Tuesday, August 13, 2019

ILM Level2 Understanding training & coaching in the workplace Assignment

ILM Level2 Understanding training & coaching in the workplace - Assignment Example This need is called by the changes in the regulatory sphere of utility provision and collaboration with contractors, whose activities require more knowledge to ensure services to people. Training is called when employees are not able to perform a certain job due to the lack of knowledge, skills or experience. Hence, training is a necessary predisposition for successful accomplishment of work tasks (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). Another reason for training need is the new or changed job procedures, effective implementation of which depends on the level of skills and knowledge of employees. Thus, for Government Utility the need in training is called by the changes in the regulatory sphere of utility provision and collaboration with contractors, whose activities require more knowledge to ensure services to people. Training need is also viewed as the gap between where an individual is now and where organization wants to see it. For the company it is necessary to establish whether there is knowledge, skills or attitudinal gaps (Training and development toolkit, 2015). It is also important that the training environment would be evaluated, where SWOT analysis is a useful tool to apply, as it advocates strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of training development. As workplace training is important for the modern knowledge-based environment, it helps employees to develop those skills and knowledge required in an organization. For that purpose, there are different methods of workplace training, such as mentoring and coaching, on the job training, video conferencing and collaborative tools, business television, e-learning and learning management systems (Workplace training, 2015). As the modern technology has influenced greatly the way employees can obtain knowledge and skills, web-based training provides employees a

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