Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The History of Terrorism in the United States Research Paper - 1

The History of Terrorism in the United States - Research Paper Example The motives of terrorism have also transformed over the years from the causes of liberation to mass devastation (Piszkiewicz, 2003). The effects of terrorism have also transformed into evil for the masses. The latest act of terrorism is the desolation of The World Trade Centre. The range of terrorist attacks in the United States has resulted in the liberation of slavery, the assassination of the country’s president to the devastation of the public. Earlier the concept of terrorism in the United States was considered as armed activities against the state forces in order to support the causes of liberation. The activities over the period of history have changed into bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations of the state personnel and the public. Â  The activities of terrorism in the United States have a long historical background. The activities of terrorism started in the United States in 1850. In the 1850s, the nation was divided into the North and the South. There were several states in the South which were slave states. The people at one point in time wanted to get rid of slavery which caused opposition forces to revolt against the state forces. From 1856 to 1859, John Brown raised a strategic opposition against the states in order to create a situation of terror. The objective of John Brown in creating terror was to bring a change in the political system and abolish slavery from the United States. John Brown resorted to the armed revolution against the state force. The revolutionary activists were soon captured and John Brown was executed. Â  

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