Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Guy Montag as a Hero - 1118 Words

From Guy to Hero When we hear the word ‘hero’ we think about those who fight for our country out at war or those who put their lives in jeopardy everyday protecting their community like a police officer or fireman, all of these citizens doing this for a small wage in comparison to Rap artists who rhyme profane words making millions of dollars. However you don’t have to live on the streets or have more money than sense to be a hero, you just have to make a difference. In the end identifying someone as a hero or a villain is up to you, it’s in the eye of the beholder. Guy Montag was a fireman for his community and made his mark as a hero through countless acts of courage, bravery, and emotion in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.†¦show more content†¦The others would never do that† (21). He is a very thoughtful man, and has a sensitivity about him. He also is a searcher for a deeper meaning in life. He says, â€Å"We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you’ve been really bothered? About something important, about something real?† (49). Montag is also imperfect. He is really rash and is filled with a passion that sometimes cripples his goals. He can be destructive, like when he rashly kills Beatty (113). He gets confused and overwhelmed with tough situations and sometimes doesn t know how to get out of them. All and all Bradbury knew he wanted to make Montag the hero and builds that image bit by bit. Montag represents truth. He represents the want for happiness in our lives and the search for why things are like they are. He wants to find TRUE happiness. Not the happiness everyone else thinks they have. Montag goes on his own search, breaking laws, and doing anything to find out the truth of his own life and that is why he represents the abstract idea of truth. Fahrenheit 451 depicts that a character s personality may have many more facets than are first visible. Bradbury is able to refract the crystal of Montag s character, so that it reflects into each reader s heart a different aspect of humanity. Once Montag becomes more human, Bradbury makes it nearly impossible for the reader to hold grudges about his past. Using this as a tool, Montag, the first apparent antagonist of the story,Show MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451s Guy Montag: a Hero or a Villain?1209 Words   |  5 PagesFahrenheit 451’s Guy Montag: A Hero or a Villain? Unquestionably, all novels can convey multiple meanings depending on a variety of factors with the most important being the manner in which the audience interprets the author’s words. More importantly, to professionally draw conclusions concerning the message the author demonstrates throughout a text, it is essential to discuss and apply the five literary elements of literature to the text. 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