Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Mythology of Star Wars Essay - 494 Words

The Mythology of Star Wars This essay is dedicated to the idea of displaying the true epic of Star Wars. From the heros journey in the unknown forests, to the goddess and spirtual revelations, this site will show Star Wars in a way many have not seen--a great mythological tale of sorrow and amazements that has lived through our history as long as the human race has lived on Earth. Even as George Lucas has explained as the reason why he created Star Wars, I wanted to make a kids film that would strengthen contemporary mythology and introduce a kind of basic morality (Pollock I44). Introduction: Science Fiction Vs. Myth In 1977, George Lucas created a film that so inspired the public, its name is commonplace to, not just†¦show more content†¦With alien races, wild space rides, diverse planets, and a power known as the Force, Lucas not only made a movie...he made a new civilization with everything science fiction has to offer. Or, did he? Take another look at Star Wars. Its people, its setting--the struggles, the culture. To the unseeing eye, this story is pure science fiction, but in actuality, its a very traditional story of myth that dates back thousands of years before science fiction was even created. The story itself begins with the adventures of a group of people, fighting a corrupt society from totally conquering the galaxy. Nonetheless, there is one person that joins them, young and naive, who soon becomes the savior of the group and is responsible for the destruction of the evil society and the start of a better one. No wonder George Lucas subtitled it, From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker. This basic tale of a hero, who is willing to martyr himself to stop an evil society, is one that goes back thounsands of years in everyday myths. From stories in the Bible, and The Epic of Gilgamesh, to modern ideas such as, The Matrix and even comics like Batman, the myth is of a boy, who after losing everything of value in his life, changes into a man willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. There should be no surprise that Star Wars wouldnt serve up anything less than thousands of years of goodShow MoreRelatedStar Trek And Star Wars1101 Words   |  5 Pagesscience fiction phenomena—Star Trek and Star Wars— appear to have the same basic creative foundations; both were designed to speak to Americans in need of social and moral guidance. 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