Friday, August 23, 2019

Psoriatic Arthritis and Metabolic Syndrome Essay

Psoriatic Arthritis and Metabolic Syndrome - Essay Example According to the research done, obesity has been revealed as a sole risk factor for the psoriasis’s development and it is also associated with severe cases of psoriases.3 The psoriatic arthritis etiology involves various factors. Genetic is one of the factors that contribute to some people getting infected by the psoriatic arthritis. Research has revealed that psoriatic arthritis have a genetic cause.3 However, the exact genes that cause it are yet to be identified. Availability of the first-degree relative suffering from psoriatic arthritis increases the probability of contracting the illness by 80 to 90%. Environment can also be a contributing cause of the psoriatic arthritis ailment. Infection and trauma can easily trigger the psoriatic arthritis’s development. Immune system is another factor that may trigger the development of psoriatic arthritis. It  plays a significant  role in the psoriatic arthritis’s development. Cytokines tend to be in abundance in the joints of individuals suffering from psoriatic arthritis.2 The available signs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis include; an effect in ankles, wrists, elbows and knees is one of the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.3 The patients tend to experience pains in their joints, as well as lashes-like effect on the skin around the joints. The patient may also be experiencing morning stiffness that would last for more than half an hour, inflammation and tenderness.3 The patient is at increased risk for high blood pressure, high fasting glucose level, large waist size and high triglycerides. The first line of psoriatic arthritis treatment involves a change of lifestyle. However, if the condition may fail to improve within three to six months, the patient is hence put under medication.1 NSAIDS (Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) and the Local Corticosteroid Injections are used to treat psoriatic arthritis if

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