinary and unusual populaces checked on and estimated likenesses â€Å"both in the quantity of elements that exist in the information lattices and in the factor pattern† (O’Connor B. P. , 2002). The ten strange conduct issue recorded by the DSM-IV are recorded as: suspicious, schizoid, schizotypal, reserved, fringe, theatrical, narcissistic, avoidant, subordinate, and obsessiveâ€compulsive† (Livesley and Jang, p. 258). Every one of these clutters shows attributes, and it is he way that proficient clinicians can make precise conclusions of anomalous character qualities of their patients. This posting of characteristics by the DSM, indicated that the differentiation between what was viewed as ordinary and what was viewed as irregular was frequently characterized by recognizing the â€Å"qualitative qualification between the two† (Livesley and Jang, p. 258). Shockingly, in truth specialists have come to discover that there are no obvious partitions among typical and anomalous disarranges, and they are unable to discover the isolating lines between the two elements. O’Connor asked whether the diff erentiation can be made utilizing previous Running Head: NORMAL TRAITS WITHIN ABNORMAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS models, and what precisely was ordinary or strange character issue. At the point when the applied qualifications between the two were assessed, there are a few models to note. The most important working model being that there was â€Å"no proof of brokenness in the appropriations of 100 attributes chose to give an efficient portrayal of character disorder† (Livesley and Jang, p. 259). As it were, there was no solid proof that the specialists would reliably discover characteristics that were only normal or spellbinding of a particular character issue. Indeed, character issue were estimated across typical and control gatherings. The discoveries were that there were likenesses inside the turmoil attributes and that some approached ordinary and others confused character characteristics. Along these lines, the specialists questioned whether issue characteristics could be found in ordinary characters. The appropriate response was that there were not many strong systems to settle on the choice which would give a complete response to the inquiry. As a result, extraordinary parts of the bargains appeared to be esteemed scatters, while outrageous varieties alone might not have been viewed as enough to express that a character issue really existed. Quantitative Differences in Normal and Abnormal Personalities Quantitative contrasts exist between the ordinary and anomalous character. The distinctions regularly stir up and obfuscate the character attributes and the clutters clear inside them. With character issue, frequently â€Å"it is hard to perceive how an outrageous score on measurements, for example, principles, extraversion, or appropriateness is fundamentally obsessive. Scientists concurred that there were to be other extra factors that required be available to legitimize the analysis (Livesley and Jang, p. 262). That extra attribute is firmness and abstract Running Head: NORMAL TRAITS WITHIN ABNORMAL PERSONALITY DISORDERS trouble (Livesley and Jang, p. 259). The character characteristic of resoluteness is characterized as one where the individual has extraordinary attributes, yet not really just an outrageous position noted on some random quality. For instance, an individual who is very open and gregarious, yet then can't mitigate his character when essential would be a case of this characteristic. Proceeding with this model, what might make the individual who is viewed as in any case cordial and

Friday, August 21, 2020

Sample Charter

The different expenses include: building materials, arranging and security gear, delivering, work, impermanent lodging, and office offices, travel, managerial costs, staffing, preparing, and loading of stock. Undertaking Manager: John Tare, 011-52-444-123-1234,john. [emailâ protected] Com Project Sponsor: Alex R. Fitzgerald, CEO Acme Home Improvements, [emailâ protected] Com Project Objectives: Deploy Acme's abilities to meet the business and private development showcase requests in the Mexico City area.Expand into global markets to meet the opposition head-on and eat them, at home, yet in addition abroad. To meet this objective and contend adequately Acme must open its first store in this significant metropolitan territory inside a year. To open this store inside a year, Acme will construct a task group that imparts adequately, works effectively, and is knowledgeable about worldwide endeavors. The task group will develop a KICK sq Ft structure, with an extra approach sq Ft of outs ide space for garden products.The store's plan must exceed expectations in supporting every one of Acme's five center business zones: plumbing/electrical supplies, building materials, equipment and apparatuses, regular/garden/yard, and paint/divider covers. The venture group will develop a thorough arrangement whereupon they will base execution. This arrangement includes all subtleties from site readiness through employing and preparing. The venture group will convey the organization up to opening day. It is important that the group remain focused and on schedule. Approach: ; Establish a multifaceted group of Acme corporate work force from the U.S. Furthermore, nearby Acme De Mexico staff to arrange the undertaking. Lead serious investigation of home improvement stores in Mexico City. ; Develop store plan. ; Develop itemized development plan. ; Construct and finish store. ; Plan recruiting necessities. ; Prepare employing and preparing plan. ; Establish flexibly chain plans. ; Devel op publicizing, advancement, and marketing plan. ; Train workers in consistence with Acme corporate approaches, norms, methods, and give explicit employment action preparing. ; Plan and execute store excellent opening.

Monday, August 3, 2020

A typical first semester

A typical first semester Its 3am and I should probably be studying for my first 8.01 exam which is later today, but instead Im blogging. [insert pass/no record joke here] Term is in full swing: pset parties are everywhere, the Infinite is filled with excited chatter and slowly walking walls of tourists, and I havent been to 6.0001 lecture in two weeks. Actually, most of the past two weeks have been an ongoing stuggle with the magical concept of time management. For me to put in the maximum amount of work into all of my classes (which includes going to all the lectures, reading the textbooks, taking notes, etc) and have time for anything else seems near impossible right now. Life is now mostly a choice of how to spend my time the most efficiently, with efficiency being heavily subjective. Example: I decided to skip 18.022 lecture on a whim to go to CVS with my friend to pick up her meds. Is skipping 18.022 generally a bad idea? Probably. But to me, that trip to CVS was arguably more valuable than any of my academic classes that day. We took a bus two miles in the wrong direction. It started pouring rain. We ran to the shelter of Kung Fu Tea while everyone inside stared at our soaking wet clothes. We shared stories about ourselves on the way and had a bonding experience that cant be quantified in lecture time or anything else. Maybe Im just rambling. Here are some classes you might expect a typical freshman to take at MIT, in subjective order from difficult to manageable: 8.01 Physics I I spent two hours on the first problem of the first problem set and wanted to cry. The second pset was a lot less painful! I thought that this would actually be my easiest class since Ive taken mechanics before a bunch of times, but unless physics is really your thing you shouldnt underestimate this class. 3.091 Intro to Solid-State Chemistry I wanted to take 5.111 but my advisor kind of steered me towards 3.091 because of the engineering bent and I dont regret it too much. I dont like chemistry that much and so far the class has been pretty harmless. Going to lecture is usually worth it since Professor Grossman is really entertaining, and on Fridays we get goodie bags full of cool things like metal samples or spectroscopes! 18.022 Multivariable Calculus 18.022 covers the same material as 18.02 but is more math/theory/proof based. I studied for the 18.02 ASE and thought I had a good shot at passing it since Id gone through the 18.02 OCW site many times during senior year. Yeah that didnt work out too well. (Realizing that I generally shouldnt underestimate things at MIT is a recurring theme.) But hey! The plus side is that Ive seen most of the material already and as a result, 18.022 is pretty manageable for me. Also math is just really fun. 21L.004 Reading Poetry This is my CI-H and its exactly what the title of the course is: reading poetry. A lot of it. To be honest, I barely have the time to read everything were assigned with respect to everything else I have to do for technical classes. Fortunately, the professor is a really nice guy and doesnt really expect us to have a super detailed analysis of all the poems were assigned, especially if he assigned a lot that day. Were about halfway through Shakespeares sonnets and were starting Wordsworth and Coleridge soon ^_^ 6.0001 Intro to Programming with Python Basically this is the class Im just getting through by translating my preexisting knowledge of Java into Python. The notes are available online, and I have an online textbook, so one day I just asked myself, Do I really need to go to lecture? That answer happened to be no, so I just stopped going. If you can make it work, you arent obligated to go to class: its working well for me! (so far) Other things I am doing/did: joined an acapella group! (coming soon to a blog post near you) baked 67 chocolate chip cookies with my friends on the weekend taking squash as my PE class and its super fun playing One Night Ultimate Werewolf with my friends almost every night (coming soon to a blog post near you?) learning how to do poi MIT is no longer foriegn to me. Two days from now, Ill have spent a month here. I no longer need to look at my calendar to see what class I have, or look at my map to see which building connects into building 2. For the past few weeks, Ive been walking with one of my friends at night to Random Hall where she lives and then riding my bike back along Massachusetts Avenue, then along Memorial Drive to East Campus. When I am halfway along Memorial Drive, I pass by Killian Court. Its always quiet. There is nobody there except me, the lawn stretched out in front of me, the dome, and the stars. Sometimes I put my bike down and just sit there for a while, thinking about nothing in particular. Thinking about how nice it is here.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Increase Your Chances of Admission By Putting Together a Genuine and Thoughtful Application Parents and students hear it every year: The college admissions process is more competitive than ever, and on many levels it’s very true. With the digital age came easier access to application materials, and students are applying to a longer list of colleges than ever before, making for a very saturated applicant pool at many top schools. This year, NYU reported a record-high number of applications to the Class of 2019 – over 60,000. Other highly-selective colleges, like the University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University reported record-high application numbers, while simultaneously announcing a lower admission rate from the previous years. According to NACAC, 32% of fall 2013 applicants submitted seven or more college applications, an increase of 10 percentage points since 2008. As it becomes easier to hit â€Å"submit,† more students are tacking more colleges onto their lists, driving up application numbers and thus lowering admission rates. Competing for a spot against tens of thousands of other applicants is daunting and causes some students to pull out all the stops in order to stand out. Sometimes students do end up standing out, but for the wrong reasons. When applying to college it’s important to remember standing out isn’t about grandstanding or gimmicks, it’s about being genuine and presenting your best self to prospective colleges. Here’s what you can do to enhance your college applications in order to stand out and improve your chances of gaining admission to your top-choice school. Be yourself. One of the biggest mistakes students make when applying to college is misrepresenting themselves in order to appear to be someone they think a college will want to admit. The truth is, admissions officers see right through this. Now you may be thinking, â€Å"Well, if all I have to do is be myself why am I looking for tips on how to stand out?† Because it’s not just about being yourself, but being your best self and presenting that in a way you may have never considered before. Something about yourself that you may think of as â€Å"ordinary† might actually be more compelling than you thought. For example, a student who loves soccer and has this listed as a top extracurricular activity might be compelled to write an essay on that same topic. However, colleges want to learn something else that’s genuine about you, so that student might choose to write about something more personal and not as obvious, like how he or she reconciles the evolutionary biology he or she is learning in class and plans to study in college with his or her religious faith. Tailor your essays. Many colleges on the Common Application, and those with stand-alone applications, require additional or supplemental essays. These essays are typically specific to the college and/or your intended course of study. While you may be applying as an engineering major to every school, don’t copy and paste the same â€Å"Why do you want to study engineering† essay into every application. Instead, do your homework and learn everything you can about the school and what makes it a good fit for you. Take those details and incorporate them into your essays. For example, don’t write, â€Å"I want to attend X University because it has good academics.† Instead, give specific examples of what you find appealing about the college. â€Å"I want to attend X University because I’d like to study with Professor Y and take courses X, Y, and Z.† This is all part of demonstrating your interest in the school. Colleges want you to want them, and they aim to admit students who really want to attend. This is all part of demonstrated interest – a college’s gauge of how likely a student is to enroll if admitted. Tailoring your essays and providing specific examples of what you like about the school and how you see yourself fitting in is one of the best ways to demonstrate interest, stand out, and increase your chances of admission. Show your specialty. While being well-rounded has many benefits, but when it comes to college admissions it’s important for students to demonstrate a specialty. Colleges aren’t looking for well-rounded students; they want to build a well-rounded class made up of specialists. This is where many students fail to stand out – they don’t completely convey how their main area of interest will contribute to a well-rounded class. When applying to college, make sure your application is focused and highlights your particular field of interest. Make sure to feature extracurriculars that relate to your intended major. If you plan to study engineering, emphasize your involvement on your school’s robotic team. If you want to major in music, highlight your participation in the school’s band and your volunteer work playing music at local nursing homes. There are a number of ways you can highlight how your interests and studies intersect in order to put together a thoughtful application that not only shows your interest in the college, but also why the college should be interested in you and your specialty. Applying to college can be stressful and can cause a lot of students to make a lot of mistakes in the name of standing out. In the end, a solid application is genuine, compelling, and a reflection of who you are as a student and as a person. By being yourself, writing school-specific essays, and highlighting your specialty, you’re greatly enhancing your chances of admission because colleges will know you’re informed, prepared, and ready for the demands of a college education.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Mythology of Star Wars Essay - 494 Words

The Mythology of Star Wars This essay is dedicated to the idea of displaying the true epic of Star Wars. From the heros journey in the unknown forests, to the goddess and spirtual revelations, this site will show Star Wars in a way many have not seen--a great mythological tale of sorrow and amazements that has lived through our history as long as the human race has lived on Earth. Even as George Lucas has explained as the reason why he created Star Wars, I wanted to make a kids film that would strengthen contemporary mythology and introduce a kind of basic morality (Pollock I44). Introduction: Science Fiction Vs. Myth In 1977, George Lucas created a film that so inspired the public, its name is commonplace to, not just†¦show more content†¦With alien races, wild space rides, diverse planets, and a power known as the Force, Lucas not only made a movie...he made a new civilization with everything science fiction has to offer. Or, did he? Take another look at Star Wars. Its people, its setting--the struggles, the culture. To the unseeing eye, this story is pure science fiction, but in actuality, its a very traditional story of myth that dates back thousands of years before science fiction was even created. The story itself begins with the adventures of a group of people, fighting a corrupt society from totally conquering the galaxy. Nonetheless, there is one person that joins them, young and naive, who soon becomes the savior of the group and is responsible for the destruction of the evil society and the start of a better one. No wonder George Lucas subtitled it, From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker. This basic tale of a hero, who is willing to martyr himself to stop an evil society, is one that goes back thounsands of years in everyday myths. From stories in the Bible, and The Epic of Gilgamesh, to modern ideas such as, The Matrix and even comics like Batman, the myth is of a boy, who after losing everything of value in his life, changes into a man willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. There should be no surprise that Star Wars wouldnt serve up anything less than thousands of years of goodShow MoreRelatedStar Trek And Star Wars1101 Words   |  5 Pagesscience fiction phenomena—Star Trek and Star Wars— appear to have the same basic creative foundations; both were designed to speak to Americans in need of social and moral guidance. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Guy Montag as a Hero - 1118 Words

From Guy to Hero When we hear the word ‘hero’ we think about those who fight for our country out at war or those who put their lives in jeopardy everyday protecting their community like a police officer or fireman, all of these citizens doing this for a small wage in comparison to Rap artists who rhyme profane words making millions of dollars. However you don’t have to live on the streets or have more money than sense to be a hero, you just have to make a difference. In the end identifying someone as a hero or a villain is up to you, it’s in the eye of the beholder. Guy Montag was a fireman for his community and made his mark as a hero through countless acts of courage, bravery, and emotion in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.†¦show more content†¦The others would never do that† (21). He is a very thoughtful man, and has a sensitivity about him. He also is a searcher for a deeper meaning in life. He says, â€Å"We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you’ve been really bothered? About something important, about something real?† (49). Montag is also imperfect. He is really rash and is filled with a passion that sometimes cripples his goals. He can be destructive, like when he rashly kills Beatty (113). He gets confused and overwhelmed with tough situations and sometimes doesn t know how to get out of them. All and all Bradbury knew he wanted to make Montag the hero and builds that image bit by bit. Montag represents truth. He represents the want for happiness in our lives and the search for why things are like they are. He wants to find TRUE happiness. Not the happiness everyone else thinks they have. Montag goes on his own search, breaking laws, and doing anything to find out the truth of his own life and that is why he represents the abstract idea of truth. Fahrenheit 451 depicts that a character s personality may have many more facets than are first visible. Bradbury is able to refract the crystal of Montag s character, so that it reflects into each reader s heart a different aspect of humanity. Once Montag becomes more human, Bradbury makes it nearly impossible for the reader to hold grudges about his past. Using this as a tool, Montag, the first apparent antagonist of the story,Show MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451s Guy Montag: a Hero or a Villain?1209 Words   |  5 PagesFahrenheit 451’s Guy Montag: A Hero or a Villain? Unquestionably, all novels can convey multiple meanings depending on a variety of factors with the most important being the manner in which the audience interprets the author’s words. More importantly, to professionally draw conclusions concerning the message the author demonstrates throughout a text, it is essential to discuss and apply the five literary elements of literature to the text. In greater detail, when a work itself is criticized or evaluatedRead MoreCharacterization Of A Hero In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4511272 Words   |  6 Pagespeople hear the word hero, most assume it means a person with super strength, with the ability to disappear, or with the power to save the world and all of its inhabitants. Fictional novels portray heroes as people that make a difference in the community. This characterization of a hero is also true in Ray Bradburys novel, Fahrenheit 451. Rodney A. Smolla introduces the main character in â€Å"The Life of The Mind and A Life of Meanin g: Reflections on Fahrenheit 451† stating that â€Å"Montag begins the novelRead MoreEssay Fahrenheit 451707 Words   |  3 Pagesin literature. Good guys and Bad guys, anyone can understand that, but literature chooses to go deeper. Literature chooses to create the Heroes journey, and make it take on a much greater meaning than the reader or Hero had previously believed. For example, the fireman Guy Montag originally he had wanted to be able to understand his own life, and the paradoxes in it, with the help of the books he was secretly saving from the other firemen. Montag can be considered the Hero in Fahrenheit 451, althoughRead More Montag as Hero in Fahrenheit 451 Essay909 Words   |  4 PagesMontag as Hero in Fahrenheit 451    Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 was first published in 1933, and its story entails a futuristic world in the middle of a nuclear war. The totalitarian government of this future forbids its people from reading or taking a part in other acts that involve individual thinking. The law against reading is, presumably, fairly new, and the government is faced with the enormous task of destroying all of its citizens books. This disposal of books is the professionRead MoreFarenheit 451 Paper1504 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬Å"Faith is the heroism of the intellect† (Charles Henry Parkhurst). In Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, the protagonist, Montag, is an intellect. In the society he lives in, books are illegal. The government feels threatened by people with the knowledge that books promote. Montag has the infamous job of a fireman, an odd twist on our society’s fireman. Fireman in this time start fires rather than stop them and the fuel for the fires are books. The govern ment attempts to suppress thinkers; peopleRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Who Influences Guy Montag1068 Words   |  5 Pagesinfluences Guy Montag is seventeen year-old Clarisse McClellan. The first time Guy and Clarisse cross paths occurs when Guy is walking home from work close to midnight. They meet on an empty sidewalk and quickly begin conversation. As they continue talking, Guy notices that Clarisse is not an average teenager because of the deep questions and thoughts she has. Clarisse questions Guy’s contentment and makes him realize the absence of love and pleasure in his life. Clarisse acts as a goad to push Guy towardsRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 1090 Words   |  5 PagesRay Bradbury’s theme in Fahrenheit 451 is that a hero is one who makes a change for the better in society. In my rewritten version, my theme is that one who fails to change society is never a hero. Before my essay begins, Montag is running from the police/government. His occ upation as a fireman is to incinerate books and he fails to do so by saving a couple of books before anyone sees them. As he reads the books, he learns about the tragic endings which used to be real. He wonders why the governmentRead MoreJust As We Do On Our World Montag By F. Scott Fitzgerald1512 Words   |  7 PagesJust as we do in our world Montag, the protagonist, follows the laws of society and is just a ordinary fireman, living an ordinary life. At first Montag is portrayed as typical brainwashed member of society but throughout novel changes becoming a wise, confident, and brave leader that inspires followers. Montag’s duty as a fireman is to destroy knowledge that is in books and promote the burning of them in order to provide happiness to the civilians of the society. Montag later encounters ClarisseRead MoreEssay about Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4511725 Words   |  7 PagesBooks are obsolete, so they are burned. Our hero of this story is a amp;#8220;fireman;. O nly, these futuristic firemen donamp;#8217;t fight fires, they burn books. They burn them so people donamp;#8217;t think, and so everyone is of equal intelligence. They donamp;#8217;t want anyone to rise up and be higher than the next person. This firemanamp;#8217;s name is Guy Montag. He lives in a condominium with his wife Mildred. The story sets off as Guy is walking home from work. The Hearth and theRead MoreComparison Between 1984 And Fahrenheit 4511404 Words   |  6 Pagesprotagonists and antagonists of both 1984 by George Orwell and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury reveals how the texts in question challenge and restructure the outdated ‘myth’ of moral absolutism through characters which do not comfortably fit the mould of ‘hero’ or ‘villain’. With reference to these characters and evaluation of their morality in relation to three key branches of normative ethical theory – namely deontological ethics, virtue ethics and care ethics– this essay will explore this statement, in

Monday, May 11, 2020

Roald Dahl - 1715 Words

The depression of the 1930’s was a very difficult time. With war suppressing the world and those within it, the impression this era left on society is immense (BBC). Having lived in Europe at this time, the author Roald Dahl reveals the influence which living in this time period has made. This is demonstrated in his stories â€Å"The Wish†, â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter† and â€Å"Man from the South†. The significant situations of this era assist in the establishment of a foundation for his work, bringing the dominant sentiments into action within the characters, themes and settings of Dahl’s short stories. When the Second World War ended in Europe, there was a sudden post-war realization that ultimately nothing would ever be the same†¦show more content†¦The recurring conflicts in each of these stories echo the surrounding conflicts within the 1930’s and 1940’s. It was â€Å"a time of financial and economic distress for many† since World War One had just ended, The Great Depression was still enduring, and World War Two was occurring (Willis). Along with the general concept of distress and conflict within society, Dahl’s childhood was also surrounded by conflicts. In his early education he went to a school where â€Å"you could get beaten up for small mistakes† by the headmaster (Howard), and â€Å"senior boys were allowed†¦to wound other boys, and sometimes very severely (BrainyQuote). The misery of his childhood was also impacted by his sister’s and father’s deaths when he was young (Tone and Marte). The angui sh and quarrel present in Dahl’s personal life and society in general, was used as an influence towards Roald Dahl’s stories. The slyness attitudes of Dahl’s protagonists imply the notion of the untrustworthy and deceptively persuasive personalities present in the 1930’s and 1940’s, particularly within the war and education system. The secretive and dishonest nature of the characters is exposed as their story unfolds. For instance, the little boy in â€Å"The Wish† convinces himself that his imagination is an existent reality. He deceives himself into believing that he is really encountering snakes and hot coals which could lead to his death. When he falls shortShow MoreRelatedThe Landlady by Roald Dahl1816 Words   |  8 Pageslandladys secret before she murders the young lad. To create suspense Roald Dahl has set the time at 9pm when darkness takes over light. As dark represents evil the mood changes to an atmosphere of suspense, particularly if youre unfamiliar with the area. This is exactly what happened to Billy and Roald Dahl therefore shows this as part of a beginning of suspense. The weather is an important part of the setting in which Roald Dahl creates a sinister mood. The moon was coming up out of a clear starryRead MoreThe Landlady by Roald Dahl1445 Words   |  6 PagesA short story which has an unexpected ending is ‘The Landlady by Roald Dahl. The writer uses clever structure and effective characterisation to create such a surprising and satisfactory finale. The story is about a young man named Billy Weaver. He is just starting a new job in Bath and, whilst looking for accommodation, he comes across a compelling Bed and Breakfast. He cant walk away from the building and ends us ringing the bell. He barely takes his finger away from the bell when, what appearsRead MoreAnalysis Of Roald Dahl s Dahl 1472 Words   |  6 PagesI use to love reading Roald Dahl when I was a younger, I was surprised to find out that Roald Dahl even wrote short stories for adults. Skin was one of those books for the more mature readers. I would recommend this book for its writing style. â€Å"The model!† cried Drioli. â€Å"Come on, Josie!† He was in a bustle of enthusiasm - now arranging everything, like a child preparing for some exciting game. â€Å"Where will you have her? Where shall she stand? The way Roald Dahl writes allows you to feel the sameRead MoreBoy by Roald Dahl1302 Words   |  5 PagesRoald Dahl uses humour in children books h e writes to manipulate the reader’s perception of events that occur in the books. The book, Boy is an autobiography written by Roald Dahl. It was his first book and it is a combination of real events in his life. Matilda is one of his fictional books that he wrote later on. Dahl uses events that are actually gruesome and quite horrifying and makes them humorous by using sarcasm, hyperboles, short sentences, imagery, similes and juxtapositions (rose96, 2011)Read MoreEssay On Roald Dahl1670 Words   |  7 Pagesthat has written many great books that lots of people still read today. His name is Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl is a famous children’s book author. He has written many fantastic children’s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, and Matilda. I believe that Roald Dahl is one of the best children’s book authors because he has lots of creativity and inspiration for his stories. Roald Dahl was born on September 13, 1916, in Llandaff, South Wales. His parents were NorwegianRead MoreEssay on Roald Dahl1435 Words   |  6 Pages | The aim of this essay is to give an outline of Roald Dahl’s life, highlighting the most important moments of his life, to point out his mayor works - specially the ones addressed to children-, and to mention many critics’ opinions of his writing. Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, Wales on September 13th, 1916. He was the son of Norwegian parents. His father, Harald Dahl, died when Dahl was three. His mother, Sophie Magdalene Hesselberg had to raise him, his threeRead MoreMany From The South By Roald Dahl886 Words   |  4 PagesThe short story â€Å"Many From The South† written by Roald Dahl is about a bet between an old foreign man and a young American boy. The story takes places at a hotel in Jamaica and is told from a first persons perspective. Throughout the story you never find exactly who the person is that is telling the story but you can see that he is a good man. The genre of the story would be a personal narrative because it is a story being told by a man. The story begins as just a normal story but as it continuesRead More An Essay on The Landlady by Roald Dahl516 Words   |  3 PagesThe Landlady by Roald Dahl In the short story â€Å"The Landlady,† Roald Dahl’s use of foreshadowing prepared readers well for the end of the story. He used hints such as describing the outside of the bed and breakfast, giving details of the entry and the bedroom, and also telling the readers about the living room. To begin, Dahl used the outside of the bed and breakfast as a use of foreshadowing. The sign was described to be distinctive. It was portrayed to be luringRead MoreKurt Vonnegut And Roald Dahl882 Words   |  4 PagesKurt Vonnegut and Roald Dahl are two very unique people. They are often described as quirky, weird, and downright zany. If they were stuck in a crowd, they would easily stand out. Although they are very different from others, they share many similarities with each other. Roald Dahl and Kurt Vonnegut are two divorced, agnostic authors who fought in and survived World War II. First of all, Vonnegut and Dahl both grew up in religious families. However, as most people do, they outgrew some of theirRead More Lamb to the Slaughter By Roald Dahl Essay1134 Words   |  5 PagesLamb to the Slaughter By Roald Dahl In Roald Dahl’s short story â€Å"Lamb to the slaughter,† the behaviour of the characters makes us shiver. The story starts off with Mary Maloney‘s husband walking in from work and sitting down in the armchair. She then made him a drink and asked him he was tired. She then asked him if he wanted supper but he said no. later he said he had something important to say and for a few moments she stood shocked. She went to get the supper out any way but when she

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Carbon Nanotubes What Are They - 1157 Words

Carbon Nanotubes, What Are They? The growth of carbon nanotubes is an intricate process that has many challenges. It is important to understand what carbon nanotubes are, there history, what their potential applications are and how they will be able to accomplish these task. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are one of a multitude of tiny materials that will help to define the future. Carbon nanotubes have an unparalleled history. The first publication about these was written in 1952 by Raduskevich and Lukyanovich (Ren 8). These two Russian scientists provided the scientific community with the first distinct image of carbon nanotubes. Radushkevich and Lukyanovich s publication had unobscured images showing multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a 50 nm†¦show more content†¦These tubes that they found have likely been around since the time of Thomas Edison and were created as he was experimenting with carbon filaments for light bulb, which would eventually be his defining discovery, or even earlier on during the metal forging process. The reason CNTs would go unnoticed is do to their microscopic size (Ren . Their diameter can range between 1 and 50nm and with lengths that can out measure their diameter by 1000 times (Nanocyl). A nanometer is 10-9 meters or .000000001m. Even with the best optical microscopes, which magnify light rays reflected from objects, it wouldn’t have been possible to discern the fact that these cylindrical structures were hollow, if they could even see them. Carbon nanotubes get all of their impressive properties from their physical structure. They are hexagons of covalently bonded carbon atoms. A covalent bond is a bond between two non-metals atoms. Two of these atoms are bonded to four others and form another hexagon and these other hexagons exist on all the sides of the first and off of each other. This would look like a sheet of hexagons that could then be wrapped into tubes. These tubes can be single walled (SWCNTs), and multi-walled (MWCNTs) depending on the number of layers they have. The carbon atoms in these nanotubes have S2P2 chemical bonds (Zhang 7). This means that the atoms have oneShow MoreRelatedWhat are Carbon Nanotubes? Essay543 Words   |  3 PagesCarbon nanotubes are long cylindrical structures of small nano-scale diameters formed only by carbon atoms. These structures can be understood as rolled sheets of graphene into a tube. The interactions between carbon atoms are mostly deï ¬ ned as Van der Waals forces. If we categorize CNTs by their structure, the following division can be obtained: - single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) - multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) The above structures differ in the arrangement of graphene cylindrical structuresRead MoreNanotechnology: What are Carbon Nanotubes? Essay894 Words   |  4 PagesCARBON NANOTUBES INTRODUCTION The advancement of material science over the past decade has allowed the scientists to create two structures of carbon namely carbon nanotubes and carbon nanowires. Nanowires are small wires with a diameter as small as 1 nanometre. These are being used to build tiny transistors with higher efficiency for computer chips and other electronic devices. In the last couple of years the carbon nanotubes have somewhat overshadowed the nanowires. A carbon nanotube is a cylinderRead MoreUses And Function Of Carbon Nanotubes1029 Words   |  5 PagesThis presentation will introduce you to the use and function of Carbon Nanotubes in the delivery of pharmaceuticals in medicine. Nanotechnology is a developing science that involves the manipulation of materials. This is executed on the scale of fewer than 100 nanometers. The goal of this technology is to optimise the utility and therefore increase the control of atoms and molecules. This presentation will explain what carbon nanotubes are, the pur pose of using them in the delivery of pharmaceuticalsRead MoreCarbon Naotubes Essay995 Words   |  4 PagesCarbon Nano is the future of construction and agricultural purposes. The Nano tubing is strong, versatile and durable. More people in the construction business will use carbon Nano tubing in buildings plumbing and other things. Inorganic nanotubes have also been synthesized. Nanotubes have a diameter close to 1 nanometer giving their name nanotubes. Some nanotubes are woven with one-atom-thick layer of graphite called graphene to the seamless cylinder. History of carbon nanotubesRead MoreEssay on Hydrophobic property of Carbon Nanotubes1624 Words   |  7 PagesCarbon fiber also has corrosion issues due to its chemical composition There are many different types of corrosions. According to Boeing Engineer David Banis, â€Å"Concentration cell corrosion, or crevice corrosion, is the most common type of corrosion found on airplanes† (Banis 2). It occurred whenever water is trapped between two surfaces, such as under loose paint, within a delaminated bond-line, or in an unsealed joint. The magnitude of the corrosion depends on the alloy that is used. Carbon fiberRead MoreElectronic Equipment s And Energy Storage1414 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscussed the exciting materials nanotubes in this outline and the study being carried out on our part. We discussed the materials that are suitable for manufacturing, their processing techniques and exotic applications with supported few references. Here this abstract aims to define the basic principle of nanotubes that is their definition, basic chemical and physical properties, their applications, their fabrication process in details and their future prospect. Nanotubes hold the key in the next generationRead Morepaper battery1476 Words   |  6 Pagesyear 2010,2011,2012,2013 Paper Battery Search This Blog Search A paper battery is a battery engineered to use a paper-thin sheet of cellulose (which is the major constituent of regular paper, among other things) infused with aligned carbon nanotubes. The nanotubes act as electrodes; allowing the storage devices to conduct electricity. The battery, which functions as both a lithium-ion battery and a supercapacitor, can provide a long, steady power output comparable to a conventional battery, as wellRead MoreIntroduction According to Moore Law, the number of transistors on electric devices doubles every900 Words   |  4 Pagestransistors cannot be reduced infinitely. Today, nanotechnology has become a hopeful way to overcome this problem, which is to build nano-scale transistors to satisfy Moore Law. [1] The carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNTFET) technology is a significant part of nanotechnology. It is to use carbon nanotubes as the channel material to build field-effect transistors (FETs) [2]. CNTFET technology takes advantage of the unique electronic structure of graphite, thereby forming hollow cylinder.Read MoreEnergy Is Consumed At Alarming Rates1607 Words   |  7 Pageseffectiveness in heat reflection, and conductivity of normal cloth, , cloth with a coating of carbon nanotubes and cloth with a coating of silver nanowires have the potential decrease the power that is used to heat inanimate objects and empty spaces, and increase the use of efficient personal heating systems. The textiles were coated in a metallic nanowire solution, this can be any nanowire derived from a metal, or carbon. This coating of the nanowire solution shrinks the space between fibers that would otherwiseRead MoreNotes On Material Science Engineering1373 Words   |  6 Pagesdetermined the structure of graphite at the Davy Faraday Laboratory at the Royal Institution in London. In his paper (Bernal, 1924) (1), Bernal wrote about how the carbon atoms are arranged in a honeycomb lattice with free electrons allowing graphite to conduct electricity. He also suspected that graphite can be made up of single layer plane carbon atoms. Hence, leading to graphene stacks becoming graphite. In 1946, Canadian Physicist Philip Russel Wallace was interested in finding out the properties of

Writing Prompts Free Essays

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Children spend a lot of time watching television. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing Prompts or any similar topic only for you Order Now Have you thought much about the programs and advertisements you watch. Can you tell the difference between what happens on television and what is real? Write a passage that demonstrates that you do know the difference. Customizing the Questions You can modify the questions by changing the audience. I’ve generally focused the writer’s attention on writing a letter to the editor of a local community newspaper or the school paper. You can modify the assignment by asking students to write a letter to the principal, to a teacher, to the school board, to the governor, to a state senator (or similar politician), to the city board, to their classmates, to the PTA president (or other officers), and so on. College students might write to students attending the high school that they graduated from. 1. [School Uniforms] There has been a problem in local schools with discipline and violence. Your school board has decided to institute a school uniform policy in order to cut down on these problems, based on the positive examples that they have seen at other schools. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position on this issue and supporting it with convincing reasons. 2. [Locker Searches/Personal Searches] The principal at your school has instituted random locker and backpack/bookbag searches to check for guns, knives, and other weapons. Anyone caught with these weapons will be immediately suspended. The principal argues that the random searches will not only guard against illegal weapons at school but will also will help students feel safer. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. 3. [Too Much Homework] Some of the parents at your school have started a campaign to limit the homework that teachers can assign to students. Teachers at your school have argued that the homework is necessary. What is your position? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. 4. [Censorship] Your local public library has come under criticism for allowing patrons under the age of 18 to check out books that are unacceptable. The books are either explicit, describe graphic violence, or use questionable language. Most recently, a high school senior checked out James Joyce’s Ulysses. The student’s parents di d not approve of the student reading the book and complained to the town council. As a result, the council is considering removing all questionable books from the library. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. 5. [Litter] A litter problem has developed on your school’s campus. Students are throwing trash on the ground, leaving empty soda cans and bottles outside on benches, and dropping napkins and other trash on the cafeteria floor rather than carrying them to the trash can. Your principal has asked students to take more care, but the litter problem persists. The principal has reacted by canceling all after-school activities until the problem is taken care of. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. 6. [New Highway Exit] The state has created a plan to add a second highway exit to help shoppers access a busy shopping mall. The only problem is that the new exit will move the access road 500 yards closer to a near-by elementary school. Teachers and parents at the school complain that moving the road closer will increase noise at the school and provide unnecessary distractions. The state planners have included privacy fences to help cut down on the problems, but the protesters are unsatisfied. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. 7. [Computers in the Classroom] As part of a new technology initiative, your local school district is increasing the number of computers in every school. The district plan provides for two computers in every classroom. Teachers at your school are lobbying instead to place all the computers together, creating two computer-based classrooms so that all students in a class can work at the computers together, rather than only one or two students at a time. The district is worried about the additional cost of creating and maintaining these special classrooms and is concerned about how access to the classrooms can be provided fairly and efficiently. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your point of view and supporting it with convincing reasons. 8. Bilingual Education] As part of a proposed educational initiative in your state, local school districts are responsible for providing required courses in both English language and Spanish language in order to increase the success of their programs. Because your state has a large population of Spanish speakers, the state education department believes that teaching these students in their first languag e will help them learn better and more quickly. Because of the limited budget, however, the local school board is concerned that they may not be able to provide the additional teachers or training needed for this program. They fear that they will lose state funding and accreditation even though 90% of the district’s students pass their achievement tests on the first try. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your point of view and supporting it with convincing reasons. 9. [Grade Scale Change] One of the biology teachers at your school has decided to change from a ten-point grade scale (100 to 90 is an A, 89 to 80 is a B, etc. ) to a seven-point grade scale (100 to 93 is an A, 92 to 85 is a B, etc. ). The teacher is trying to encourage students to put more effort into their classes by raising the requirements. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. 10. [Online Schools] The state department of education has provided funding for an experimental online school. All the classes will take place on the Internet, using email, online chat, and the world wide web. The students taking classes at this new online school will never meet each other face-to-face. They will only interact online with each other and with their teachers. The state is hoping this program will provide fairer educational access to students in outlying, rural areas. Opponents of the program argue that because of their lack of interaction with other students in a traditional classroom, the students who attend this online school will not develop the social skills that should be a component of their education. What is your position on this issue? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position on this issue and supporting it with convincing reasons. How to cite Writing Prompts, Papers

Ethos free essay sample

It is important to determine whether or not the author is credible when it comes to reading reviews or essay articles. The first thing that is noticeable about this essay was that it is more of a summary than an analytical article. There also is no information or credentials of the author listed, making me question his writing from the beginning. He fails to demonstrate common knowledge dealing with the mechanics of writing and useful information concerning the text itself. There are multiple ways to find out if the article comes from someone of adequate intelligence in dealing with the subject matter. The free essay on Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use† exemplifies poor ethos by demonstrating a lack of credentials, the ignorance of the author about the audience, and the carelessness of the writer. Upon reading the free essay and analyzing it, it is surprising to see several simple spelling and grammatical errors. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethos or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In line 14, the word â€Å"here† is used instead of â€Å"her†. On the last line there is a subject verb disagreement that blatantly sticks out in the sentence. These kinds of mistakes can be corrected by a simple editing read. Additionally, there is a pronoun without an antecedent in line 28 and also a simple misuse of an apostrophe. The fact that these errors remain is disturbing because it shows a lack of concern for the audience and plain carelessness. That, along with some punctuation mistakes, proves that there wasn’t an editing or revision process. On top of this is the absence of any structure and organization of the essay. The writer fails to use paragraphs to separate ideas and help the readers group the content. Even when he tries to use evidence from the text, he does a poor job citing where the quote came from. The writer fails to properly cite his sources, and does so in different ways, indicating that the writer may have been guessing at how the citations should be done. After dealing with the problems in mechanics, analyzing the content of the essay brought more problems. He made several over generalizations about African-Americans in the North after the civil rights movement that were irrelevant to the article’s development. There is also the lack of emphasis concerning Dee’s sister, Maggie. Maggie plays an integral role in the story, but she is written of in the essay as a minor character although it is her confrontation with Dee that sparks the climax. The author strays away from important points such as the reason behind the argument. In the end, the author proves to be far to negligent in several key aspects to be of much use to the reader. The article isn’t structured in a manner that accommodates the reader. Instead, the writer states several ideas and puts them together without any organization. While there is a chance that the mistakes made were due to sheer ignorance on the author’s part, a lack of interest in his writing overall could be the cause. Someone with a legitimate interest in his or her writing would take the time to edit and revise their work before submission. While the article isn’t terrible, it doesn’t succeed in providing the audience with any suitable insights on the text and as a result fails to prove a reliable resource.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Small Buisness Essays - Great Recession In The United States

Well here we go again, first we started with the Wall Street Bailout then we moved to the Stimulus package, and the government through in a few other tries with TARP (Trouble Asset Relief Program), Mortgage Relief program, PPIP (Public-Private Investment Program) and now we move to the Small Business Bill which as of September 27, 2010 is now a Law. President Obama is really pushing this bill in a statement he summed up his feelings by stating ?This is important because small businesses produce most of the new jobs in this country, they are the anchors of Main Streets. They are part of the promise of America, the idea that if you?ve got a dream and you?re willing to work hard, you can succeed. That?s what leads a worker to leave a job to become his/her own boss. That?s what propels a basement inventor to sell a new product, or an amateur chef to open a restaurant. It?s this promise that has drawn millions to our shores and made or economy the envy of the world.? The problem is that none of the fore mentioned programs or bailouts worked and yet the government is still throwing out half-baked plans at situations to try and fix them. Some of the programs were on the right path to correcting the problem, just either wasn?t strong enough or for instance with the TARP, we just didn?t have enough money to officially bailout the issues. So now we have the new Small Business Bill, on paper it look as if the program would work with one small minor detail, I will get to that later. As for the bill, the tax breaks and money the government is putting into this, small business will get a much deserved break from the economic situation that society is in. Some key points to the bill, cell phone deduction, family health care deduction for the self-employed, changes to the SBA?s (Small Business Administration) loans, and now of course the money aspect. The SBB will give $30 billion in lending and $12 billion in tax breaks. The SBB passed the Democratic Party with ease, then the G.O.P (Grand Old Party) or better known today as the Republican Party blocked it for two weeks and probably would still be that way today if two retiring Republicans wouldn?t have broken rank and voted to end the blocking maneuvers and President Obama wasn?t taking shots at the party for the blocking. President Obama made this statement in a Wall St. Journal report ?It's going to speed relief to small businesses across the country right away,? Obama said. "We've got to keep moving forward. That's why I fought so hard to pass this bill, and that's why I'm going to continue to do everything in my power to help small businesses open up and hire and expand." With the bill passed the estimated incentives could provide up to $300 billion in small business credit and a projected creation of some 500,000 new jobs. Yet in most part the SBB is in effect to help existing small business, and in a study done by Business Dynamic Statistics with data from U.S. Census Bureau, shows how the creation of new companies and not that of companies already is existents is how you produce the largest number of new jobs. Small Business Bill does have some beneficial items for the small business, as stated before, $30 billion in capital lending, new loan amounts from SBA?s to include raises in the 7(a) loan which is the basic and most commonly used type of loans. The other used loan is the 504 loan, this is the loan that is used for a long term tool to help economic development with in a community, and these loans go from $2 million to $5 million. The Express loan will rise to $1 million from the previous amount of $300,000. Small business owners can use a temporary allowance from a 504 loan to finance mortgages to avoid any foreclosures. Startup companies will get a raise of $150,000 for any expense deductions thresholds. There is also a grant pool of $2 million, in which states have to show that there has been $10 in lending for

Monday, April 13, 2020

How To Use A Bursary Application Essay Sample To Get Money For College

How To Use A Bursary Application Essay Sample To Get Money For CollegeWhen searching for a way to make a change in your life and to get more out of your life, an application essay sample can help you do that. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your opportunity to go further.As much as possible, try to put your story first in your application essay. The more you talk about the specific change you want to make, the more likely you are to receive a scholarship and to continue being able to attend college. The best way to tell a story is to write in your own words and describe how you have learned and who you have become since receiving your scholarship.Call your financial aid counselor and set up a meeting. This will give you an opportunity to explain how your experience will benefit you and your future. The meeting is also an opportunity to let them know you are serious about getting financial aid. If you show that you have some flexibility in your financial aid plan, you will show that you are a responsible student and a high achiever.When you are given the opportunity to apply for financial aid, you must take advantage of it. Although this may seem like a huge amount of money to receive, remember it is nothing compared to what you would be paying to attend college.If you can find out how much of a difference your application essay has made in your financial aid application, it will also show your flexibility and positive attitude. It will show that you are confident and optimistic about what you can accomplish. You will have demonstrated to the financial aid counselor that you are not afraid to challenge the system to make sure you receive the aid you need.Now is the time to write the most important part of your application essay. Make sure you describe what makes you qualified for the scholarship. Write a personal story, but do not forget that it is the way you have learned to succeed and who you are as a person that makes you qualified for the aw ard.You can start by making use of an application essay sample and applying for financial aid, but after receiving your scholarship, make sure you get the school search online so you can quickly and easily find out which scholarships are available to you and where to apply. You will be amazed at the number of scholarships you will qualify for, and you will be proud of yourself for being one of the many college students who is receiving financial aid.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Impact of Technological Change on Human Societies and Psychologies essays

The Impact of Technological Change on Human Societies and Psychologies essays Both Rebecca Harding Davis and Frederick Winslow Taylor make poignant arguments about the impact of technological change on human societies and psychologies. In Life in the Iron Mills, Davis critiques technology and the social changes it creates primarily from a Marxist perspective. Her emphasis on class reveals an underlying assumption that Davis makes: that technology is inherently harmful to the working classes. In fact, Davis suggests that technology is almost always the enemy of the working class based on her vivid, horrific descriptions of industrial laborers. Taylor, on the other hand, presents technology from a utilitarian point of view. Technological change, according to Taylor, can evoke enormous opportunities for prosperity across all rungs of the class ladder. Thus, Taylor offers a rich counter-argument to Davis in his book The Principles of Scientific Management. Insufficient checks on corporate enterprise, unequal wealth distribution, and basic human greed are the root causes of income disparity, not technology. Therefore, Taylors argument more accurately reflects the impact technological change has on human society. Davis and Taylor would both agree that technology and technological change can bring about prosperity. In Life in the Iron Mills Mitchell laughs and exclaims, Money has spoken!" Here, Davis emphasizes the role that technology plays in generating wealth. However, the author stresses the fact that technology has for the most part generated wealth for the upper classes and for the owners of the means of production. Davis assumption, however grim and alarmist, is absolutely true. Any cursory glance at the ways Third World countries currently undergo their economic development proves that a budding middle and upper class necessitates a mass of underpaid workers who fuel economic progress. In The Principles of Scientific Management, Taylor claims, Maximum prosperity can exist only as the...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Anton Chekhov - Biography and Profile

Anton Chekhov - Biography and Profile Born in 1860, Anton Chekhov grew up in the Russian town of Taganrog. He spent much of his childhood quietly sitting in his fathers fledgling grocery store. He watched the customers and listened to the their gossip, their hopes, and their complaints. Early on, he learned to observe the everyday lives of humans. His ability to listen would become one of his most valuable skills as a storyteller. Chekhovs YouthHis father, Paul Chekhov, grew up in an impoverished family. Antons grandfather was actually a serf in Czarist Russia, but through hard work and thriftiness, he purchased his familys freedom. Young Antons father became a self-employed grocer, but the business never prospered and eventually fell apart. Monetary woes dominated Chekhovs childhood. As a result, financial conflicts are prominent in his plays and fiction. Despite economic hardship, Chekhov was a talented student. In 1879, he left Taganrog to attend medical school in Moscow. At this time, he felt the pressure of being the head of the household. His father was no longer earning a living. Chekhov needed a way to make money without abandoning school. Writing stories provided a solution. He began writing humorous stories for local newspapers and journals. At first the stories paid very little. However, Chekhov was a quick and prolific humorist. By the time he was in his forth year of medical school, he had caught the attention of several editors. By 1883, his stories were earning him not only money but notoriety. Chekhovs Literary PurposeAs a writer, Chekhov did not subscribe to a particular religion or political affiliation. He wanted to satirize not preach. At the time, artists and scholars debated the purpose of literature. Some felt that literature should offer life instructions. Others felt that art should simply exist to please. For the most part, Chekhov agreed with the latter view. The artist must be, not the judge of his characters and of what they say, but merely a dispassionate observer. Anton Chekhov Chekhov the PlaywrightBecause of his fondness for dialogue, Chekhov felt drawn to the theatre. His early plays such as Ivanov and The Wood Demon artistically dissatisfied him. In 1895 he began working on a rather original theatrical project: The Seagull. It was a play that defied many of the traditional elements of common stage productions. It lacked plot and it focused on many interesting yet emotionally static characters. In 1896 The Seagull received a disastrous response on opening night. The audience actually booed during the first act. Fortunately, innovative directors Konstantin Stanislavski and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danechenko believed in Chekhovs work. Their new approach to drama invigorated audiences. The Moscow Art Theatre restaged The Seagull and created a triumphant crowd-pleaser. Soon after, the Moscow Art Theatre, led by Stanislavski and Nemirovich-Danechenko, produced the rest of Chekhovs masterpieces: Uncle Vanya (1899) The Three Sisters (1900) The Cherry Orchard (1904) Chekhovs Love LifeThe Russian storyteller played with themes of romance and marriage, but throughout most of his life he did not take love seriously. He had occasional affairs, but he did not fall in love until he met Olga Knipper, an up-and-coming Russian actress. They were very discreetly married in 1901. Olga not only starred in Chekhovs plays, she also deeply understood them. More than anyone in Chekhovs circle, she interpreted the subtle meanings within the plays. For example, Stanislavski thought The Cherry Orchard was a tragedy of Russian life. Olga instead knew that Chekhov intended it to be a gay comedy, one that almost touched upon farce. Olga and Chekhov were kindred spirits, though they did not spend much time together. Their letters indicate that they were very affectionate to one another. Sadly, their marriage would not last very long, due to Chekhovs failing health. Chekhovs Final DaysAt the age of 24, Chekhov began showing signs of tuberculosis. He tried to ignore this condition; however by his early 30s his health had deterorated beyond denial. When The Cherry Orchard opened in 1904, tuberculosis had ravaged his lungs. His body was visibly weakened. Most of his friends and family knew the end was near. Opening night of The Cherry Orchard became a tribute filled with speeches and heartfelt thanks. It was their was of saying goodbye to Russias greatest playwright. On July 14th, 1904, Chekhov stayed up late working on yet another short story. After going to bed, he suddenly awoke and summoned a doctor. The physician could do nothing for him but offer a glass of champagne. Reportedly, his final words were, Its a long time since I drank champagne. Then, after drinking the beverage, he died Chekhovs LegacyDuring and after his lifetime, Anton Chekhov was adored throughout Russia. Aside from his beloved stories and plays, he is also remembered as a humanitarian and a philanthropist. While living in the country, he often attended to the medical needs of the local peasants. Also, he was renowned for sponsoring local writers and medical students. His literary work has been embraced throughout the world. While many playwrights create intense, life-or-death scenarios, Chekhovs plays offer everyday conversations. Readers cherish his extraordinary insight into the lives of the ordinary. ReferencesMalcolm, Janet, Reading Chekhov, a Critical Journey, Granta Publications, 2004 edition.Miles, Patrick (ed), Chekhov on the British Stage, Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Extinction of Dinosaurs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Extinction of Dinosaurs - Essay Example The disappearance of the dinosaurs is in some ways a great mystery. During the time the dinosaurs lived, many new kinds developed and other older kinds died out. Not all kinds died out at once, but by the end of the Cretaceous period, the last of the dinosaurs had disappeared. Scientists have proposed several theories to explain the disappearance of the dinosaurs. There are two main theories of Dinosaur extinction as follows: the Asteroid Theory. In 1980 the asteroid theory was proposed by Luis and Walter Alvarez. This theory is based on the discovery of unusually high concentrations of the rare metal iridium at rock levels close to the level of the last dinosaur remains. Iridium is more common in meteorites than in rocks found in the earth's crust. According to this theory, a large asteroid crashed into the earth about the time the dinosaurs disappeared. The force of the collision caused a huge cloud of dust to circle the earth. The dust blocked the sun's light for as long as five y ears. This killed many plants, and without food, the dinosaurs died too.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Business Plan - Essay Example The Meals on Wheels meals shall be ordered one day ahead by parents through the online website which the company shall equip with an e-commerce capability for transaction. The meal choices shall include specialty meals for children of families with particular constraints based on health conditions, religious affiliation, culture and social or moral convictions (e.g. the case of vegetarians).In the future, the company hopes to expand to other geographical areas where it could set up business. It also aims to extend their services to other segments of the population such as high school students, office workers, and the ill or aged individuals who have mobility problems and therefore could not prepare their own meals. Presently, the firm must first establish operations with focus on quality, reliability, and value for money. This business plan lays out the details of the proposed company’s operations, its marketing, operational, financial, and strategic management of the business , in an effort to determine its feasibility or non-feasibility. Table of Contents 1.0Mission Statement 6 1.1Goals 6 1.2Business Vision 6 2.0Core Business Concept 6 2.1Secondary Business Concept 7 2.2Future Business Concept 7 3.0Key Success Factors 7 4.0Key Business Objectives and Associated Strategies 7 5.0SWOT Analysis 9 6.0Marketing Plan 10 6.1Marketing Plan Goal 10 6.2Industry Information 10 6.3Customer Profile 11 6.4Customer Buying Motives 12 6.5Market Size 12 6.6Growth Potential 12 6.7Competition 14 6.8Marketing Strategies 15 6.8.1Product 15 6.8.2Pricing 16 6.8.3Placement 17 6.9Advertising and Promotional Plan 17 6.9.1Promotional Objective 17 6.9.2Promotional Strategy 17 6.9.3Total Promotional Budget 18 7.0Service Plan 18 7.1Service Plan Objectives 18 7.2Current Service Plan 19 7.2.1Identifying customer needs 19 7.2.2Quality control 19 7.2.3Customer feedback loop system 19 7.3Industry Benchmarks 19 7.4Future Service Plan 19 7.5Service Costings and Gross Margins 20 8.0Operational Plan 20 8.1Operational Plan Objective 20 8.2Immediate Operatio nal Plan 20 8.3Future Operational Plan 20 9.0Legal Structure 21 10.0 Business Premises 21 11.0 Insurances 21 12.0 Staffing Arrangements 21 12.1 Projected Cash Flow 22 12.2 Profit and Loss Statement 22 12.3 Balance Sheet 22 13.0 Timelines 23 References 24 Meals on Wheels ® Business Plan 1.0 Mission Statement The proposed enterprise, which shall be called Meals on Wheels ®, aims to provide nutritious, safe, delicious and affordable lunches to elementary and high school students in their schools. 1.1 Goals To accomplish its mission statement, Meals on Wheels ® will seek to achieve the following goals: To deliver safe and nutritious lunches that children will want to eat, at affordable prices To earn a fair and reasonable return on investment for the business To set the standard for food providers specifically for children in terms of safety, nutrition, appeal, and reliability. To provide avenues for gainful employment of individuals, particularly women, who shall work in Meals on Wheels kitchens, and income for accredit suppliers working from the home To serve society by extending assistance to parents in assuring the proper care and health of their children 1.2 Business Vision 2 year vision: Serve lunch to elementary and high school children in at least one major city and nearby suburbs 5 year vision: Extend lunch

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Understanding The Theory Of Translation Cultural Studies Essay

Understanding The Theory Of Translation Cultural Studies Essay Theory of translation is a concept that exists in every section of mankind because of diversity and differences that results from variance in cultural values, religious beliefs language, practices and other fundamentals that defines a specific community or a group of people in relationship with the other. Translation is communication of meaning from one source language to another equivalent target language with the basis of retaining its original meaning and context (Nida, Taber, 2003). Theory of translation is a very critical discourse in any society since time immemorial. The process of translation is crucial for a various purposes, including literature studies, traveling and law enforcements, quality translation services are also important o the business industry. With the advancing technology that makes it easy to communicate and work with people from all over the globe and a growing worldwide consciousness, more and more business organizations are going global. According to Venuti (2004), translation is derived from the Latin trans-and fero which means to carry across and it reaches back to the ancient Greeks after the appearance of written literature (Venuti, 2004). In the west the hallmark of translation began in the 3rd and 1st century when Septuagint, which is a collection of Jewish scriptures were translated into koine Greek in Alexandria and it arose because of the dispersed Jews who had forgotten the tenets of their ancestral language and they preferred the Greek version (translation) of their scripture. This scenario greatly concretes the significance and contribution of translation and the framework of theory of translation. In Asia translation has been a very paramount activity in the spreading of Buddhism which have had a great impact on communities in terms of religious beliefs and cultural practices. Arabs is also another section of mankind that has reinforced the concept of theory of translation which they undertook when they conquered the Greek world and made Arabic versions of their philosophical and scientific work. The advent of industrial revolution that began in the mid 18th century necessitated the essence of business documentation and it resulted in the development of specialties and formalized schools and professional associations for translation. Engineers in the 1940s sought to automate translation by mechanically coming up with human translator (Venuti, 2004). Theory of translation is comprised of various dimensions for instance literary, religious historic among others; literary translation is the translation of common literary works like short stories, plays, poems and others. In the r eligious perspective, the bible was translated to Latin by Saint Jerome who is regarded as the greatest translator in history and this initiative is highly of Christianity. The protestant reformation saw translation of the bible into European local languages, which resulted in a greatest impact on the western Christianity and beliefs because it culminated to the split of into Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. From the historical arguments above its premise the inference that theory of translation exists and it plays a key role in the frameworks of relationships between communities, countries, races, creed and this will enable them to understand and appreciate each other for the development of mankind. It is a basic reality and common sense to everyone that we were born and accustomed into radically different social systems and cultures comprising of different and distinct languages. This diversity calls for a bridge that can connect us into one setup that understands and embraces each other. This phenomenon has triggered scholars and other Linguistic researchers to argue that theory of translation is a paramount element in the Earth whereby the inhabitants emanates from radically diverse backgrounds. The relevance of translation is multifaceted and multidimensional and its significance in the international perspective of being a socio-cultural bridge between countries and communities have grown exponentially especially in the contemporary world whereby the world has become a global village and things are fast moving ahead globally not only societies are supposed to interact with each other more closely but individuals also need to contact with members from other societies in different parts of the world. Theory of translation and its significance caters to the needs and therefore, it has become a facility that satisfies individual, societal, and national needs. In theory and practice of translation, there are considerable variations in the types of translations produced by translators. Some translators deal with only two languages and are competent in both. Others work from their first language to their second language targeted language, and still others from their second language to their first language called back- translation. Depending on these matters of language proficiency, the procedures used will vary from one project to the other. Many scholars and literary giants have argued that the theory plays an important role in enriching the target language that a translator wish to translate from source language. This is because in some instances, the target language lacks terms that are found in source language hence resulting in borrowing of terms (Nida, Taber, 2003). This phenom enon has enriched many languages in the world which is a very positive discourse in the lingual aspects. Another point that depicts and justifies the existence of theory of translation is the dynamism in the global business environment. This is because, in order to share information with your potential clients and prospects, it is good to inform them using anecdotes and terminologies that they understand and accustomed to because they will feel secure and familiar which, in the long run will results in good business relationships (Nida, Taber, 2003). It is an initiative that most multinational companies have embraced when venturing into foreign markets. Through the auspices of translation, that global interaction has been enhanced and it has offered opportunities for people to undergo socio-cultural survey of various languages and literature. it has also given opportunity for the establishment of some kind of relevance in the literary criticism which is a very critical intellectual venture. In schools and colleges there has been an embracement of dramas and music festivals that are act ivities that portrays and expose other communities cultures, traditions and languages, which involves translation and other devices that carry across information. These arts and activities create peeping into diversified lingual, cultural and literary contents of the source culture or language exuding the nature and niceties of that translated language culture. According to Robinson (2003), information on the new development in communication and technology involves the structures of translation in keeping the science community and population abreast on the latest discoveries in various fields of knowledge (Robinson, 2003). Under theory of translation, the translator plays a pivotal role in executing and structuring of the theory. Theorists have posited that there are some fundamental attributes that a translator should posses so that the theory of translation remains relevant in the contemporary world. The translator must be having adequate knowledge of the source culture or language that he or she intends to translate; he or she must be having a profound understanding of the etymological and idiomatic correlation between the two languages or cultures that he or she is dealing with (Robinson, 2003). In the framework of this theory, the systems and individuals of translating must be able to read, understand and retain the authors ideas and d eliver accurately, fully and without exclusion, an ideal translation is accurate as terms of meaning and natural as to the receptor language forms are used. An intended audience who is unfamiliar with the source text will readily understand it. The success of a translation is measured by certain parameters in determining how closely it measures up to these ideals. The ideal translation should be: Accurate: reproducing as exactly as possible the meaning of the source text. Natural: natural forms of the receptor language must be used in a way that is appropriate to the kind of text being translated. Communicative: all aspects of the meaning must be expressed in a way that is readily understandable to the targeted audience. Though the theory of translation in a very critical aspect in current human spheres there are some shortcomings that results from it in that during the process of translation there are some details that might get distorted and limit the transference of facts